October 2008


How to Remove Mold From Books

So you have mold on your library of books, now what?

Books are an optimal place for mold growth as they can get damp easily, and then sit boxed for months at a time. But when you want to pick one up and read it, is your book permanently ruined, or can you salvage it ..

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When Mold Attacks Your Rice Cooker

It’d been one of those busy weeks in the Wold family. Between work and school, Joslyn and I hadn’t had much time to clean up our kitchen. The small gang of fruit flies looking a little too much at home in our kitchen was a sure sign that it was time to clean.

We went through a bunch of dishes and made excellent progress. Down near the end of the line, I reached for another dish and stopped immediately as my nose caught a strong wift of unpleasantness. I looked through the dishes, trying to figure out what it was. Then I saw it.

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