Home » Diabetes and Mold: The Early Warning Signs

Diabetes and Mold: The Early Warning Signs

by krystle
diabetes and mold

Alarming Symptoms

Mold may not be hailed as a friendly, beneficial presence, but in the case of early warning signs for diabetes, it could just save your life.
Do you or a loved one experience any of the following symptoms?

  • Bedwetting (in children who previously didn’t wet the bed before)
  • Blurred vision (before eating or soon after eating)
  • Extreme hunger (this can occur before and after eating)
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst (especially after eating)
  • Irritability and other inexplicable mood changes
  • (In females) Vaginal yeast infection


  • Areas of darkened skin
  • Blurred vision (before eating or soon after eating)
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger (often intense and not long after eating)
  • Increased thirst (especially after eating)
  • Slow-healing sores or frequent infections
  • Weight loss (without even trying)
  • Unexplained fatigue

The first set of symptoms belongs to Type 1 Diabetes, while the second set belongs to Type 2 Diabetes.* As you can see, both types of the disease share specific indicators and cause similar reactions in the body. In fact, not only do they share similar symptoms, they also share a common cause: improper insulin utilization.

To better understand both types of diabetes, you must first understand the proper process of glucose (sugar) and insulin.


Glucose comes about from the conversion of food into blood-sugar, which is where insulin steps in. (Note: All food types are processed and broken down into glucose. Glucose conversion is not dependent upon the ingestion of literal sugar.)


Insulin is secreted into the bloodstream via the pancreas, when signaled by the taste buds and stomach. It then circulates and enables sugar to enter the cells, where it can benefit the various functions of the body as a whole.

The Liver’s Role

The liver is the storehouse of glucose (sugar). It was designed to store glucose in the form of glycogen and convert it back to glucose in the case of starvation (meal-skipping or delayed eating). It’s a wonderful defense-mechanism for those occasions when food is not readily available at the time of hunger.

In an ideal situation, this entire process not only feeds the body its much-needed glucose on the cellular level, it also lowers the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, and consequently, lowers the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. In simple terms, this process was designed to be a supply-and-demand relationship between blood sugar (glucose) and insulin. The body was never designed to circulate or handle an abundance of either. Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes are caused by this improper balance of insulin and glucose.

Type 1 Diabetes

In the case of Type 1 Diabetes, the body’s immune system has often malfunctioned and is mistakenly attacking the insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. This causes the pancreas to release little to no insulin in the bloodstream to aid in the conversion of glucose to the cells, which means that the bloodstream is overrun with sugar.

Type 2 Diabetes

In the case of Type 2 Diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin or, most commonly, the pancreas stops producing enough insulin as a result of prolonged high-level blood-sugar and the repeated failure of the cellular-conversion process. Once again, this results in an improper balance, with the body overrun by sugar.

The Liver, Improper Insulin, and “Starvation Mode”

While the liver’s role is to safeguard the body against a drop in blood-sugar levels, its assistance (by releasing glucose into the bloodstream) can actually cause damage to the body if the insulin is not actively doing its part by taking that glucose and transferring it to the cells. So, in the case of diabetes, the liver’s attempt to thwart “starvation mode” actually overwhelms the body with glucose, causing many of the symptoms listed at the beginning.

If this improper balance between insulin and glucose is not monitored and controlled by the individual, either through a proper, compensating diet or medication, there is a chance that various organs and systems in the body will malfunction as well. This is a very serious scenario as it could lead to limb loss, organ failure, unconsciousness, coma, or even death.

What Does Mold Have to Do With Diabetes?


Nothing. Mold has nothing to do with the direct cause of diabetes. It does, however, provide an early warning sign to diabetics who aren’t properly monitoring their blood-sugar levels and those who aren’t even aware that they have diabetes.

Mold, an opportunistic fungus that generally wreaks havoc on the human body, is finally—in a rare act of consequential benevolence—proving to be useful. The mere fact that mold thrives on organic material, especially organic material that consists of sugar, is precisely why it is important to observe its presence and whereabouts—not just to remove and prevent it but to gain a glimpse of our own state of health.

Many mold victims complain of mold growing in their clothing and in their toilet bowl. This mold can appear fuzzy, slimy, and gray, black, or brown in color. While this can easily occur from infrequent washing and sanitation of either the person, the clothing, or the toilet bowl, and is also a sign of an overall mold infestation throughout the home, it is a major indication of blood-sugar levels in the sweat and urine of the individual.

If the body is overwhelmed by glucose, it will attempt to flush as much of the excess out of its system by means of sweat, exhalation, and urination. It is quite plausible that the mold found in your clothing or in your toilet bowl is a sign that your body is truly suffering from an abundance of glucose and needs help. It’s a commonly overlooked correlation, but it has the potential to save your life.

*This article is not intended to diagnose or treat Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. It is merely suggesting a point of observational correlation between a specific type of mold growth and the potentially-dangerous blood-sugar levels found in urine. If any of the information or symptoms discussed within this article resemble your personal experiences, please consult a doctor immediately.

Amanda Mott is the mother and personal chef of two boys, the domestic technician of a three-bedroom town home, and occasionally, a freelance writer and editor. Feel free to follow her on Twitter @TheWifesLife

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Valerie Hamilton March 29, 2017 - 8:53 am

Hi . I do not suffer from diabetes. Today I had blood sugar tests. We have been recently moved out of a mould infested damp house. I have suffered the majority of symptoms. My Dr has treated me for shingles, impetigo, ( neither cleared up), urine infections , breathing difficulties and is concerned that after a meal I fall into a very deep 2-3 hour sleep. My 5 year old son started wetting the bed out of the blue aswell. Could this be related actually to the mould as there is no history of diabetes 1 or 2 in our families. Thanks

Amy April 12, 2017 - 8:01 pm

Yours sounds like insulin resistance. You would want to cut carbs way down, as well as some dairy and soda. Easier said than done. Zzzzz-zzzzz

Gwen July 18, 2017 - 9:49 am

I just noticed started noticing mold in my toilet that I use on my side of the house and I’ve gained so much weight I’m very bloated and I have not been feeling good and I had no idea what the smell was in my toilet all of a sudden I’ve been researching it and it’s saying that you know it’s closer insulin my body is producing that Molina toilet and it goes in the Air 2 and causes yeast infection now I’m freaking out I don’t know what to do here I never even knew I had diabetes or anything so this has been very interesting I guess I’ll have to call my doctor does anybody else have anything to say about this and how long is this going on I mean is it how dangerous is it I mean what levels I mean this is crazy clean the toilet every other day

OptiSlim October 11, 2017 - 3:41 pm

I don’t commonly comment but I gotta say thank you for the post on this special
one :D.

Charlie sunday November 6, 2017 - 2:30 am

Thank you:)

M B November 21, 2017 - 1:56 am

Normal doctors may not recognise these classic mold illness symptoms you are leaving in the comments above – likely not diabetic yet but on the road to it – get out of any water damaged house or work place and check http://www.survivingmold.com/mold-symptoms

Kevin July 12, 2019 - 9:32 pm

I have been a type 2 diabetic for 11 years. A slimy mold tends to grow on the toilet bowl that only I use. It must be cleaned every 4-5 days.

Adrian December 23, 2019 - 1:36 pm

The use of Jardiance for type 2 diabetes controls blood sugar levels by filtering excess sugar through the kidneys.
The excess sugar in the urine ending up in the toilet bowl is the cause of the mold seen. It is a somewhat helpful indicator that the med is doing its job.

Lynne November 13, 2020 - 9:31 am

I wonder….When I was in Milan Italy, a few years ago, something like a corn appeared on my toe! (I often do a lot of walking when Om on vacation, so this isn’t a walking issue.)

Today, I got a tingling feeling on the same toe, from the same point, this something like corn appeared at the bottom of my toe, and another point on my toe. One of the points, where the tingling happened, is the exact spot where the kind of corn was located!

Right before I went to Milan. I was in Venice for around a week. At the hotel in Venice, there was mold!!! (So much mold, other guests were coughing!). I wonder if the mold caused diabetes, if the mold gave a “heads up” on diabetes in my future (unless I can get things under control), or if other people have another view on this.

Andrew Wolf June 1, 2021 - 5:21 am

Years ago I was diagnosed with type two diabetes immediately after and extremely traumatic event. (My house exploded in a gas fire) my body is producing its own insulin so giving me insulin was killing me. I worked really hard and managed to get off all medications as they were extremely dangerous to me. Unfortunately I was still bullied and abused for years. We noticed change of diet didn’t really help and after years of suffering and being bullied despite losing weight. I went yo a doctor in another state. Who finally tested the levels of every chemical, vitamin, etc in my body.

All levels were Excellent and within optimal range. All accept my A1c which was inhumsnely high.

However, I have been experiencing ZERO symptoms. Which had been baffling doctors for years. After this doctor actually listened and looked into everything she determined it was likely an issue with stress hormones raising my blood sugar drastically even when fasting. There were no key tones in urine tests or other symptoms so I wasn’t actually diabetic. She realized something else was causing it. Down the road it turned out to be extreme stress and daily trauma from abuse and other things was raising g my blood sugar. Then the insulin resistance caused by prolonged exposure to an extreme mold infestation caused and issue with I siding resistance.

Why ?
My immune system was already extremely sensitive. I already have a neurological disability which further affects that and lastly I have severe allergies to mold, dust, pollen, etc.

That combined with the immense amount of cortisol and other stress hormones released when under stress (which is constant) combined with the biotoxicity from years of mold exposure (and the things it caused like acute sinusitis and congestion)

Are what had kept my blood sugar high for a prolonged amount of time.

The reason I wasn’t showing any symptoms and was otherwise completely healthy. Showing no keynotes in urine or anything else is because the circumstances of high blood sugar were not normal. I wish there were more affects on the disastrous affects of mold.

Joseph Swihart October 3, 2021 - 11:09 pm

So I was 29 when I was told I had type 1 diabetes and when I was 25 I was living on a fab base California and three months into my stay I guess I was trying to retrieve something I had dropped under the bad moved it out from the wall and behind where the bed board was against the wall was just dark thick gross ? mold was a huge amount and I told the office to get moved in another room …always thought maybe this mold exposer caused me to somehow caused the diabetes and the mold was seriously like half a foot from where my head was every night so that was 90 and over of days I was just inches breathing these mold spores or something like that please some one help me out and talk to me about what I’m saying and how you feel bout this mold in my living quarters caused me to contract the type 1 diabetes thanks ? my name is Joseph Swihart

Nancy November 16, 2021 - 2:11 pm

You state clearly that diabetes has nothing to with mold, but you may want to do more research and update your article. Here is just one example of a doctor who has seen a correlation.
My husband developed type 1 diabetes in our moldy home.


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