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How to Handle Moisture in Your Conservatory

by krystle
mold in conservatory

An Unhealthy Environment

Damp is not only something that can cause issues with the walls, windowsills, door frames and damp – it can also be very bad for your health. The National Health Service have noted that babies, children and elderly people are the ones who are most at risk from damp. However, living in a polluted environment can cause serious health problems for anybody, it is therefore very important that you try to get rid of damp as early as possible.


What Causes Damp

The main causes of damp and mould are often caused by there being excess moisture in the atmosphere. In a conservatory there can be a number of reasons for there being high levels of water vapour, primarily condensation. This condensation builds as a result of hot air cooling and leaving water droplets behind which collect together and cause wetness. It is therefore vital to wipe any excess moisture with a cloth to wipe away the water. There can also be a number of other causes for damp occurring in your home, this can be down to leaky pipes, drains, cracks, or un-levelled roofing. It is therefore important to keep a check on any of these problems.

If that isn’t done, then water can drip onto your furniture and other appliances, which can
cause mould to form.

How to Prevent Damp

As is the case with a number of things, preventing the damp is much better than having to find a cure. There are numerous ways you can do this. As mentioned before, you want to try and wipe or mop any excess moisture before it begins to settle in your home. The other option is to open up your doors and windows to allow any hot air that may have gathered in your conservatory to escape – this can prevent the condensation from forming in the first place.

The other option can be to purchase a dehumidifier which is a machine which is designed to pull moisture out of the air and store the water droplets in a tank system. This is arguably the easiest way to prevent damp from ruining your conservatory.

Protecting Your Furniture from Damp


Just as it is important to take the relevant steps to prevent damp from spreading on your walls and windows, it is also vital that you take the correct steps in treating the furniture in your conservatory too. It is important that you are careful with this though as a lot of rattan and cane furniture can be damaged if it is not handled correctly. So if you do find any mould or grime on your furniture, you should scrub it with a damp cloth – whilst being careful not to scratch or crack it.

Treating and Getting Rid of the Damp

Sometimes, we cannot be lucky enough for these tips to remove and clear your conservatory of damp. This is where the help of some specialists may be required, these are people that will able to let you know exactly what is causing the damp and they will know the exact steps you should take to remove it for good.

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