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Chaetomium and Remediation

by sr

Hi, my wife and I are in contract on a home that recently had a mold inspection. The inspection report showed (and, sorry if I’m not relaying this properly, it’s all new to me) that the Chaetonium Count/M3 was 293 (they noted this as significantly higher than outside air), and the % of Total was 80.1% (they note this as a ratio abnormality). The mold/mildew was on wood, and the sellers had a contractor come in, and he used a “germicide and a bleach solution” to remedy the problem. My questions are – was this “remediation” done properly, and based on what I noted here, how severe is the situation? Many thanks for any help you could provide.

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Asked on June 13, 2017 1:13 pm

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