Home » Tips on Removing Surface Molds

Tips on Removing Surface Molds

by Joslyn

How Do I Remove Surface Mold?

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Here are some tips in removing molds in different kinds of surfaces :

How to Remove Mold from Leather

If mold is found on leather, it is best to use a moistened cloth with a solution of one cup of denatured alcohol to 1 cup water. Remove the mold by wiping the moist cloth and dry in a place where air is circulating.

How to Remove Mold from Carpet

If mold is found on carpets and rugs and you would like to remove it yourself rather than hire a professional, it is recommended that you use rug shampoo with a carpet shampoo according to a manufacturers instructions.

Sanitize your carpet by applying a solution containing 1/4 teaspoon chlorine bleach with 1 cup water or any sanitizing products. After shampooing and sanitizing, rinse the carpet or rug several times then quickly dry it outdoors or by using fans to speed up drying.

What Should I Do If The Mold Is Fuzzy?

If the mold that is found is fuzzy in appearance, the homeowner should vacuum it as thoroughly as possible. If the mold is abundant, it is advised that the filter should be replaced after vacuuming.

After vacuuming, the area where the mold once grew in, should be scrubbed thoroughly with bleach using a scrub brush. After all of the molds are removed, the area should be rinsed thoroughly with clean water and dried completely with towels and rags.

What If The Mold Grows Back?

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Mold will no longer be a problem as long as the moisture problem has been eliminated in your home. If, after all of that work, the mold still comes back, there is no other choice but to call in a professional and have him do the work for you.

Not only will he remove all existing molds in your house, he’ll also eliminate the source from where they’re coming from. But remember, that if the moisture isn’t completely taken care of or removed from the home, it’s just an invitation for the mold to come back.

Further Recommended Reading :

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team

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shelly August 31, 2008 - 10:24 pm

I found that when i went to do alundry my grandaughters shirt was in with the wet towels in the hamper and it had mold on from being wet i sprayed it with zout and washed it but it didnt come out i then sprayed it with spray and wash and washed it again but it still didnt come out what or how can i get the mold out of her shirt please let me know thanks

Barbara October 21, 2008 - 4:19 pm

Due to flooding in my home, my fine
china was subjected to stagnate water
for two months and as a result is
covered with black mold. Any suggestions as to how to remove the mold without damaging the china?

nancy July 6, 2011 - 2:35 pm

I have a leak from my front porch where the door and deck meet this was suppose to be fixed when I had a new deck.
Well it isn’t and I don” have the money to do it again. It seems to be on the basement floor where the room is below the deck it is concrete. I have used bleach and don’t want to. I used vinegar but it keeps coming back. It is white fuzzy mold. Is this worse than black? Is having a carpet over it better so the mold doesn’t get airborne?
Thanks for your help.

CT January 14, 2015 - 6:17 pm

My grandmother always used vinager and water in an old spray bottle.


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