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Antique Furniture and Mold

by krystle
mold on antique

There is nothing that can make you home look more luxurious than an antique wooden furniture. Unfortunately, as always with wood, there is one burning issue that you will simply have to resolve. The issue of mold. Because of this, one could rightfully claim that mold is the bane of the antique and if you are to proceed with your plans you need to be ready to face this problem head on. With this in mind, here are some tips on how to help your antique furniture stay mold free.

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Mold can ruin everything

Even if you manage to find the most beautiful, most adequate furniture in the world, just remember that mold can ruin everything. Starting with the unpleasant odor that your antique chairs and table will radiate to those non-aesthetically mold stains on your antique cupboard. As you can see, a thing like this is unacceptable both inside the house and outside. In the end, all your hard work in decorating the home of your dreams will mean for nothing if you allow the mold to reign unobstructed. Although fighting mold can be quite effective, preventing it from ever appearing is always your best option.


Polishing and cleaning your furniture regularly is one of the key steps in preventing mold from ever appearing. For example, even though there are some myths about how oiling wooden furniture helps, there are some strong evidences that this in fact can make degradation more rapid. With this in mind, the safest thing for you to do is to regularly wax your furniture with a quality paste. Not only does this waxing protect your furniture from dust particles but from moist as well, making mold unlikely to appear anytime soon.

Removing mold

When it comes to removing mold, different materials react differently but there are two major groups that need to be addressed when it comes to antique furniture: wood and cloth. When it comes to wood, your safest choice is to make a simple water and soap solution and then scrub. After this is done, it is absolutely vital that you do not rinse the surfaces and that afterwards you put it in the sun to dry.

As for the cloth, you need a solution made of water and soap. After you have it, make sure to spray the area you want cleaned and let it soak for about 15 minutes or so. Next, use clean towel or as soft bristle brush as you can get and dry it out. When all of this is done, just rinse it and let it air dry.

Always go for quality

There is one more thing that could play a significant role, and that is buying a quality furniture. First of all, although all wood is susceptible to mold, not all of it is affected in the same degree. If for example, you are going for new French provincial bedroom furniture always go with quality material like wicker, rattan, bamboo or even teak. Going for a bit more quality option is bound to cost you more so you more but it is going to save you mentally from all the hardships of a difficult maintenance issues.

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Buying a nice furniture and equipping your home with it is a job half done. What remains is for you to keep this furniture nice, safe and clean, but this takes a lot of effort on your side. Still, where there is will, there is always a way and how beautiful your home appears is up to you and you alone. Buy quality, clean regularly and if the mold appears anyway, make sure to take all the necessary steps to remove it without damaging your antique furniture.

Derek Lotts writes about everything related to home improvement. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment. In his free time, he likes spending time in nature with his wife. Follow him on Twitter.

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