Mold Prevention


Essential Oil Sprays and Herbal Medicines: Battling Mold Naturally

Mold is an opportunistic fungal microorganism that needs moisture, darkness, and decomposing organic material (nutrients) to survive. The spores (reproductive agents) are most-often carried on air currents, floating in and out of human living spaces by the thousands (sometimes millions). In other cases, the spores land on a person or animal and are then transferred from one possible habitat to another. As long as there is a dark, damp, and warm place with spoiling food, dead insects, wood, or even dust (which originates from human skin cells), mold can grow just about anywhere it lands.

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Is Your Humidifier Causing Mold Problems?

In many areas, the climate is simply too dry for some people to be comfortable. This dry air can cause everything from stuffy sinuses to problematic asthma. In order to combat this dryness, many people will set up humidifiers. These devices work wonders to make the surrounding area more humid for those that have problems adapting to arid climates. Unfortunately, they could also exacerbate mold growth in the home.

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