Home » The Most Dangerous Molds

The Most Dangerous Molds

by Melissa
most dangerous molds

If you’ve discovered or suspect you have mold in your home or workplace, the next most common question is “is it dangerous?” Not all molds are created equal. Some are considered toxic mold while others are less of a hindrance. While no mold is good in the home or workplace, there are some types of mold that fall into the “most dangerous molds” category. That is what today’s blog post will cover. These are the molds that will cause the most harm to your home and/or your body, especially with long term exposure.

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The most dangerous molds are considered “toxic” and can be considered deadly or harmful to humans. Many people believe that toxic mold is one type of mold, but in fact, there are hundreds of species of mold that can be extremely harmful to the human body. Black mold is the most commonly known name of toxic mold among the public. Black mold is named simply because of its color and appearance. However, it should be known that toxic mold can appear in any color.

Where do the most dangerous molds grow?

The most dangerous molds grow in the same areas that all mold grow in. Any place is that is dark and accumulates moisture is a potential area for mold to grow. It can grow on just about any organic surface in your home or place of work as long as the conditions are right. Moisture sources can be anything from high humidity to a flood. Most common moisture sources are from leaks in the home that allow water from outside to come inside.

Because there are thousands of mold species in our world, it is nearly impossible to remove them all. We are exposed to molds every day since it grows inside and outside. Mold has its place in nature. But we can and should keep our homes from becoming a breeding ground, especially to the most dangerous molds.


The Most Dangerous Molds

Toxic molds fall into five categories. Those categories are Penicilium, Fusarium, Stachybotrys, Aspergillus and Cladosporium. Each category includes many species of mold, and they have a wide variety of harmful qualities. Symptoms range from allergy type reactions to deadly illnesses. All five of these categories can grow indoors and be found in our homes. It can grow in sneaky places such as in your basement, under your carpet and inside your walls.


Stachybotrys is an extremely dangerous fungus, also known as “black mold”. Mold species under this genus produce mycotoxins wherever they are disturbed, which can cause a long list of serious infections. They usually grow on materials that contain cellulose and that have remained damp for a long period of time. Such surfaces include cardboard and gypsum board, ceiling tiles, wood, and other organic materials.

Stachybotrys has also been linked to severe illness in young infants. Those people with compromised immune systems, small children, and the elderly are highly susceptible to illness when they come in contact with this species of mold. Some symptoms associated with exposure to Stachybotrys include (but are not limited to):
– respiratory issues
– nasal and sinus congestion
– eye irritation
– a sore throat
– cough
– chronic fatigue
– central nervous system issues
– aches and pains


There are about 200 known species of Penicillium molds that are found in the air or the soil. Their main purpose is to cause food and other perishable goods to spoil, and their presence usually indicates high moisture levels in the environment. Indoors, they will cling to various damp surfaces, such as walls and wallpapers, floors, and carpets. Colors range from blue and yellow to green and white.

These mold families have been connected to illnesses such as nail fungus, asthma, and also infections of the lungs, liver, and kidneys.


Cladosporium is a very common mold and is one that falls into the most dangerous mold category. This genus comes in green, brown, gray, or black colors and is comprised of around 40 species. Common gathering spots include painted walls, wood, carpets, wallpapers and other damp organic surfaces.

Chronic cases of Cladosporium may produce pulmonary edema and emphysema.


Fusarium springs to life even at lower temperatures and is most often spotted growing on water-damaged carpeting and fabrics. Its prolonged presence can cause mild allergic reactions, asthma, and severe respiratory conditions. It is often orange in color.

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Fusarium may cause some types of gastrointestinal illnesses and has been linked to some illnesses which affect the female reproductive system.


The least serious of the most dangerous mold groups, the Aspergillus mold family consists of almost 200 species. Only 16 of those cause illness in humans, none of which are fatal if treated. The mold is yellow-greenish in color and often encountered indoors. Neglecting its presence can lead to respiratory infections or may even cause inflammation of the lungs – a condition known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Toxic molds produce chemicals during their natural growth that are classified as toxins or poisons. The types that have been found to have profound effects on human health, are given the label of “toxic mold.”


We share a world with mold, and there is nothing we can do about it. Mold is here to stay, but we can keep it out of our homes and other areas that we are exposed to. There are thousands and thousands of types of mold. The categories covered today are known to be the most dangerous molds or toxic molds. They can be dangerous if they are allowed to grow inside the home or if we are exposed to them long term. We should always take the proper precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones by eliminating environments which molds grow. If you do find mold in your home, you will need to identify which type of mold you are dealing with so that you can take the correct steps to remediate and remove it. Contacting a professional mold remediation company can help you determine if you have one of the most dangerous molds and guide you in the proper treatment.



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Hspen May 22, 2018 - 3:48 pm

Statchybotrys is NOT know to be a human pathogen unlike other molds. You need to take a couple classes in clinical mycology because that is not something we worry about culturing, it’s the others listed that are known pathogens. If you want to get rid of black mold eliminate moisture and spray it with killz. Such terrible fear mongering over unsubstantiated science. Also that is not the primary infective agent of immunocompromised individuals-rhizopus species are much more common in causing clinical infections of immunocompromised patients.

thewife May 23, 2018 - 9:12 am

Your input is appreciated. However, recent epidemiologic studies on acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants suggest that the fungus might be potentially pathogenic to humans. New studies are now emerging to confirm or deny this. For the time being, pathogenic activity cannot (and should not) be ruled out for Stachybotrys chartarum.

dain June 7, 2018 - 12:30 pm

Thank you for your post. From the list of molds, I would point out that the one clinically proven mold that can cause an infection in the elderly, infants, and individuals with compromised immune systems is Aspergillus . The infection Aspergillosis is caused by a certain strain Aspergillus mold (fumigatus). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/aspergillosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20369619

Sharon Johnson October 18, 2018 - 5:05 am

I have a fungus growing under my house mainly under the bedroom end. It’s like a light brown. Can you tell me what it might be.

Juliana M Henry February 4, 2019 - 6:41 am

Which ever Toxic Fungal it is, It’s living inside me. This is beyond my worst nightmare. Since moving in to care for my 84 yr old mother, in summer of 2018, the uncontrollable itching,especially at night, began and was soon followed by very strange rashes. 1st thought to be spiders infestation, I soon switched to Crusted Scabies, certain that they were going in and out of our skin and even have photo’s and video’s. It was the one Google search that lead me to where I am now. The Invisible biting mite. This site told me that I didn’t have to look far and from this point on, my nightmare only gets worse. Of course no one has believed me, until now. Heck, I was beginning to think I WAS smokin’ crack and perhaps I was dealing with some kind of mental Illness. Thing’s I were seeing and telling others about, just didn’t make sense at all! I stole my very own dodo out of my toilet from all the Volital Organic Compounds and an Ameoba. Good gosh, what the hell are these darn things anyway? I sucked at science when in primary school, lol. This story is beyond belief, to say the least but I can say that I have totally figured every bit of this bizzarr Sci Fi Movie out all by myself and finally had Insurance take care of an Indoor Air Quality Testing and WOW… I was right on the money. FR. The only thing testing did for me was validate to all these people I loved and trusted that I wasn’t smoking Crack or lying and they didn’t need to send me to Brice Mental Hospital. My mother and I have and so far still are being subjected to three out of the five, Toxic molds and completely consumed by MVOC’s . For those Scientist, out there, that are still in the process of researching weather or not the MVOC”s should be classified as TOXIC and Do they harm people in mass numbers? YES YES YES! Hell they can make Ice sculptures for God sake but ya’ll already know that I’m sure. You just uncovered one as old as Jesus, from Antartica, that was melting in a glacier. Mine make living creatures out of the spinach substance now coming out of my mother considering were so Toxic we look like GLOW WORMS at night! And the GREEN-EYED MONSTERS in our kitchen cabinets, made from dust and the white poision I can push around in my head, well it’s becoming a tad overwhelming at this point. My Question is, How long do I have? Already had 1 dog die from cancer. People and Physicians need to be educated on this futuristic B.S. , don’t ya think?

Cheryl Favino October 15, 2019 - 11:50 pm

OMG….reading what you wrote really makes me want to talk with you. I am in the same situation I am ready to fucking commit suicide. It is truly unbelievable that nobody will believe what I am telling and showing them. I don’t want to write too many details I would like to speak with you privately I have on death’s doorstep because of this situation and I don’t know what to do. My name is Cheryl please email me back. So I can talk to somebody who actually believes me. I am alone my mother passed away and my brother was killed in a car accident. I have systemic lupus. I had nowhere to go I lived with my mother. It ain’t moved into a properties above my aunt it is the house of freaking Horrors it is the blob come to life please take me serious because nobody else will I hope to hear from you… I have since moved out everything I own is in storage this stuff is all in my car and I’m getting so sick I literally could smell it coming out of my pores. It is so rare of a situation that is slumlord would literally rent property out like this. I live a life of one in a million my whole life and I just can’t believe that this happened to me I have lost everything.

Lisa Hamlin October 31, 2019 - 4:54 am

Hello Cheryl Favino, I read your post…I’m going through something that I don’t quite understand because of the way I’m feeling…could you please Email me???

Oscar Morrison November 25, 2019 - 5:25 am

It’s good to know that some sorts of mold can actually be really dangerous, like how penicillium can cause infections in various organs. My parents’ home has started having black mold spots on the bathroom ceiling since they repainted, but they don’t seem to think it’s a problem. I’ll have to show them how black mold could potentially be stachybotrys and see whether that will help convince them to find a professional to check it out.

Rebecca Gardner August 10, 2020 - 11:57 am

Thanks for explaining that Fusarium mold commonly shows up on carpet or fabric that has been damaged by water. My husband and returned from a week-long vacation to discover that our carpet had become damaged by a drip in the ceiling. Since we don’t want to replace the new carpets, we’ll have to look for a mold remediation service to make sure any growth of this dangerous mold is stopped!

Pamela Roach December 12, 2020 - 11:19 pm

I have been having trouble since moving in this house.nobody believes what I tell them.doctors think I’m crazy and now I’m starting to believe it is mold.wow

Tana Taylor December 22, 2020 - 12:06 pm

It is difficult to find a pcp or specialist who actually LISTENS to their patients and truly wants to work WITH them to get to the bottom of what is making them symptomatic. The one who is listening to me was recommended by my sister, and he had to have a double lung transplant this past June. He thinks I am definitely on target being concerned that molds/mycotoxins/fungal infections are at the root of my lung issues and damage. I am to soon be scheduled for a bronchoscopy, bronchial wash with lavage cultures, and a bronchial wall biopsy. No more wasting time. This Dr had THREE fungal infections in his lungs, all of which had to be treated separately. He tried to get to the bottom of things for years, but as the patient himself ran into the same problems we all are. It finally took going to the Mayo Clinic to correctly identify and diagnose his problems. Besides the 3 fungal infections, he had developed pulmonary fibrosis. He does not want the same thing to happen to me, so I go to Nashville next week to start trying to get to the root of my chronic lung issues. I suggest the same procedures for some of you, or at the very least a very comprehensive, all inclusive urine mycotoxins test. Some of the urine tests will check for hundreds of mycotoxins. Of course all this is crazy expensive, but I have several 4-legged furry dependents, and I do not want to die anytime soon.


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