Home » Can mold grow on plastic and, if so, is there a way to clean it?

Can mold grow on plastic and, if so, is there a way to clean it?

by Jonathan

Question: We recently bought a used plastic outdoor toy set for our children. We had planned to clean it up and put it inside in our basement. While we were able to disinfect and clean the outside of the toy with a detergent, I am concerned that there may be mold inside the toy in areas I can not reach or scrub. When held to light we can see “spots” through the plastic. We cannot tell if it is mold or dirt. Can mold grow on plastic like this and is there a way to clean it? If not should we not bring it inside our home and just leave it as an outdoor toy? Thank you for your help!


Answer: Mold can definitely grow on plastic. If there is moisture and humidity and a way for the spores to gain access, mold start to grow. Cleaning will depend on the type of toy and your ability to access and disinfect the area. If you are unable to thoroughly remove the potential mold growth then, being better safe and sorry, I would suggest you clean it as best you can and leave it as an outside toy.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave a comment if you have any further questions.

Jonathan Wold


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Chuck January 6, 2009 - 4:30 pm

To kill mold/mildew or any bacteria in the air or on any surface of your home you can use our state of the art air purifier. It works by Oxidizing bacteria and mold. The machine produces high allotropes of Oxygen,O4 to O15 which is very powerful. It is NOT Ozone which is only O3. We have air purifiers that can integrate in your Central Air/Heating system or can just plug into an outlet to treat a specifc area in the home. Either way, we can eliminate Mold/Mildew, even Black Mold in 72 hours or less. Our purifiers are perfectly safe and are designed to run 24/7 and require NO MAINTENANCE! They are warrantied for 4 years with an option for 25 years. Please visit us at http://www.EPT-LLC.com or give us a call if you have any questions.

Enviromental Protection Technologies January 7, 2009 - 11:22 pm

To kill mold/mildew or any bacteria in the air or on any surface of your home you can use our state of the art air purifier. It works by Oxidizing bacteria and mold. The machine produces high allotropes of Oxygen,O4 to O15 which is very powerful. It is NOT Ozone which is only O3. We have air purifiers that can integrate in your Central Air/Heating system or can just plug into an outlet to treat a specifc area in the home. Either way, we can eliminate Mold/Mildew, even Black Mold in 72 hours or less. Our purifiers are perfectly safe and are designed to run 24/7 and require NO MAINTENANCE! They are warrantied for 4 years with an option for 25 years. Please visit us at http://www.EPT-LLC.com or give us a call if you have any questions

nicole July 28, 2009 - 7:47 am

I borrowed a portable bassinet for vacation for my 1 month old. The plastic mattress pad had multiple black dots/specks on it. I tried wiping it off with a moist wipee, but it didn’t come off. I didn’t even think it could mold until I got home. The baby did sleep on it with a sheet over it for 2 nights.
How dangerous is this?

charlotte mold August 31, 2009 - 8:41 pm

Mold is a sensitive subject because of how it can affect health and could possibly lead to death. Good luck.

jessenia May 19, 2015 - 3:55 pm

I am looking to put items in my basement such as plastic containers and plastic bins full of toys. I want to know if the bins will keep the toys safe from mold and if i place items in plastic bags tied with a knot will the items be safe from mold.

Jo February 12, 2016 - 7:52 am

Hi, we are living in a apt building. It was just told to us there is black Mold in the building. I know of a few people that are sick with respatory problem. I myself also and having some problems. I notice on our bedroom window there is black Mold like on the inside the frame. It is plastic. We can’t get the black off. Should we be calling in dept of health? Or how do it clean it?

Pamela June 23, 2020 - 4:12 am

My fiancé passed away from mold born bacteria that filled his lungs , my cat passed away ( autopsy showed similar results) , and, I’m suffering from serious Sinus infections and severe facial swelling . Please be vigilant. It kills more people than once believed. God Bless Us All ???

Joe November 20, 2020 - 11:22 am

I question the accuracy of this. Mold needs 1) moisture and 2) food. I don’t believe plastic is an adequate food source as it is inorganic.


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