Can Mold Be Good?


What is Mold and How Can It Be Good?

A mold of fungus is an organism that survives on almost any material; it digests its food externally and absorbs the nutrient molecules into its cells.

With the onslaught of publicity about molds that threaten human health, we now fear molds and destroy them on sight, which is very understandable since its our well-being that were just looking out for.

But what we have forgotten is that molds have good uses too.

What Happens if there Is No Mold?

The first and most important role of fungi is that without it, we would have piles of trash everywhere because fungi get food from our trash.

They eat the trash and make it into soil. They are the first and natural garbage dispensers.

What is Yeast?

Fungi are very important if you view their good use. Yeasts, for one, are responsible for fermentation.

Fermentation is the process used in making the beer that you enjoy drinking, Saccharomyces cereviseae, is a special yeast that is used in making the alcohol needed in this process.

The same fungus is used in most of the bread that you eat, without it, you’ll be eating flat bread.

What are Mushrooms?

Mushroom is a form of fungus. In many countries, mushroom farming is a very big industry.

The biggest role of Fungi is probably that it acts as the primary decomposers of dead plant and animal matter in almost all ecosystems.

That’s why we commonly see molds on old bread. So you see that many molds have good uses too.

Further Recommended Reading :

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team


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Edible Molds - The Mold Blog November 28, 2007 - 7:13 pm
[...] « Good Molds? 2 New Uses for Mold [...]
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