Home » 5 Ways To Protect Your Home During The Rain Season

5 Ways To Protect Your Home During The Rain Season

by krystle
mold rain

Rain Season and Mold

While winter may not see constant rain day in, day out, it’s nevertheless a challenging time of year for hill-bound households. Without the proper precautions and planning, your home may be susceptible to various rain-related problems – including mold.


Not only is it unsightly, mold’s effects run deeper than the aesthetic: mold has been known to cause irritated throats, congestion, coughing, eye discomfort, and skin issues. In some rare cases, it can even lead to infections in people suffering from serious problems with their immune system.

You want to protect yourself and your family from any frustrating smells or health concerns as much as you possibly can – and we’re going to help you!

Here are our five tips for protecting your home during the upcoming rainy season:

Dry Dampness Without Delay

As mold thrives on moisture, you have to be quick to tackle any signs of dampness. Wet areas, created by rain seeping through a hole in your ceiling or down into your basement, should be addressed as soon as possible. If you just leave them to dry by themselves, you could endanger yourself, your property’s structural integrity, and your family.

Hire, or buy, a dehumidifier, and open your windows from time to time to allow moisture to escape. Obviously, you may be unable to do this in pouring rain, so take the opportunity whenever it presents itself. Also, if you see condensation forming anywhere, wipe it down immediately.

Identify Problem Zones Before the Rainy Season Starts

While you can’t make your entire home resistant to mold, you can search your property to identify the most vulnerable spots.

Pay attention to every room. Have you noticed dampness forming in your basement in past rain seasons? Have you found condensation on your bedroom window but failed to wipe it down? Have you spotted a drip from an overhead pipe?

Any and all of these can lead to dampness and, ultimately, mold. Take care to address such issues with effective moisture control before the season begins.

Never Underestimate Good Ventilation

Earlier, we mentioned opening your window once in a while, to help stave off damp and combat mold. However, you can reduce your risks even further by effective ventilation.

Every home has appliances that create moisture (such as stoves, driers etc.), but it’s important to make sure these are being vented outdoors rather than running up to your attic, allowing the moisture to escape. This may appear a little more difficult to set up, but there’s a wealth of information on doing so out there.

Inspect Your Roof Gutters

If it’s been a while since you had your roof gutters inspected, be sure to rectify this before the start of rain season.

Your gutters may well have been damaged without your realizing, and lead to leaks over the coming months. Either examine them yourself (taking great care and proper precautions), or hire a professional to do so on your behalf.


This is one of the most effective moisture control techniques.

Buy a Moisture Meter to Monitor Your Humidity Levels

A moisture meter is one of your best tools against mold.

With one of these devices, you will be able to keep an eye on your humidity levels and address the cause of dampness as soon as possible. How will you know when to take moisture control action? According to the EPA, levels should be kept at between 30 and 60 percent – anything over this in your home, and you should pay attention to potential condensation, leaking pipes, or damp patches on walls.

You can find these at most hardware stores or online.

Don’t let yourself panic about mold: just follow the above tips and take effective action to keep dampness within your home to a minimum.

This post was written by 911 Mold Oakland.

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