Home » Breathe Easier — Air Purification Solutions to Air Pollution

Breathe Easier — Air Purification Solutions to Air Pollution

by Jonathan

How Can Air Pollution be Minimized?

In today’s complicated world, we face an almost constant onslaught of pollution – from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the homes we live in, and the vehicles we drive.

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There are almost as many types of air pollution as there are potential solutions. No matter what type of air purification system you’re looking for, you should know that there is not one product on the market today that can solve every problem.

The best approach to figuring out what type of air purification solution is going to be best for you, is to first understand the different types of pollution.

5 Types of Air Pollution

For example, these are the five major types of air pollution:

    • Odor Causing Pollution

Odor comes from many different places – food, animals, human bodies, cigarettes, cigars and pipe smoke, sports shoes, clothing and equipment, etc.

Although not necessarily dangerous, if you’ve ever walked into your teenage son’s room after he’s come back from a football game and taken a deep breath – you know it can be very unpleasant!

Recommended Solution: Currently, the best solutions on the market for this type of pollution are odor sponges, ozone and oxidation.

    • Particulate Causing Pollution

Particulates are those little floating things you see when the sun comes shining in through your windows, and include dust, dust mites, dust mite feces, pet dander, skin flakes (what dust mites eat), pollen, smoke particles and allergens.

Recommended Solution: Currently the best solutions on the market for this type of pollution are infiltration and negative ions.

    • Microbial Causing Pollution

Microbials are microscopic bacteria, fungi, mycotoxins created by a fungus, mildew, mold spores and viruses.

They can be as small as .001 microns. Microbials love to live in warm, damp places, or under your carpet, in your walls and in heating and air conditioning ducts.

Recommended Solution: Currently the best solutions on the market for this type of pollution are those that produce oxidation, which kills microbials.

    • Chemical Fumes and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

This type of pollution comes from chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde, the chemical fumes that are constantly seeping from carpets, upholstery, furniture, draperies, household cleaning products, beauty products such as nail polish, removers, etc.

They also come from cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke, building construction, etc. Many of these chemicals have been identified as carcinogens.

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Recommended Solution: Currently the best solution on the market for this type of pollution are products that produce catalytic oxidation.

    • Radon Gas Pollution

Radon is a completely odorless, tasteless and colorless gas, and is the heaviest of all known gasses. It is caused by the radioactive breakdown of uranium inside the earth.

When radon is cooled below freezing, it turns a brilliant phosphorescent shade of yellow, which turns orange-red as it gets colder. Radon is also the second leading cause of lung cancer.

Smoking exacerbates the affects of radon. Radon is found all around us, in our homes, our yards and the world around us.

Recommended Solution: The best solution to this form of pollution is to first of all test your home (a simple test is available at most hardware stores) and then to seal all cracks and openings in your home’s foundation.

If the problem merits it, you may need to have a certified contractor install a ventilation system inside your home.

With this basic understanding about pollution you are now ready to make that all important decision about which system is going to be best for you. The choice is yours!

Further Recommended Reading:

Joslyn from the MoldBlogger Team

[Article shared Exclusively with MoldBlogger.com]

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ruth connor November 1, 2009 - 6:42 am

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Air Purification September 22, 2015 - 10:10 pm

Very Nice Blog Post!!

We all like your informative information and aspect that all blog reader will like it. This information is very helpful for those person that looking for Air Purification. Today, Air purifier becomes a necessary for polluted area.

Ann May 19, 2017 - 9:36 am

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Sunil Jashav July 27, 2022 - 12:07 am

Globalization had a great impact on our life, we are now able to access all kinds of products and services across the world. But due to the demand industrial pollution has gone up. The city air quality has down. The air quality which we live today has lots of chemical gas and fumes. The indoor air quality down as the chemical usage has been increased Air Purifiers is the only device which will take care of your Indoor Air pollutions.


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