I worked in a Christian preschool that was located in the basement of a church for nearly 10 years. The building was plagued with water issues and mold was ever present. Never realizing that the symptoms I experienced were actually toxic mold related, I continued to work until I was simply too ill to work, I quit.
I run through a gammit of symptoms from organ pain, multiple chemical sensitivity, fatigue, memory loss, over 60 lbs weight loss, lost 75% of my hair so far, skin lesions and horrible itching. Here I am, 5 years later, and just learned that my home has mold due to poor workmanship and I have been exposed for almost 14 years. I now seem to be alergic to everything I eat! I feel like there is no hope.
Does anyone out there have burning mouth/tongue and a feeling of dry, chapped, burning lips?