hi, I have been living in my property for 1 year and 2 months now and I have been suffering with mold since, I have always treated it myself but I became pregnant when I was 7 months pregnant I finally realised I can not keep doing it myself as I may be at risk due to it being black mold so I called my council housing repair line told them everything and they refused to send someone out and said they would send me a do it yourself pack. I received this pack which did not contain any solution only instructions on how to clean it away such as what to wear, what kinds of solutions to use. my baby is now 6 months old and since she has been born I have been to the doctors twice due to her becoming ill with cold and flu symptoms and myself except I have had more such as difficulty breathing, coughing, sore throat, stuffy blocked nose, blood shot eyes, itchiness of the skin, aches and pains, headaches and nausea. me and my 6 month old daughter are now sleeping in the living room I have had to put mattress on floor now this can be very inconvenient especially if I have visitors. also I have recently had someone from the council come out to my flat but not for the mold it was for a leak that I am causing to my neighbour underneath coming from my private balcony which is making me believe maybe that has something to do with the mold and maybe where I am at the highest floor it s a leak coming from the roof.
What do I do?
Is there anyone who could shed some light on my problem please?
thank you