Home » 5 Ways to Remove Mold on Furniture

5 Ways to Remove Mold on Furniture

by krystle
mold on wood furniture

An Uncomfortable Situation

Black mold is absolutely horrible and can do more than simply ruin the way your furniture looks. The stuff can cause serious health problems if you don’t deal with it right away and clean your furniture thoroughly. The most common household product used to get rid of this nasty mold is bleach, but even that could be toxic and do more harm than good.

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So, here are our top five natural remedies for black mold on furniture.

The best ways to remove black mold without bleach:

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is more than effective on just mold, it can help to clear furniture of bacteria, fungus and viruses as well. In fact, it is so effective that people use it on kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, walls and floors as well. To kill mold you’ll need to put 3% concentrated hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and spray it all over the furniture. Wipe it down later and you’ll have mold-free furniture ion no time.


There’s a good chance you already have vinegar lying around at home. You probably didn’t know it was effective against mold. Vinegar is a sort of acid, although it is a very mild form of acid it can get rid of eight out of ten mold species. To kill different kinds of mold, you may need to add a little baking soda to the mix and apply it all over the affected area.

Baking Soda

Besides adding it to vinegar, you can use baking soda by itself to kill off any mold that may be forming on your furniture. Baking soda is also remarkably safe for use when you have pets or small children at home.

Tea Tree Oil

This mix is absolutely amazing on wardrobe furniture. You can mix a few drops in a cup of water and spray it over the furniture to clean it properly. You can also leave it on for some time to make sure it’s worked.


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Borax is, of course, a chemical, so you may need to be a little cautious while using this. It is very effective and can be found in most fungicides, herbicides and household cleaners. You only need to be careful if you have pets or kids, since ingesting the stuff can be toxic. But it doesn’t let out fumes or gases that you can inhale and fall ill over. If applied carefully, it can be one of the best solutions for black mold over any surface. You can start by mixing one cup of borax with one gallon of water and spray it over the contaminated area. After the solution has had enough time to settle on the surface, you can use a sponge or scrub to wipe the furniture clean and get rid of the mold completely. Try using a small toothbrush or brush to get to the parts you find locked away in corners. Allow it all to air dry and disinfect the area before you clean it up.

Charlie is an expert writer who writes on different categories like finance, investment, home, bedroom furniture and many more. His writings are not only descriptive but also meaningful. He loves to share his ideas on different categories.

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Kyler Brown March 7, 2016 - 9:59 am

My grandmother has some really old furniture that has mold on it. I figured that probably wasn’t safe, so I’m trying to help her remove it without having to throw out any furniture. I never would have guessed some of these methods, especially the tea tree oil. I’ll definitely try this out so thanks for sharing this.

bill March 21, 2016 - 5:48 am

Nice information and valuable nuggets!
Mold Remediation Baltimore

Eradicator Mold March 24, 2016 - 2:18 pm

These were informative suggestions that have been proven overtime to solve these issues. Here at Eradicator Mold Remediation Services we assist clients by helping them determine what items may be restored and what items we strongly suggest should be destroyed. In regards to furniture, the quality of wood used, is a good indicator of what can be saved. Items that are made from strong solid wood most times may be restored as they are less porous than items made from cheaper materials that are hollow. One way of determining such is by knocking on the item to determine its destiny. Most importantly the items should not have suffered water damage. Once you follow the instructions suggested in this article and you remove the items from the area that has abnormal mold or remediate the affected area all should be well. Additional information can also be found at


HD Restoration October 8, 2016 - 6:21 pm

Not all the mold is harmful but there will be some mold which can be harmful to your health. You should remove the source of moisture and repair the leaks if you don’t want mold to reappear again after removal.

Vincent Bucciachio November 9, 2016 - 9:29 pm

I was also facing the same issues since last year. There was a mold on my furniture and I was planning to replace it because that doesn’t look good and not safe also but then I saw Vinegar way for removing mold and it really worked now all mold has gone Thank you o much for this wonderful suggestion.

PHCherapan January 27, 2017 - 3:31 pm

I would also suggest wearing a mask over nose and mouth. I once sprayed a product in a moldy basement and ended up quite ill for almost 2 months. I haven’t been right since then.

krystle January 27, 2017 - 3:39 pm

Very good point! Yes, you should always wear protection when trying to clean up mold yourself! When you are dealing with a larger mold issue you should have a professional take care of it. Especially if you are getting sick from the mold.

Brittany Caruso November 14, 2018 - 8:41 am

My daughter has biotoxic illness and I’m trying to find a solution to killing mold on all surfaces, from cloth headboards, brand new mattress, rugs, stuffed animals, clothes, etc pretty much anything a teenager would have in her room. We had a flood in our garage and it created black mold when I hired someone to clean it they didn’t do it properly so the spores were released in the air making her deathly ill. I hired a Naturopath who is working wonders but I’m in need of some kind of spray to kill all mold spores on all objects so I don’t have to through everything out. We are plant based and holistic but I’m looking for a spray like that will work like the lysol disinfectant spray you know you leave on and don’t have to scrub away. There is no visible mold that I can see on any objects.
Thank you for your help.

Dev Knoll April 28, 2019 - 6:13 pm

I am not sure why you singled out sodium borate as being “a chemical” while failing to note that that H2O2, acetic acid, and sodium bicarbonate are all also chemicals.

CTA Products Group May 31, 2019 - 9:36 pm

Thanks for sharing the ways to remove mold on furniture and it is very necessary to wear mask at the time of the treatment!!

BB October 14, 2019 - 11:26 am

I recently had to put all of my furniture in storage. It’s all antique, most at the 100 yr. range. Everything molded, everything. Some mold goes from one side, through the wood, to the other side. I’m allergic to mold and mildew. It’s all still in the storage, haven’t found a home yet. There was not a flood, just humid, hot conditions. The storage space was brand new construction, metal with cements flooring. I lined the floor and put all on new wooden slats to keep it off of the floor.
Can mold or mildew be removed from the inner fibers of the wood? Insurance did not cover non-flood mold so I think I’ve lost everything. :'(
Any suggestions?

John Smith November 1, 2019 - 12:47 am

I did not know that vinegar could be used to remove molds from my furniture. It is something every household has for various other purposes. Thanks for sharing this information!!!

Barbara Barabach January 13, 2020 - 7:39 am

All of the comments were helpful,I live in Fla and the weather is so hot and it makes every thing moldy.
Most of my bedroom furniture has mold on it.I need some good answers to this bad problem.

Chris February 28, 2020 - 1:37 pm

This is a pretty high level article but it definitely covers a lot of main points customers are looking to clarify. Good job.

Beth October 14, 2020 - 3:42 pm

You can also shock treat homes with ozone-professionals can do it or get a home kit-it must be done carefully, as ozone can be harmful but if done with proper safeguards it works well and is a natural way to deal with it.


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