Home » Preventing and Treating Mold Naturally

Preventing and Treating Mold Naturally

by krystle
house by the lake

Is Mold Beneficial?

Nature is designed to maintain balance. Animal predators keep overpopulation of species in check, which lowers levels of disease and other issues. Mushrooms, which are a part of the fungi family, help to aid the supply of nutrients, decompose and recycle. This is crucial in maintaining health and the cycle of life for many species.

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Mold is also a fungi and has a purpose within the natural world. It is only when mold enters the home where nature is not at play that many harmful problems can arise. Mold takes root and thrives in areas that have moisture. Leaks and high humidity can cause conditions that encourage mold growth.

Allow Nature to Kill Mold

Nature can often successfully deal with mold using good airflow and sunlight. That is why it is so important to work with nature and keep your home well ventilated and exposed to sun as much as possible. Keep trees and shrubs back from the home to provide plenty of sunlight on the outside of the dwelling and keep window shades open during the day to allow the sunlight to purify the inside of the room.

Balance Humidity

It is desirable to maintain a healthy humidity level. The EPA suggests reducing humidity levels to 30-60% indoors (ideally 30-50%) to decrease and prevent mold propagation. Condensation on or around windows is a good indication that moisture levels are too high. If you live in a humid climate, or your home does not have good ventilation, you may need to balance your humidity another way. Use exhaust fans while cooking and showering. Open a window if the weather allows to provide a good airflow. Buy a dehumidifier to more accurately control your humidity.

Prevent a Leak from Causing Mold

If you notice a leak in your home act immediately to prevent mold. Fix any pipes or roofing that is causing the leak. Thoroughly dry the area affected by the leak with open windows, fans, and/or dehumidifiers. Create beneficial airflow to allow natural mold prevention. Ensure that the area is completely dry and the leak is resolved before letting your guard down.

Did Your Leak Cause Mold?

If you notice a leak too late and mold has already begun growing, you will need to immediately have the mold removed or remediated. Large mold issues require assistance from a professional mold remediator. The EPA recommends that any mold problem larger than 10 square feet be investigated by an expert. If the mold has penetrated drywall, it will need to be cut out and replaced. Do not delay in dealing with mold as it has a tendency to grow fast and can cause health issues for you and your family.

Treating Mold Naturally

If you have mold growing in your home that is just on hard surfaces like bathtubs or countertops, etc, you can try treating the mold naturally with the following:

Essential oils

Many essential oils have shown to be anti fungal. The potency of pure essential oils reveals a non-toxic and natural method of fighting mold. Mold growth and exposure may be inhibited with these natural plant compounds. There are numerous studies showing the effectiveness of certain essential oils assisting in mold and fungus issues.

Some of the best options for killing mold are tea tree oil (sometimes referred to as melaleuca), oregano, thyme, and clove oils. Be careful with some oils like oregano, thyme, and clove as they can burn if they contact the skin undiluted.

Colloidal Silver

Some people have successfully used colloidal silver to kill mold. Apply directly to the mold and allow to dry completely.


Vinegar is a natural acid that can kill many mold species. Vinegar is an inexpensive way to treat mold. You can spray vinegar on the mold directly and allow to soak before wiping it off. Repeat as needed.


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After cleaning with one of the above-mentioned natural mold-killing solutions, put item outside in direct sunlight for extra mold protection. Some fabrics can also be cleaned and put in direct sunlight to kill mold and lighten mold stains.

Mold Safety

Proper treatment for mold growth will depend on the surface it has populated. Always consult a professional before attempting to remediate a major mold problem yourself. If you don’t have experience with mold remediation the EPA recommends that any mold problem larger than 10 square feet be examined by an expert.


Krystle Reeves assists in managing MoldBlogger.com, a website dedicated to providing a place to share and receive information that will better allow individuals to fight and conquer toxic mold and the consequences of mold exposure, and also blogs at Where the Green Things Grow where she shares her adventures and challenges while homesteading off-grid.


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Mary Johnson March 25, 2017 - 7:40 am

I am sure mold is in this house is smell foul ugly odor,I am sick going to Doctor I also have COPD the owner keep asking me for 30 day notice he know I am ready to move but no place to go. I have a client that ran to front door after I asked her to see if she smell something I tried having it inspected to expensive for me any ideal please

Linda September 20, 2017 - 3:44 pm

I am so pleased to see the tried and true natural remidies in this post .
I hope that people will incorporate one or all to treat mold exposer ,especially now .
So many in my neiborhood flooded an are working on mold infested homes.

Carol Rafferty June 26, 2020 - 9:27 pm

My apt has sick building syndrome. One thing after the other. The latest, I lost the time, to the clock, but was able to get it back. I lost my microwave. It came back after a fire. Then cloudy water & haze. A short while later there was a small fire a foot only. The smoke was unreal. I got it out & ended up having a minor heart attack. There was always a trail of light black on both sides of the entrance way hallway, by the base boards. I started noticing black stains same light color under my furniture, under boxes, just awful in my large closet. The smell is like bacteria in sneakers. Once I got home, a few days later, the bathroom sink drain clogged. I was able to unclogged it & up came greenish, blackish slimy what looked like anchovies, like a small school of tiny fish. The sink & tub both do not look fully clean. Light black stains that will not come off. The other day, I walked into my bathroom, right into a fairly deep puddle that wet my pants at the bottom. The water did not smell or have any color. I wiped it up with towels. It took two. I dropped the towels & forgot about them & some time later they smelled so bad, the whole bathroom smelled terrible. The other day, I noticed behind the bathroom sink there was what looked like black powder behind the sink faucet. There was a second fire & I was not home & the apt is trying to say I caused the fire & that the hood went up while I was home. I put the fire out & now they are trying to frame me even after a heart attack. We also have a small sink hole & a huge city block sink hole right behind us. The maintenance man came tonight & said it’s not mold. I asked, “Then, what is it?” He doesn’t know. I have almost every symptom there is for mold. My Cockatiel is always very sleepy. They will not check to see the source of the haze. I feel the apt is hiding something.


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