Research Shows Mold is Common in Homes


Is Mold Common in Homes?

If someone were to tell you that mold is common in homes, you would probably agree. After all, most of us have opened a container in our refrigerator to find something that has become a breeding ground for mold.

Surprisingly though, that’s not the only type of mold that may be living in your home.

Mold grows in all types of homes, as long as there is moisture. You may not even know you have mold.

In fact, studies have been conducted that shows that household mold can be present in a home without causing any health problems at all. However, mold growth should never be allowed to be “let go.”

If the residents of the home aren’t susceptible to allergens, they can live with mold for years. There is always a small amount of mold present in the air within a home.

This is rarely a cause for concern. It is when the level of mold in the home increases that it needs to be addressed.

Mold will always spread, so as soon as even a small amount is found – the problem should be taken care of immediately and the source stopped.

Mold is found in nature

You just have to wander through any outdoor environment and before long, you’ll discover mold. Mold plays an important and beneficial role in the environment. It eats on the remains of trees, leaves and grass.

Mold will grow on any type of wet or moist surface. Some of the most common sites where mold can be found is listed in the following :

    • Near a water leak:

Pipes wear over time, and if you are doing your own plumbing you may sometimes spring a leak. If you do notice a pool of water beneath a sink or near the tub, that can be a breeding place for mold.

    • Drip-trays:

Both the refrigerator and the air-conditioning units of homes have drip-trays to collect moisture. Mold can grow in these.

    • Condensation areas:

If you have a high level of moisture in your home, you may see some condensation on windows, walls or doors. If this is a continual issue, mold can become a problem.

Every home has damp spots regardless of how hard the homeowner works to eliminate them.

Even a washing machine, dishwasher or tub that overflows can cause water damage to the floor or walls.

You can wipe the excess moisture off of the surface but within the wood mold can begin to grow.

The majority of indoor mold can easily be cleaned without causing any health difficulties. It is this type of mold that is usually found within homes.

The homeowner, once they spot the mold, cleans it, fixes the causing problem and the mold is no longer an issue.

Dangerous Molds & Mycotoxins

However, there are another group of molds that are more serious.

These molds produce toxins that can make anyone who is exposed to them ill. Even breathing in the air near mold that is toxic will cause health problems.

That is why it is very important for anyone who believes that mold in their home is affecting their health, to address the issue immediately.

Tests can be done on the air quality of the home to see if there is a strong level of mold present. Dangerous household mold should be removed by a professional who is educated in the procedure.

Further Recommended Reading :

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team


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Common Mold Trouble Spots in the Home - The Mold Blog November 16, 2007 - 10:56 am
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jim waring June 13, 2009 - 11:13 am
We live near the coast. We have a library with wood shelves, sides and backs. Nold/mildew builds on the surfaces and some of the leather book jackets. Is there something that can prevent reoccurance after cleaning?
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