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Mycotocins or mold spores in clothing

by crabnebula

Has anyone out there suffering from mold exposure had reactions from wearing clothing exposed to mold? I can actually feel it in my clothes. My skin feels prickly itchy and in many i cases I break out in hives. I am in another apartment with water damagdamage. I was exposed to a serious mold problem in another one 16 months ago. I know I have developed serious chemical sensitivities but I have found that when I bring clothing brand new into a moldy apartment it starts to affect my skin. I can also feel it in my dog’s fur and in my own hair and eyelashes. I have hung clothing out in the sun for as long as possible during the day and they feel less annoying. This is not a solution but rather a temporary bit of relief. I have been told a cup of ammonia in the wash will kill mold and/or mycotoxins. Has anyone had success with this method? I have also been told that dry cleaning will remove mold. Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 0)
Asked on December 18, 2016 10:14 am
Private answer

Yes, I’ve experienced exactly what you’re talking about – a natural doctor even describes a mold exposure symptom as feeling like there’s something walking across you skin, like a bug – only there’s no bug.

I had a house I gutted because of black mold – and after remediation, that ‘something walking across my skin’ went away. THEN I visited my mom’s house, which turned out to ALSO have toxic black mold, and while sleeping at her house, I felt that same ‘bug walking across my skin’ feeling.

I’m inclined to think yes, it could still be in your clothes, add 1-2 TBSP of 20 mule borax to your wash – I feel that was successful for clothes.

But, is it possible you still have mold spores in the air?

Try fogging the air with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

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Answered on June 1, 2017 12:17 pm

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