Home » Fighting Mold with Clove Essential Oil

Fighting Mold with Clove Essential Oil

by BrianReeves

Mold is everywhere, and toxic molds often take root within homes and other buildings. Water leaks and damp environments fuel the fugal growth and the proliferation of mold spores in the environment. Once mold is discovered, a safe and effective treatment is necessary to prevent further damage to building structure and the health of those who are exposed. One common cleaning method, chlorine bleach, is neither a safe nor often a effective solution. However, essential oils are becoming known as a harmless and potent method to fight molds.

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Clove Essential Oil 

Cloves are derived from an evergreen tree native to Indonesia. The flower buds are often used as a spice. The essential oil of clove has been used medicinally in Chinese and Indian medicine and herbalism as a painkiller for dentistry.

The famous Aspergillus niger (also known as black mold) is especially sensitive to clove oil. This suggests promising effectiveness in cleaning molds on hard (non-porous) surfaces.

Clove oil has potent properties and is recommended for inclusion in The Candida Diet. Cloves have been shown to put an end to Candida growth in the mouth and intestine. A study found that clove “had a fast killing effect on yeast cells.” Another study revealed the potential of clove oil as a food bio-preservative.

How to Use Clove Oil

Diffuse – After you have addressed your water problem, whether it be a leak or dampness, you could then diffuse clove essential oil, or a blend of oils known for reducing mold spores in the air.

Clean – For small mold contaminations on hard (non-porous) surfaces you may dilute essential oils with water to clean. You may want to try this suggested cleaning solution of 1/4 teaspoon of clove oil to 1 liter of water. Do not attempt to use a higher concentration of the oil as it is very potent. Always use caution when cleaning mold yourself (the EPA recommends that any mold problem larger than 10 square feet be examined by an expert), and test a small area with the solution first to make sure it wont damage the surface.

Other UsesThe Candida Diet offers more information on internal use of cloves and clove oil. Always use caution and check with your doctor before using essential oils.

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I only recommend essential oils that are guaranteed to be pure. Many of the oils available today are diluted and may contain chemicals and pesticides. If you would like more information on essential oils, feel free to contact me.

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Krystle Reeves assists in managing MoldBlogger.com, a website dedicated to providing a place to share and receive information that will better allow individuals to fight and conquer toxic mold and the consequences of mold exposure, and also blogs at Where the Green Things Grow where she shares her adventures and challenges in gardening, parenting, and life.      

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Ray Allen November 27, 2014 - 7:32 am

The matter of cleaning mold with non-toxic products is my company’s No.1 goal. We’ve been using products with Thyme Oil which proved to be very effective in Mold Removal and prevention. It does a good job when cleaning Black Mold as well, so no need to use those toxic chemicals anymore.

Service Master By Best December 19, 2014 - 10:28 pm

Never heard about Clove Essential Oil use for mold removal. But i definitely try clove oil to remove mold.

CHrystal December 23, 2014 - 5:05 pm

We have discovered a serious mold issue in our rental house. All the windows sweat.. I found in all the windows and the blinds in the back part of the house to be covered with black and green mold. My daughter has found mold in her closet and on her clothing and in her bathroom on the ceiling and under the cabinet. We clean and it comes right back. We have been in this house for 7 months and this problem has developed in the last 3 months. Mold is on the bottom of rugs and down the sides of the bathroom cabinets!!!! PLEASE HELP!!

BrianReeves December 30, 2014 - 7:28 pm

Sounds like your rental house has a major mold issue. Have you contacted your landlord about the mold? Here is an article that explains some of the landlord liability in mold cases. I would leave the home until the problem is fixed.

Meryl Jones March 5, 2015 - 6:15 am

I love the smell of clove and I had no idea that the clove essential oil could help to get rid of mold. Thanks a lot for the informative article! Regards! Cubitt Town Carpet Cleaners Ltd.


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