Home » Can outdoor hot tubs and jacuzzi’s grow mold?

Can outdoor hot tubs and jacuzzi’s grow mold?

by Jonathan



I’m wondering if HOT tubs or Jacuzzi’s outdoors can fester with mold underneath a deck or foundation…? I smell a musty smell even tho it’s outside… Thanks.


In our experience, any environment where humidity is present and moisture can sneak in will lend itself to mold growth. The heat generated from the unit can cause condensation which, in your case, may be leading to mold growth under the deck or foundation.


Jonathan Wold

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Chuck January 6, 2009 - 4:20 pm

There is water purifier that we produce that will kill all the bacteria in the hot tub. It produces high allotropes of Oxygen, O4 to O15 which in injected into the water. This will eliminate the need to use Chlorine. This will also give a nice therapeutic effect as the Oxygen will be very refreshing.

Since your hot tub is outside our air purifiers will not be able to kill the mold, as the high levels of Oxygen produced by our machine would be diffused outdoors. Inside it would kill Mold/Mildew or any bacteria and eliminate odors. You will need to disinfect the under side of the tub and deck. You can use the water produced by our water purified (since this is sanitized and has Active Oxygen) and spray it or use a more toxic solution like Chlorine. You can learn more about our products at http://www.EPT-LLC.com

Enviromental Protection Technologies January 7, 2009 - 11:24 pm

There is water purifier that we produce that will kill all the bacteria in the hot tub. It produces high allotropes of Oxygen, O4 to O15 which in injected into the water. This will eliminate the need to use Chlorine. This will also give a nice therapeutic effect as the Oxygen will be very refreshing.

Since your hot tub is outside our air purifiers will not be able to kill the mold, as the high levels of Oxygen produced by our machine would be diffused outdoors. Inside it would kill Mold/Mildew or any bacteria and eliminate odors. You will need to disinfect the under side of the tub and deck. You can use the water produced by our water purified (since this is sanitized and has Active Oxygen) and spray it or use a more toxic solution like Chlorine. You can learn more about our products at http://www.EPT-LLC.com

Amy June 10, 2009 - 9:43 pm

Why does the inside of my hot tub cover look like there’s black mold growing on it?

karen bragg July 31, 2009 - 1:54 am

There are little rpund spots of black mold growing under the water (on the bench/seating surface of my hot tub…
i have never seen such…what can I use to kill the mold and prevent future mold? Thank you for your help/advice. Sincerly, Karen Bragg

V Candow March 20, 2010 - 2:03 pm

We have the same problem! How did you fix it?

Don February 7, 2011 - 6:01 pm

I was at a home show and mentioned a black spot that is growing which I thought was something burning from under the gel. The guy was experience and knew what the problem is and called it black death. Older tubs were such where the way the top surface adhears to the backing differs from today. I forget the acronym and what it stands for but new tubs don’t have this problem. Ours is from 2003 era and what is happening is the gel coat is lifting away from the backing as a bubble. Ours has gone from a dime to a about the size of a 50 cent piece and it is in fact on a bubble. I now see two more smaller spots on the floor in the center. The quick fix is to cut out that bad gel and have it re-sealed / patched. Maybe there is a pro who can match things up but for many it will look like a patch and as we get more of the black spots and more patches we’ll get to where we replace the unit. I’m on the hunt for a fiberglass repairman now to avoid the added cost later.


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