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Mold In Nursery

by Michael
 Hello,My name is Mary and I am currently 34 weeks pregnant.  We recently moved into a second floor apartment.  I set up my newborns nursery and due to non-stop rain in Plano, TX it made a massive leak appear that caused damage around my window pane and down the wall all the way to the baseboard.  We have repeatedly talked to our apartment management and they informed us that they would paint over it and fill the cracks… Due to my newborn being in this room I am extremely terrified that this will turn into mold and cause damage to her lungs if it does happen to go airborne.  I know that TX is super humid and I just don’t know what else to do because my complex said that testing for mold costs too much and are refusing to do so.  I came home yesterday and noticed that the staining and cracking was gone.

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When I went to talk to them about this they acted like they didn’t know anything about it and then began to tell me that mold doesn’t grow there because it only happens when it stays wet.  Today my fiancé went in to speak to them and they then stated that they replaced the drywall, but I do not believe they did.  They couldn’t provide any company information about who did the replacing and they stated that the people that replaced it didn’t see any mold so that means there is no mold.  They told me that it doesn’t matter if I put my newborn in there because they never found black mold…. And if they can’t see it that means it isn’t there….  I don’t know how to add pics or I would

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 12)
Asked on June 30, 2015 9:56 am
Private answer

Dear Mary,
If you cannot trust them, it would be best to move.
Rules and Regulations – Texas Department of State Health …

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 12)
Answered on June 30, 2015 9:57 am

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