

Wet Climates Attract Mold

If you live in a wet climate, you have to be more careful of mold than you would if you live somewhere that’s very dry. Like most living things, mold needs moisture to grow and thrive. That sounds like common sense, but a lot of people…

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How to Remove Mold From Books

So you have mold on your library of books, now what?

Books are an optimal place for mold growth as they can get damp easily, and then sit boxed for months at a time. But when you want to pick one up and read it, is your book permanently ruined, or can you salvage it ..

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Top 3 Things Mold Needs to Grow

What Does Mold Need to Grow?

According to Michael Pugliese, author of “The Homeowner’s Guide to Mold,” there are three main necessities that mold spores need to grow and thrive : Moisture, Food, and Optimum Temperatures.

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Results of Mold Exposure

An allergist told me that it’s probably not allergies since he is only 1 year old and his immune system isn’t stablized enough yet to even have allergies. Can these symptoms be tied to the elevated mold problem?

… from what you’re described, your son’s situation definitely seems to be a result of mold exposure …

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Mold on Cups

Can mold grow on plastic cups that have been washed and stacked together but not dried completely?

As long as either food or juice particles are not left in the cups, mold should not grow in the stacked cups.

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