Home » Q & A: Dealing with Mold Exposure

Q & A: Dealing with Mold Exposure

by Joslyn

On October 14, 2007, a reader asked the following question:

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Question: “I breathed in some mold… what should I do?”


When dealing with mold remediation or clean up, personal protection and safety are extremely important.

Mold exposure can cause severe illness depending upon the amount of mold and time exposed.

Are you experiencing any side affects such as difficulty breathing, skin rash, or trouble seeing?

If so, definitely make an appointment with your doctor asap.

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Depending upon the amount of exposure experienced, you might want to ask your doctor’s advice in any case. Remember for future reference to always wear Personal Protective Equipment.

Further Recommended Reading :

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team

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3 Tips for Do-It-Yourself Mold Removal - The Mold Blog November 26, 2007 - 6:15 pm

[…] Q&A: Dealing with Mold Exposure […]

Rhonda camp December 29, 2007 - 1:04 pm

I live in Jackson Wyoming, it is very dry here. I have found a white mold growing on my cloths in my closet. I didn’t relize it was mold until recently. At first I thought that my detergent wasn’t coming out of my cloths. I even throw away some black pants because I could never remove the white stains(mold). I need advise as what to do. I have had respertory problems for the past year. I know that I will not stay here. My problem is I live in an apartment and I know they will rent this out once I move. They laughted at me when I spoke to them about this problem. They said it was to dry here for mold to grow. I did show them my cloths with the mold on them. They didn’t seem to care. I would hate for someone to move in and have the same problems that I am having. Do you have advise as to what I can do to clear out this mold before I leave. Thank You for any advise you may have. Rhonda

Joslyn January 2, 2008 - 2:18 pm

Rhonda –

To start, we have written an informative article that gives directions on Removing Mold and the Smell from Clothing

As far as actually removing the problem before leaving your apartment, unless you can find the source of the mold problem, there is not a whole lot that you can do.

It is the responsibility of the land lord and owner to inform the new renters of the mold problem. They will eventually be forcedto deal with it if nothing is done now, though.

As long as you have submitted a report regarding the mold and done what you know how to the best of your ability, then there is nothing else that you can do.

Thank you so much Rhonda for your question and if you have any others please don’t hesitate to ask!

If anyone else has any responses to Rhonda’s question, please comment!:)

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team

AnSa October 14, 2010 - 7:34 pm

We have lived in this house since April. The kitchen sink has leaked since then. Last month the owners fixed the leak and we were told there was mold under there. We smelt the musty odor but was not sure it was mold. Today it was confirmed there mold. Question: is it safe to stay in the home? My family has complained of many illness in these last few months. Is it safe??? Please help my family.
Thank you

bob March 6, 2011 - 4:13 pm

yesterday a tap was left running and a lot of water ran down to our finished basement and soaked ceiling sheet rock. my plan is to remove all the wet sheet rock,,,,what should i do after every thing is all dryed out ,,,,,,thanks bob

Jazzy March 4, 2012 - 8:59 am

I work in a hotel that was damaged by hurricane zkatrina and the hotel owners did NOT do total renovations they just tore down the basement walls but only the part they can see. I am totally aware of the mold because I get the signs plus its visible black mold all my manager says is put bleach it or they just paint back over it but it comes right back and I don’t know what to do because I feel like its effecting me and my co workers. Help Please should I go to the board of health or just leave after I get tested

Jazzy March 4, 2012 - 9:01 am

I work in a hotel that was damaged by hurricane katrina and the hotel owners did NOT do total renovations they just tore down the basement walls but only the part they can see. I am totally aware of the mold because I get the signs plus its visible black mold all my manager says is put bleach it or they just paint back over it but it comes right back and I don’t know what to do because I feel like its effecting me and my co workers. Help Please should I go to the board of health or just leave after I get tested

Toni April 17, 2014 - 10:48 am

I live in a house that is 50 years old. We rent. I have a leak bad under kitchen sink. It floods floor. Behind that wall is a living room closet. I noticed my new rug is wet and I have white looking mushrooms in there, they are big.. What do I do? Are they dangerous to me and family? I have COPD..

LINDA May 9, 2014 - 6:23 pm

During the winter my trailer got some mold in one corner of it , in the ceiling and on the wall. Is there a way to fix the problem or do I get rid of the trailer. Thank You.

joyce newcome September 15, 2014 - 7:44 am

irecently cleaned some mold with clorox hospital 3 times didnt want to hear abt mold

carmen April 2, 2015 - 10:28 pm

I moved to mi new apt about six months ago since then we been suffering cold simtoms the cough and my kids wont get any beter the cough and the eye mucus im worried for there health plz help with information

Sherri May 15, 2015 - 6:48 pm

I have been living in my apt for nearly two years. I had a leak unbeknownst to me. It was emanating from the neighbor’s shower stall upstairs. I repeatedly informed my landlord. He has outright ignored me, argued with me about the mold not being black, sending in an amateur. Finally, he hired a real plumber who stopped the leak. I sent out the mold sample for testing. It came back as trichoderma, penicillium and cladosporium. I called him back to have someone remove the mold infested wall and he left the insulation there, which has mold on it as well. I have developed sinus pressure and headaches, my eyes feel like someone has kicked sand in them and I can’t imagine why he won’t fix the problem correctly. His plumber pulled me to the side and said, “I’m not supposed to tell you this but, that is black mold”. I want him to pay for the damage, the clean up and my moving expenses and medical expenses. I cannot believe the incompetence and outright disregard. What can I do?

jada June 2, 2015 - 1:33 pm

Last year I had my ceiling taken down and the contractor said the mold was so bad that he didn’t bother to take a reading. I have been sick for lengthy periods since living in this apartment.

My concern is that the flooding from the upstairs toilet etc also went through my floor which was not removed nor were the walls. Could this be making me sick still?

Jada Damas

Amy September 13, 2015 - 4:08 pm

You mention how long the exposure time is as a factor in how dangerous it is, but don’t give a time frame. I’m going to visit my boyfriend next month and am concerned about mold in the place I’ll be staying. I already have serious health issues due to a genetic condition, so I know my body is susceptible. My boyfriend’s cabin has been confirmed to have the toxic mold (and they hired someone to clean it up but we suspect it was poorly done). I’ll be staying next door at his parents’ house where there is visible dark rings on the ceiling in several areas which I suspect are mold. When I’ve stayed there in the past I had a lot of stomach problems but did not notice headaches or runny nose any worse than I normally experience.

I’m planning for a longer trip this time, a little over two months. I’m wondering if I need to rent a place nearby instead of exposing myself to mold. Any advice on this? It would be much more expensive and it would be a lot harder on my body physically to have to commute back and forth to a different place. But there is no promise that the place I would rent wouldn’t have toxic mold as well.

Charlene January 7, 2016 - 10:37 pm

Get a hold of your county. Hopefully you are out of the situation by now. I would talk to an attorney…Google it. If all else fails, get a hold of your local news station. This is serious and it is NOT a joke. I understand. We are going it through it right now with 4 small children…unbelievable.

Marie December 10, 2020 - 5:52 pm

I have black mold in almost every room I have 8 kids i just had a baby in March this year 2020 I am Allergic to it it also making my kids sick we have found a new house but the landlord wants a 60 day notice not caring what’s it doing to me and my family what can I do. Do we have to stay here for a nother 60 day’s help us please ?


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