
I am an artist and writer who was exposed to black mold in an apartment that I was renting. The HVAC ductwork was literally covered in old dust, deteriorating fiberglass insulation and black mold. I lived in fairly rural or suburban areas my entire life up until 16 years ago when I moved to a city in Southern Arizona. Residents and outsiders here do not think there is a mold problem do to the longevity of seasonally dry heat. However, due to heavy monsoons, heat in the summer topping well over 115 degrees for several months, and the lack of any kind of indoor air quality legislation for tenants, it creates the “Perfect Storm” for mold growth. Management companies prefer to invest in keeping the grass green, leaf blowing and repaving the parking lots at apartment complexes. They lack either the foresight, funds or it’s a matter of sheer greed for upkeep and prevention. The roofs are not properly maintained causing leaks and severe mold growth. They prefer to use their money towards first impressions. Physicians in this area are clueless regarding mold illness. It has taken me a year to get in to see a specialist who is only one of two in the area. I have been ill for a year-and-a-half due to this mold exposure. I am originally from the Northeast and am horrified how these management companies or owners keep getting away with this type of tactic and operation. I try and keep my chin up but this illness has dragged me down to serious depression. It has also made my beloved Jack Russell Terrier quite ill. I have had to move 6 times in the last 8 months due to my hypersensitivity of mold in these buildings. All of my belongings I have thrown into a storage space and I am now living in an apartment with only an air mattress and a couple changes of clothes. I can feel mold in my clothes, the new ones. It has been devastating not only in terms of financial loss, expenses and health problems but the stress and fear of moving into another contaminated living space overwhelms me. A week ago I moved into a new place only to learn even after my inspection that there had been a leak in my living room that has no furniture in it. My next door neighbor had her ceiling leaking last year. I am now suffering the same consequences as all the other places I have tried living. I have developed chemical sensitivities as well. I had no clue prior to this experience how toxic mold is and the potential debilitating mold illness that can follow. I suffer from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches, blurred vision, hair loss, hives and a skin crawling sensation, all over joint pain hives and a plethora of other symptoms. For several months I was coughing up blood and phlegm with black spots. At one point I entered an area that was contaminated and began to have stroke symptoms. This was the second time after running out of the apartment that was Ground Zero. When I went to the ER I was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy and my face was paralyzed for a month. My research online said that this can be one more symptom of mold illness. I am exhausted. I have been unable to perform everyday tasks such as cooking from scratch or taking a short walk. I had been in relatively good health prior to this experience and my heart goes out to all who are suffering. Blessings to you all.


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