Home » Toxic Mold Litigation – Do I Have A Case?

Toxic Mold Litigation – Do I Have A Case?

by Jonathan

What Do I Need To Win?

Toxic mold litigation is a growing field in law. However, only certain attorneys are qualified to handle these types of cases. Dealing with a toxic mold case absorbs resources and time. Be prepared as litigation can last for over 2 years and injuries can be difficult to prove. If you have been exposed to toxic mold you need to know your rights, and how to build your case. An attorney who specializes in mold cases will be able to tell you what your local laws are.


Evaluating Your Case

When evaluating a mold case attorneys consider the following factors in preparing for trial or in evaluating whether a case exist:

  • What were the causes of the mold infestation?
  • Where on the property was the mold located or where did it expand to?
  • Was the mold airborne and did it have the ability to become airborne?
  • What type of mold was involved?

Mold is generally not considered as harmful if it is not airborne, so determining whether it was airborne or not is important. Additionally, since there are multiple variations of mold, identifying what type of mold infected your home is critical.

Don’t expect an attorney to build your case out of nothing. Keep detailed records regarding the events, such as:

  • Any time which leaks took place.
  • Whether any persons were dispatched to clean up or repair leaking pipes.
  • Names of companies who performed clean up services.
  • Any communication you have had with the landlord which may have put them on notice.
  • Results of any mold tests that were conducted, including the date and company.

Landlord Liability

Landlord liability can depend on a number of different factors. One of the most important elements to landlord liability is notice. Did the landlord have notice? Notice can be constructive or actual.

Constructive notice is knowledge through various facts which would make a reasonable person have knowledge. Actual knowledge is when the landlord is told either through a tenant, repairman or through their own investigation that mold exist on the property. Under such instances the landlord will be charged with notice. Landlords are also held liable when they fail to inform future or prospective tenants of the existence of mold.

California law imposes a duty on residential landlords to disclose to both current and prospective landlords the existence of mold. While landlords are not required to conduct certain types of testing, they are required to make disclosures of mold.

Claim for Damages

Understanding your cause of action for damages can depend on a number of different factors. Typically you can bring a cause of action for: (1) property damage; (2) personal injury; and (3) emotional distress.

A claim for property damage can include causes of action for breach of contract, defect in construction, destruction or loss of your personal property, cost for remediation, “stigma damage” from the diminution of property value and reasonable cost for testing.


Claims for personal injury are another avenue for your claim. Those who have been exposed to toxic mold can suffer considerable health issues such as immune system issues, bronchitis, loss of memory, lesions against kidneys and emotional distress. This is not a complete list of injuries. Plaintiffs can suffer from a number of different injuries. To fully understand the depth of your complications a medical professional should be consulted.

Emotional distress is another component for  calculating damages. This considers the fear of future medical issues and other psychological impacts from exposure to mold. Plaintiffs can also assert claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress if the landlord knew of mold, but failed to disclose it.

Cost of Litigation

Most attorneys dealing with personal injury matters take cases on a contingency basis. This generally means that unless there is recovery you are not required to pay them anything. However, make sure to read the agreement. Since toxic mold litigation can be challenging it is important to make clear what you are responsible for in the event that a lawsuit is not successful.

If your attorney feels you have a strong case then it is likely that he will accept the case on a contingency basis. Many attorneys charge upfront fees to review the file. It is suggested that you be very careful with regards to paying these types of fees. While they may be warranted it may not be the best solution. Make sure to do your research on the firm and attorneys.

Mr. Farid Yaghoubtil is a senior partner at Downtown L.A. Law Group. A Los Angeles based personal injury law firm dealing with all types of personal injury claims.

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brian bacheller September 9, 2012 - 7:13 pm

Our garage had a terrible leak because of T.S Issac and we have had mold/mildew since. (aug 29 to current date) My entire family has been sick and we have told our landlord but he still has done nothing.What should I do next? We have contacted our local town government already.

shawn September 21, 2012 - 1:03 pm

I bought around $90 in groceries from a grocery store and i bought a capri 10 pack for my son. my son went to drink one and is now feeling sick, i
inspected the case and there is black mold in the box, also some of the
packs seem half empty but are expanded from some type of gas. Why would
they knowingly put moldy items up for sale, damage is a riped box not open
juice in a box that dried into mold! What should i do?

Michelle Scott October 3, 2012 - 7:16 pm

I have lived in an apartment for 5 years & have complained about the mold for over 3 years i finally called the head person & they sent out 3 contractors they have pictures & they said they couldn’t give them to me but they were all suited up before they went in & they were only suppose to be in my house 2 days & it has already been 8 days the mold was so bad & now they are suctioning out the bad air & other stuff but me & my kids are having severe breathing problems , they are depressed & so am i i can explain more if someone calls me or writes i need some legal advice my address is 2202 kay drive Smithfield nc 27577

laura October 15, 2012 - 11:19 am

Family member was subleasing a condo which has considerable mold. Husband has become deathly sick, as well as family of 4 with numerous medical issues since moving in. Family put management company and Board on notice with water leak issues, improper ventilation of clothes dryer, and unsanitary possible improper HVAC unit. Mold is in every room of apartment and has ruined furniture, clothing ect. Management comp sent in repair man to “clean” what they can see and repaint area. Mold has returned. Family hired environmental co to assess situation. Family has since moved out. What are their rights?

emma October 18, 2012 - 8:27 am

penecillen mold was found in my brothers room at a high level is this dangerious

Erica Gleason November 27, 2012 - 12:50 am

I don’t know where to start with my house. My husband and I purchased our home about 3 years ago. Upon inspection, our inspector noticed a significant amount of mold located in the crawl space. We then negotiated with the bank in that they take care of ALL remedeation of mold and damage. They had two companies come in, one to clean the mold and air ducts, the other to vapor barrier the entire crawl space. My husband and I noticed a couple things that were “overlooked” in the process. We brought it up and supposively the issues were addressed. Since we, my self, my husband and our two small children moved into the house, there has been a constant problem to getting sick. I even notice when I walk in the house, a musky smell. I don’t know where to start or even what to do but my family is always sick and we even sense that something within the house is corrupting us all physically in which has really turned pretty emotional for me, as I want it taken care of. Please help! Thanks

Donald December 9, 2012 - 2:35 pm

We have notice mildew on the bedroom wall. Call our home owners insurance to find out if I am cover for mold and I am. I have notice the smell is in other parts of the house, and out side.

Melody Murphy January 1, 2013 - 10:39 pm

I have mold everywhere.my landlord has been aware of this did nothing until city failed house he brought some man not co.here to look.promised to be back two days ago.I stay sick .I’ve had anomia for one month.what can I do,if mold makes me move I’m too sick to do it.who is responsible to get me out of danger?

Donna January 15, 2013 - 3:23 am

I have moved into a house filled with mold in
April 2012 in September I starting getting severe headaches stuffy nose chest pains I contacted the landlord verbally and by certified letter she failed to respond in December she up and moved out of state stating she haste go take care of her sick mother. Upon her moving I found out that scheduled apartment that I moved into in April of 2012 was under foreclosed since February 2011. I have no way to get child of her her number has been disconnected and she left no forwarding information on hotel contact her incase of an emergency. I have contacted their city health they were suppose to heaven inspector come out and they never did. I have been to the hospital twice due to chronic chest pains headaches what should I do? I have no medical from my job and I am losing time from work due to symptom, please help?

Debra Ratliff October 6, 2013 - 5:18 pm

I was knowing put into an apartment “suppose to upscale apartment complex in the town”, and it was filled with mold “covered up “even in the kitchen cabinets, it was every where. I ask to please give me an apartment that had never flooded or had any problems with mold or mildew, because my allergies were so bad to mold, and that I had just had surgery. Before moving here, I covered for government, covered 10 counties alone, seeing clients on parole “either in jail”, court houses, parole offices, ect, and I taught college night “only physical problem I had ever had was sinus, and allergies. I could race my 20 year old son and play basketball with him and stayed “almost” caught up. I had raised two sons alone, put myself though college “Berea College”, BA, Lindsey Wilson “M.Ed., Mental Health and went on to get my Licensed “LPCC” licensed professional clinical counselor, and NCC, Nationally Certified Counselor My sons are wonderful, one is married, and has a child, lives away, my baby is in Seattle, college. After a little while in those apartments, I got to where I couldn’t even get out of bed, weak, ached all over, got little knots all over me, rashes, welts, sores. It started flooded once a week in the bedroom “my commode would back up and go into my bathtub, and into my closet “fill up the closet” and part of carpet in bedroom “Once a week, the whole year”, and all they would do was come over and suction up the water and plug up a fan. Seven months later, I found out they had the sewage tank/system for the apartment complex in my bedroom closet and it was clogged “and they had to go in the wall and fix it “few, were horrible for weeks, and I was told by specialist, it had been leaking that sewage the whole told and also had to be leaking some of the sewage gases. They went in and fixed it, and the following week “My patio, had drain on it and who patio from day one was covered in water, mud and what smelled like sewage. I ask one of maintence to please clean it up and he reported, the apartment had flooded over and over for years “which is why this last time they put in tile in every room except bedroom. I had my mattress in living room floor, bedrooms smelled … like “sewage”. And it got wet three fourth to top, my computers “3” where in the floor”, my personal one, state government on, and Berea College One, but my IPhone “all where destroyed “plus I had just bought three things that cost a lot of water that in the floor that was destroyed”. Called Maintence, he cam “have several maintence guy, and he said the drainon patio was clogged, so the rain made the water cover in from the drain and went and kickec some stuff of and called “same company that always came ahd swept up sewage and water “and was always “half done” and was very rude.I had a doctors appointment “I was off work on medical leave, I have been since last year, “I quit dating, seeing friends, working or even going to the store “I started hiring strangers”, I didn’t have the strength. I went to doctor to doctor, but apparently in the state of Kentucky they really don’t care about mold and sewage and the harm it can do “they can’t test you for it. Week later “THE whole apartment flooded!!, waters was everywhere, floating in it, was sewage, leaves, stick and dead animals, spiders, ect. My mattress from the following week that because of sewage in the bedroom was destroyed “It got soaked with the sewage water” and the guy came hours later to suction water out”, I was I the shower”, and he had threw my matrass, pillows, quilts, ect, into the carport, and everything else in the floor, he threw up my cloth couch and recliners “contaminating them”. First living room flood “Rashes all over flood, chest neck went to after hours clinic “I have so many pictures, videos”, I was covered, as well as when the place flooded, “even was kitchen cabeinets was filled with mold, not a spot no where that did not have mold. I paid a guy “wrong guy”, charged me a fortune but wouly check two places for that, but it had all kinds of molds, highest level of fungus and said no one should be living there without a gas mask “Professional, tearing it apartment. “The maintence guy that came the last night it flooed, I wsa crying and crying. I had also, called my girlfriend from another county who come, because I was scared, water was up to plug in and not one spot in house without water. Maintence came about an hour later, over the sliding window doors to patio, said drain was clogged and pushed stuff of and said so sorry you are going through this “he say, off the record, several the bottom apartments flooded”, and they just were told to cover up. He called me twice afterward to say sorry again, because it was obvioushow sick I was and he felt bad “but stated he was no one there, just tring to support his family, and the sales guy that rented it to me “called and said please keep this off the record”, but I’m a kitchen, and you told me you were allergidc and just had surgery, very allergic, and they told me “place was perfect, I had no ideal! Please forgive him. Long story short, my parents are dead, I lost everything, pictures, “sons grow” report cards, mother day cards, notes,presents, all memorores of parents and two sisters and grandmotherthat was deceased. I was sick and devastated. At that time, I had nevermet the “Main Mainager”< female, I just ask her to put me in a top apartment that haad no mold or mildew or town home, "she laughed hysterically. She stated I couldn't afford to live there I make about 42,000 a year "not much", but I was young and stupid, wanting to help people, not understanding without money you can't help yourself let along anyone else. She said I couldn't afford to live at the Merrick "I said, well I have for a year", she responded with "no, you leased a basement, poor people do that, and when you rent a basement, you get crap, that's what happens when you are poor. Also, has a "nice restaurant and bar there "expensive", and made reference to that, stating she would no bother court, because anyone that mattered hang out at The Inn. She would no help me at home. I had renters insurance, but they said, they didn't cover flooding, plus it flooded due too
the clogged sewage and pipes at Merrick. Claims person hugged me and stated how horrible it was and how sorry they were, but said this complex would be responsible to the 10 thousand insurance I had "renters" and stated I should have taken out lots more, because it was worth much more, but said, they would be so scared, that she was assured they would be treated me lie royality, and putting me in nices place they could, paying for my things, and repaying me back for all the rent I spent "Plus, I had bought four expensive air purifiers, Clorox,,,,many things. Due to the flood, mold, sewage, and flood fromt eh sewage and drains, doctor and person that did mold air test, said all was contaminated. This was end of June I was in hospital afterwards, been very sick and they hadve not offered to repay me for anything, I spent probably 2000 on motels before I rented an apartment.

Judy October 15, 2013 - 7:49 am

this so break my heart to read, for I am a victim of living in a Toxic mold home for 5 years who had lost every thing I own , not counting the pain I suffer and still do watching my family and I dieing , No lawyer could even handle a mold case here in Illinois ??? all I know is to pray that my family and I will get heal , I would tell anyone get out of a toxic mold house as soon as you can , or your life will be destroyed forever

Tammy November 14, 2013 - 2:39 pm

I’ve had mold IN my house OVER 12 years! 1st thought was flood dmg, THEN found out was CITY SEWER BACKUP! They ADMITTED to the COUNSEL meeting AND on the NEWS(cause of ALL MY EVIDENCE)that THEY at fault! But they STILL won’t pay to FIX the problem! I,and 4 MORE in my area have this (I have pictures of even toilet paper in the yards because of drain lid caps BLOWN off cause of the sewer pressure! The D.N.R AND E.P.A. say THEY NEED to fix! I and EVERYONE FURIOUS they STILL haven’t done this! They even 2 years later paid ON THE SPOT a business man who claimed sewer backup and the city say THEY will put on THEIR insurance, AND pay the co-pay with EMERGENCY insurance! I as well as EVERYONE else was HOT! I have C.D. recordings of ALL this! So the mold inspection I did, PROVED they are at fault! AND 4 docs, D.N.R., E.P.A, ALL say “GET OUT OF THERE!” Yet cause I OWN the home NO-ONE in GOV. will help! I have had a lawsuit for 5+ YEARS, yet cause KEEPS occurring, Statute Of Limitations keeps it PROLONGED!I am VERY angry, health is w/5 things going BAD, AND others too have this IN and ON their property! It causes MANY things health wise, EVEN CANCER!!!!! So take PICTURES of EVERYTHING, AND ANYTHING Docs say, GET ON PRINT!!!!!! I’ve done OVER $20,000. to pull MY part but “Until you FIX the CAUSE, you WON’T FIX the PROBLEM! I even told the council when THEY say “If on YOUR property, YOU fix the problem”, I reply “If your in an auto accident, YOU cause the wreck, YOU pay the bill” and I walked away!

Gina Sanders December 31, 2013 - 1:18 pm

In June 2011 a storm caused us to have a leak in our roof. The water went from the roof down the walls and under the house. We had several water stains on our ceilings. We called our insurance company and made a claim. The property adjuster came and walked the roof and took pictures of our roof and the ceilings where the water had stained. He didn’t go in our attic or under the house at all. My husband found mold on the plywood of our attic and we called the insurance company to notify them of the mold in the attic and sent them some pictures. They told us that we could add another layer of shingles to the roof and sent us a $200 check with instructions to make bleach water and clean the mold ourselves. We got several gallons of bleach and a sprayer and tried to clean the mold the best we could with what we had. We have 6 children and now in 2013 noticed our attic is full of black mold from the attic down the back wall and under the house. I called my insurance company to make a claim because our 4 year old son has asthma and all of our other children including ourselves have been sick a lot with colds, allergies, flues and several other illnesses which I have medical records to prove. The adjuster came out and took pictures and noticed that the mold went from the attic down the walls and under the house. I received a letter today saying that this was from the leak in 2011 and they paid us for the new layer of shingles and $200 for the mold problem then. They said it wasn’t taken care of. We cleaned the mold with bleach water like they told us too. I have 6 children that have medical problems due to the neglect of the first claim adjuster not going in the attic or under the house. I was told to fix the mold correctly they should have gave us enough to replace the entire roof not just add another layer of shingles. We live in Lebanon Missouri and don’t know what to do we are buying our house. We can’t sell it with mold everywhere. I don’t want to live here anymore with our children getting sick every other day. Do we have a lawsuit?

Dennis January 20, 2014 - 5:02 pm

I have major mold issues in my rental and have been trying to get my landlord/property management to get it fixed/cleaned. They have done nothing. Now that have giving me a 60 day notice to move because the property has been sold. I have to be out by March 10th.
How do I get them to reimburse me for the mold damage before I have to move? I am withholding my rent at this point because I have no other idea what do do as far as getting compensated. I know I have to keep paying rent till I leave but am afraid that I wont get taken care of on the bummer mold issue.
Dennis D. San Diego CA

joellen May 24, 2014 - 9:53 am

can we sue property management and landlord because of mold and because my husband has been sick for a year because of it, and they knew they was a problem, when they had a walk thru,,
thank you

denise June 12, 2014 - 2:10 pm

We live in a rental property in Edina Mn. and owner has not been in any contact with us for 2 years and never took care of mold problem he new we have been having in every room just told us if we don’t like the place we can move out and said to husband you can fix it your a handyman. Called city to have them order the repairs city said there’s nothing they can do because they can not see mold because I cleaned all the areas that grow mold. I am scrubbing mold all winter long in every room of home on every exterior wall at the bottom and on trim. It has react a lot of are furniture, shoes and cloths. I’m on a mold hunt every day to get it cleaned because my kids have been very sick and allergic to mold.

Judy June 17, 2014 - 12:22 am

You must get a hold of the health dept 1st then look for a environmental lawyer Hope it all works out I would say also get out of that molded house or you can die !!! No money can cover your health :(

Betty October 29, 2014 - 8:20 pm

The house I’m renting has mold and i’s in the air conditioning ducts. I have been having breathing problems now for 3 months and I have told my landlord and he has said that h will take care of the problem but has yet to even look at the house. I found out that the people that lived here before me had the same complaints and he never would fix the problem and that is why they moved.Apparently the landlord just painted over everything and now it is beginning to come out again on the wall’s and ceiling also on top of being in the air duct’s. what legally can I do about this. I am unable to find a place to move to right at this time!!

Christine December 22, 2014 - 4:26 pm

In 2008 we had to move to the unit I am in due to a hot water pipe bursting in the previous unit. We were told this was the only unit available and it smelled like mold and cigarettes but we had no choice but to move to this unit.

I informed the landlord about mold in the closet three different times and has done nothing about it.

In 2012 a pipe broke in the rental across from us that we share the same wall and water flooded my bedroom and my daughter bedroom.

They cut up dry wall and made a dusty mess never accommodating us with a motel just had to stay here while they did it. It was horrible. Was diagnosed with Asthmatic Bronchitis for 3 months they did not replace the carpet when I asked them to because the landlord said it was not ” financially beneficial ” to them ! When I said the mold is already starting to grow because of the leak outside and the flood they said we will just rip out this part of the carpet. DONT POKE THE SLEEPING BEAR I said. Why didnt you do it when it was wet ?

Now I just found a mold that came up under the cement in the corner of my bedroom under a box from when the A/C leaked and they mickey moused it so it wouldnt from upstairs UGH ! The side of the box resting against the wall was not affected just underneath the box so the water had to of come up from underneath. Its Christmas and I have been coughing for two weeks. Dont have the means to move ! If I tell the landlord they will poke the sleeping bear and just have some tenants fix it not a reputable company like when it flooded. They had tenants come in from the other side of the complex to fix the water damage ? Is that legal ?

Christine January 6, 2015 - 5:28 pm

Hi I am an injured worker and off work and have no place to go. I paid 200 bux to have the mold in my apt tested to see wha we are breathing in bc my memory is shot and we all keep getting sick. We have been here for 8 yrs and I would like to know is the land lord responsible to relocate us to a different unit or if there is not one available is the property management company mandated to move us since they only use other tenants to fix things and not a professional company ? Thank you.

Naomi Williams January 15, 2015 - 7:56 am

If black mold is found on the jobsite what federal law does notice to employees,employer fall under?

Naomi Williams January 15, 2015 - 8:00 am

What federal guidelines or law pertaining to employees, employers does notice about mold fall under?

Christine January 15, 2015 - 9:19 am

I would check with your state guidelines and laws. They vary from state to state BUT…Toxic mold can have life long health issues and no matter what you need to find out who you is responsible. I would start with the health dept. If its at work. Then its a work comp issue if you are or get sick. But if its in an apt or house then its up to the management company or builder/owner. I live in an apt and since I been following this log I learned my have Stachybotrys,Penicillin and Aspergillus so I have contacted an attorney who specializes in Toxic Mold and Tort law. We as humans in this day and age def have to be proactive when it comes to our health. Call OSHA if its at work. Make sure you get to a dr if your sick so you have proof. There are simple blood tests to see if you have toxicity in your blood. Also if you have a productive cough where the dr can send the ” sputum ” to a lab to be tested, thats the best way to tell. I am a lab asst for 27 yrs and I see the Aspergillus often in lab results on what people are breathing in and spitting up. Gross I know but this stuff can kill you. Im glad there are certain tests that can pin point this type of exposure. Also there are private labs with no need of dr visit that test specifically for mold exposure. Google that. You should find one that is biosign labs in NY but have places all over the USA to go get your blood drawn. Hope that helps.

Rachel Espinosa January 17, 2015 - 2:24 am

My roommate and I have become infested with pesticides. The fungus has made us seriously ill, but we are having a hard time making our physicians understand because the parasites aren’t visible to the naked eye.Even though we show severe skin and scalp conditions. Where can we turn?

Christine January 18, 2015 - 6:59 pm

Rachel you can either google companies that can test for you. I just paid 198.00 for my mold test which is worth it now that I know what it making me sick or you can google a lab that tests specifically for toxic mold and fungus within the human body. Its pricey for fungal I.D. over 1600.00 but its an entire panel this one lab in NY I have already spoken to so you may want to just call someone to come to your home to do an air quality test and take mold samples from your problem areas. Google for your own state. Im in California. They are called Indoor and Restore also on FB. You may want to go into Yelp for your area too. As far as pesticides Im not sure. You dr should know about toxic mold and if you cant get him or her to understand kick them to the curb and find someone who knows and will test you for toxicity. Simple urine and or blood test for some. More extreme toxins are called Mycotoxins and Endotoxins which is a more advanced exposure. Find a dr to listen and keep asking until you do. Only we are responsible of our own health. Landlords could give a rats paah tootie !…Hope this info helps.

Christine January 18, 2015 - 7:02 pm

Also did you know that mold spores can carry metals within the spore ? I just found that out but makes sense bc if mold grows on a piece of metal it would absorb the metal right ? So when the spore is released into the air you inhale the metal. Thats why if you do have Stachybotrys and or other mold you should get tested. I am planning on getting me and my family tested once the attorney goes over all my information. Make sure you get your dr visits documented. =)

Debbie January 30, 2015 - 10:08 pm

Asking this for a friend. She lives in Oregon and was made aware of mold in the rental she moved in to. But the mold is now growing and showing through the walls, plus she is having health issues. Does she have a case or since she knew and agreed to the mold she is stuck?

pietro February 19, 2015 - 2:34 am

I recently purchased a house 2 weeks ago I hired a professional painter and he found mold in the walls where there was previous water damage due to a roof leak 5 years earlier the real estate agent told me that the bubbling paint on that wall was the owner not fixing it from the damage and now confronted with unknown expenses and a 17 month old daughter that I am afraid to bring to the house what can I do

What March 2, 2015 - 12:14 pm

How long does it take for the city to demolish black molded apartments owned by slum lords ?

candi crider March 23, 2015 - 3:07 am

were we lived,every water pipe was not plum in,it just open up and went under house.kitchen sink,washer,tub and bathroom sink.maybe tolit.noone will help me.

Barbara March 29, 2015 - 4:08 pm

We have black toxic spores since they put in the cheap cupboards its worse than ever before we get scabs on our sclap and other things And really have a hard time consertratingI dont who to get help from. Please Help

kathy April 15, 2015 - 12:59 pm

Yes we have a very serious mold issue. I have been fighting this battle with no luh since June 2014. We bought the home through VA and it passed there standard requirement ( MPR) for home approval loans. The home is so mold ridden under the home that it has made our whole family Ill. We were forced to move out and are currently living in a trailer parked in our driveway. The home is no where near what the appraisal price said it was, we are under water and can no longer live in the home…HELP

Judy Brown April 27, 2015 - 4:02 pm

I am 70, and have a lot of medical problems,i use a cpap,oxygen machines, i moved in here a year ago. My daughter and granddaughter live here, with me. Ive been in the hospital 4 times, almost died. My son checked for mold in the attic all over bout 1inch thick,in bathroom,told landlord, he solving it by kicking us out, what to do, sue?

kathy April 28, 2015 - 3:28 am

Hi my name is Kathy I have been fighting this toxic mold issues since July of 2014. We bought our home through VA and the home was inspected by an appraiser, his documentation stated home was is safe construction sound home. My home has sunk 3 inches at one end because of All 96 floor joists so badly rotted from the mold and mildew. There is huge cracks in the floor joists under the home. We have breathed this mold for a year and a half before realizing it was not allergies or some kind of flu. Both my self and husband and handy capped sister have been so so sick. When the house was built the was not steps taken to prevent water form building up in crawl space. I was built by the sellers parents. I know that the seller was aware of all the serious damages under the home when he sold it to us. WE have sence moved out of the house and are forced to live in a camper in our drive way because we have no were to go. I have spoken with meany attorneys only to have them tell me they want no less the $ 5000.00 retainer fee. I am 60 years old I work in a nursing home for $8.33 an hours, we live pay check to pay check and now have no home. Can any one help Kathy

Jessica May 14, 2015 - 10:13 am

Hoping that you can help- I’m so lost! We bought our home about a year ago and since have noticed that mold grows quickly- we cant even keep a towel in the bathroom and need to wipe down the shower and replace/launder shower curtains weekly. I just found that our unexposed box spring has been growing mold and upon checking the inside of the walls- they’re covered!!! I know that the last homeowner had a leak and needed to redo the bathroom bc of it. Also part of our sale was that they needed to fix all of the leaking not since there was residual issues with the plumbing!!! Wouldn’t they have come across this problem? Are they responsible? I can’t make a hoi claim bc the leak didn’t happen to me? Help and Thanks!

belay May 22, 2015 - 10:21 am

I am a tenant and there was a mold in my apartment due to failure of the the water damage by the management.

kathy June 1, 2015 - 3:46 am

I have been currently living in a camper parked in my drive way for 3 months now. Our home is full of black mold in the crawl space and has made us very very sick. We had to separate our family and my sister went to housing. You can not live in this home. If I walk away how much will I be punished by the mortgage compay? I have contacted them. They just keep selling my mortage. Please respond.

Merrilee Williams June 1, 2015 - 5:31 pm

I’m renting a room for 600 . I’m certain that we’re exposed to black mold it’s effecting my asthma I’m lite headed and dizzy and fatigue the bathroom was leaking has a hole in the tub the manager patched it up and put duck tape over the hole but the water went downstairs in the walls can someone help us out you can email me or call me at 619 292 9649

Prudy bishay June 17, 2015 - 10:46 pm

My two months old and I got asthma because of the mold at home. We need a lawyer.

toni mink June 21, 2015 - 11:31 am

My neighbors and I have all complained of mold and our furniture turning white and the smell of mold all thru the house and we have all stay sick with asthma and had doctors letter and still nothing has been done

zack tallent June 22, 2015 - 7:03 am

when packing up to move out of my rental duplex i found a 4 foot tall streak of black mold in the corner wall behind my boxs, contents inside were discolored or also covered with mold along with other smaller boxs next to it. their is a faucet on the exaxct opposite side of the wall, i believe thats how the mold grew. my landlord refuses to acknowledge it being her fault, we’ve had black mold in other rooms along with 2 roof leaks never repaired. can i blame her for property damage?

SB July 13, 2015 - 4:09 pm



ADFR July 25, 2015 - 2:54 pm

SB — July 13, 2015 post — The hospital room with mold. You don’t say if you are the owner of the contractor’s business that was doing the job, but if you told your crew to leave you must be a supervisor at least. I believe you are saying you want the hospital to pay your company for hazardous remediation work? I assume you saw black mold or some kind of mold that makes you think it’s dangerous. If I am correct, and the hospital refuses, you can’t continue the job. You would be in violation of building codes if you painted over mold. You would also put yourself at risk of being sued for personal injury knowing that a patient would be put in that room with mold inside the walls and the air conditioning system. Black mold is very dangerous, and there are other types of mold that can make people sick especially if they are already sick. You would also be in violation of OSHA requirements for making your crew work in that room without remediation precautions and procedures. You could be sued by numerous people for continuing with a job like that — hospital staff, nurses, doctors, patients, visitors of patients. I hope you have worker’s comp insurance for your crew. You were right to get them out of there. You need to document, document, document. Take out a piece of paper and write down everything you remember. Describe what you saw in detail. I hope you took pictures. Ask your crew to write down or dictate to you or your secretary everything that they saw, sign and date it. Keep in touch with them over the next few years. Keep this documentation. Chances are the hospital will not sue you for failing to finish the job, but it won’t pay your either, most likely. Who knows, but you need to be prepared for anything. I wouldn’t waste time trying to get paid. You did the right thing. This problem the hospital has will not go away. It is going to be a news story someday. You are a honorable person who has done the right thing. Sometimes we don’t get any appreciation for that, but if you had done the wrong thing, you can be sure you would have paid for it dearly.

Bryan Artadi August 7, 2015 - 9:36 am

My wife and I have complained about mold in our apartment for over a year. Recently the managers moved us out of the apartment because the kitchen kept flooding due to a pipe leak under the flooring. I took pictures of the mold that was present on the base of the cabinets and around the patio door and elsewhere.

Last month I took my wife to the emergency room because she was having trouble breathing, an x-ray revealed a growth in her lung. After a biopsy was done and a full mri scan it was found to be a tumor the size of a tennis ball in her rt lung with several smaller tumors and another tumor in her brain. The cancer is type small cell at stage four. The medical oncologist says that the cancer probably took 6-9 months to develop to this point.

I desperately need to find a good local attorney who is familiar with these type of claims and see what if anything we have to do to determine if the mold present in the apartment could be the cause of or the reason the cancer became so bad. We live in Stockton CA and I cannot find any attorney locally who handles these type of cases.I

Vanessa August 22, 2015 - 5:22 pm

I am 32 and have had a pretty healthy life up until I moved into a rental home I in 2010. The restroom did not have an air vent and black mold began growing on the ceiling. I had several problems with toilet,bathroom sink and kitchen sink overflowing. This went on for 2 years . I asked for a vent to be put in the restroom but never did it get installed. One day my water is off completely and I did pay my bill. I ran into a city worker and asked what could the problem be. Their response was call the city manager. So I did and he informed me that my landlord was contacted by the city inspector bc the sewer leak on the propriety was some violation. Water was collecting from the back yard all the way out to the street. The city inspector told my landlord that repairs had to be completed for water services to continue if not he would be fined. My landlord gave our city inspector permission to disconnect my water utility in my name on my own account. I had no form of rental contract with the landlord. I have 2 children that live with me. I was very upset and was not sure wat to do. The city manager suggested me look for another place to live immediately. Well I move out 2/3 months later. I became so I’ll that I dnt remember 3 months after I was unable to help move my belongings or help move into our new place. My son is extremely sick and had missed so much school before the move that I had to go to court. He developed asthma that year and I had to cut my hair. I cut it bc I felt awkward and unusual crawling on my scalp. If I wouldn’t have cut it eventually it would have fallen out completely. My hair was returning very healthy so I thought but come to find out one year After I cut it that it was still the same problem from before. This time I think it was a little more aggressive and I am BALD again. I have not left my home in 4 months I’m embarrassed and afraid. I have had panick attacks and have been diagnosed with major depression. What the hell happened to me?

Alisa August 29, 2015 - 4:23 pm

For three years I’ve been renting an apartment in southern California. During the second month of renting I became sick. I tested positive for being allergic to mold. Along with various meds prescribed by my allergist and PCG, my optometrist also prescribed meds because I have infection in my eyes. I informed the owner of the mold and water damage, adding that I have to take medication. He replies that it’s mildew, not mold. Instead of hiring a professional to remove the mold, their manager and plumber have painted over it or done patch work repairs. The mold always returns. Why? Because the pipes are leaking and need to be professionally repaired. The last repair remains unfinished. I’ve experienced flooding several times throughout the apartment, furniture damage and warped hard wood floors. Recently I contacted the health department who inspected my unit. I also hired a professional company who inspects and removes mold. In the mold inspection report, the inspector wrote that my apartment was “found to be in poor and suspected unhealthful condition.” I’m interested in filing a lawsuit and would like to know what environmental law firm in Los Angeles I should contact.

justin September 6, 2015 - 1:44 pm

Me and my family have lived at the seabrease hotel in St. Augustine Fl for almost a year and a half. The roof above the porch has really bad leaks which they will not fix and the mold is so bad the wind blows and its a strong oder but the walls and door I had to bleach monthly because Everything was caked up with mold. Me and my family the family n ext door have had breathing problems and sicknesses continuelly . I have been experiencing chronic fatigue mood swings disorientation sinus infections, absesses ect that I really b believe is caused by the mold. I recently changed rooms and again adressed the issue saying I was going to call someone to inspect and they tried attacking my fiancee and pulled a weapon on me and have been harassing the kids I called the cops and was just now told on both kids birthdays we are getting thrown out on the streets well actually it was told to are 8 year old. A cop came and the said they wanted us gone for not paying rent which we have not had a paymentent issue I handed them the Money in front of the cop and they refused it so I just went and got a money order to show I have the money but the cop says even though this is my mailing address legal address its a motel we have 24 hours to leave tommorrow on a holiday after we just spent all we had left on birthdays. We now have nowhere to go a bunch of druggings harassing and threating us all because I was too sick to work and believed its caused by the mold. People tell me I have cases but I take care of 4 people on my income my fiancee is disabled and tomorrow we will be homeless. Being a holiday there’s nowhere I can go for help I would think there would be a legal notification and them not excepting rent wouldnt be able to evict a person who is not behind a day after its due. I don’t know what to do

Leah September 17, 2015 - 12:17 pm

I am emotionally distraught because I’ve been living in this condo that I’m renting from the landlord and every year for at least 3 times a year I’ve been asking him please check for mold cause I’ve been getting sick I’ve been getting skin rashes the doctors don’t know what’s happening I’ve had fever like symptoms for the last 3 or 4 years and I just didn’t know until about the seventh week flooded my bathroom and then I threaten to call the health department to get him Old Testament and he went to his insurance got the mold testing there was mold and another substance but he didn’t want me to hear what the moments that you said so he’s telling me no nothing there but I overheard inspector say that there is mold three people in the condominium have had to remove black mold from their house within the last three years I believe he knew it was there before he rented because three times he painted over it I said that some old you have to treat it he just painted over and kept going and then hit minute mark that it was mold underneath the kitchen sink and it was mold in my life or my bed is a my mom came over for one week 59 years of her life never been sick always went to the doctor every year got a good checkup she was coming over a cold she came to watch my kid at my house for a week she stayed in the room for a whole week because she was sick she just kept getting sick sick sick and when I came home I started getting sicker as well so we knew it was something in the house especially in the bedroom and I’m still feverish I’m still sick in the landlord decides to tell me get out in one or two weeks because I’m costing him too much money because of the deductible on the mold testing was too high and he’s going to put a man in and charge them for rent and then I got a certified letter stating that I have 30 days to use it I meant to get out or he believes this thing well I wrote him a letter when I first suspected something was happening when we first I wrote him a letter put it on his door saying because he stopped contacting me he put my emails to spam and he doesn’t know its all communication just completely stopped and I was wondering why anyway I put the notice under store listing fix these are health issues of the sexes I’m not going to give you September’s rent well except if he’s asking for the rent I should ve you know why your not getting September’s rent mid September for about 3 days ago he’s asking for rent again and he said that he will evict me or or do addiction matters before October 1st now in my life it says 2 months I give him when he gives me whether we’re going to renew every July because my my lease ends in September so July Wolverley agree and then we’ll get to the paperwork around August September well the water broke the water bus in front of my life I had to make you get a mole test in August now all of a sudden he gives me the certified letter he’s not renewing my lease to hold up the property and he gives me like a little bit over 30 days instead of the two months that’s required he wrote me a letter stating that refusal to get out or something like that I never refuse to get out I want to get out of here as quick as I can however everyone wants first last security and I have to get up some money and things like that because if I would have had two months I would’ve been able to pack soon as if I can only use basically one on so I just feel I am so stressed I am so stressed until I cry all the time I don’t know what I’m going to do I have a 15 year old daughter everyone wants first last and security or even there very very nasty dirty neighborhoods that I don’t trust me in a little girl and and I don’t have the money for the movers I can only pack so much I’ve been packing since I got the notice I can only packs so much so I asked him listen instead of just getting more years and stuff can I just can you just you know give me the two at least owner of the least the two months notice on of the lease and I didn’t 5 days to respond and of course I’m not going to respond everything that I did write him I kept in or said to him I kept in an adult and I gave him copies of everything and I certify the letter but it also have the dates on serving him notice in August so I consulted a lawyer and he asked me did I want to stay and I said hell milk because there’s mold in here he doesn’t even care it’s almost like attempted murder you know because I don’t know what’s going to happen my mom is almost terminally ill I have been so sick to where I can’t even lift my head sometimes when I go out of this house I feel so much better when am I going to sleep when I wake up in the morning I’m dizzy hot cold feverish I’m breaking out with big red itchy bumps all over my body and no doctor knows what’s causing it and they’ve been treating me with pics 1 till farming work to help the itching for the last black marks in each year I break out again and I don’t know why I’ve never had a nosebleed in my entire life until I came to this place my nose started bleeding so I’m asking my down for what the heck is going on in my dying and I looked up mold symptoms after I found out that there was moving here I had every single symptom of mold everything something and I asked my mom to ask her doctor please because the millions are growing her inflammation in her brain it is still her brain is still inflaming and I’m hurt I’m scared I’m disgusted and I just don’t feel like I have any rights and you legal rights anything because they come from a pretty wealthy family so cute lawyer up and I’m wondering why does he need a lawyer and now I can’t contact him I can’t do anything and I heard from a neighbor that he’s telling everybody that I’m refusing to leave which is not the truth I’m not what I want to stay here with mold and he told me to write up he’s not fixing anything those are constantly day and night in the bathtub when the mold inspectors came they had to cut holes in the wall he didn’t fix any of that dry rotted in the bathroom so all of the floor which of course was in that she’s not fixing any of that so I’m going around bleaching twice a day trying to keep at least 9:15 on healthy because me I am down for the count I am down for the count so if anyone knows anyone who I can consult about this I would greatly appreciate it

Lori Etta October 4, 2015 - 3:49 am

We just bought our first home, it is a NEW BUILD

Lori Etta October 4, 2015 - 3:58 am

we just built our first home. While keeping an eye on how the build was going, we noticed black and green mold on the framing. we brought this to the attention of the company and the builder. One sales woman told us that it did not look good (she was fired we found out later). We were told that it was termite treatment and that they will treat again and all will be well. We were suppose to close on October 30, they emailed me to let us know we would be closing on September 30 instead. I was concerned as it had only been 3 months from start to finish. I had asked them if I could bring out my own expert to look at the framing, the said sure then we received the email about early closing. by the time we were able to get back to the home, around a week after the black and green mold was noticed, they had already put up dry wall. I wanted out of the contract as I felt something was not quite right but we would lose our earnest money. Everything started to move very fast, within 3 weeks we were closing. We closed on September 30, 2015 we moved in October 1, 2015 and on October 2, 2015 I noticed black spots in the kitchen pantry. (now from the first day we arrived, started having sinus problems, headache and nausea, congestion in my lungs. There is a musty smell or just a smell, like old shoes or something I am very sensitive to odors. I do NOT get sick easy, have always been healthy but within the last 3 days I have just been sick. I want to hire a mold specialist and find out what I can do. Won’t the builder be responsible for removing the mold?

Felicia Ross October 15, 2015 - 7:16 am

Have been fighting with my insurance for months, I have 2 open claims they have yet paid out. I have mold everywhere in my home now. I have gotten sick now because of this and have been diagnosed with ASTHMA. Its a very long mess. I really need some legal counseling.

Sondra October 20, 2015 - 5:15 pm

What legal rights do I have after buying a home in foreclosure discovering black mold. I have been extremely ill for the past 3 months and have been tested for everything! After entering my symptoms on a site” black mold” came back as my diagnosis. I’m waiting for blood work to confirm. I would bet my life thats the issue. What should my next step be? Do I have legal rights to pursue? The realtor never mentioned an issue. We moved last September and it was cold.we notice a strong odor coming from the basement months later. We assumed it was from the house being empty. Black mold is on the walls in basement and in closets. The company had the house cleaned so it was not visible at the time of purchase. Please help in my next step. I have been off work going on 3 months now and I feel like death

Ralph November 19, 2015 - 11:47 am

My wife and I are both in our 60’s, leased a newer home (with an option to purchase in three (3) years) in the Colorado Springs, CO area, approximately six months ago, where we live and both work full-time in our home office, while managing the care of our disabled daughter who has undergone a number of surgeries over the past few years, most recently being heart valve replacement surgery last year.

OUR PROBLEM – We have contacted dozens of Attorneys (Environmental, Personal Injury, Toxic Tort, Landlord/Tenant, etc.) with one rejection after another, many provided referrals, which when contacted also rejected representation. We don’t know where to go from here or who to contact. We have contacted every Government agency we could think of… again with no solutions/results. Any advice greatly appreciated.

OUR SITUATION – In a large coat closet located next to our Home Office, we hung all of our coats, skiwear, winter boots, etc. when we moved into the home (early Summer). Six weeks ago, the temperatures dropped and when my wife opened up the closet door to retrieve her coat, she discovered that a number of our coats and the Coat Closet’s interior walls were covered with some type of a Black Mold. I was, and still am, in Arkansas dealing with the recent death of my mother and home caring my 102 yr. old father.

The property owner was immediately made aware of the problem and after two weeks of demanding and complaining to him about the problem, which he tried very hard to blame on us, claiming the problem was a toilet upstairs that was slightly running on the inside of the water holding tank, informing us that we were totally responsible and it was our sole responsibility to get a Mold Remediation group out to the house immediately, on our dime. We didn’t know what to do so my wife contacted a plumber to inspect the situation and isolate the problem. Upon arrival, he immediately located the problem… a Screw holding Closet Shelf bracket was screwed through the Bracket and right into a water pipe. A screw holding the Closet Shelf bracket was screwed into the wall and right into a water pipe. After the Home Owner was made aware of the problem, that the Plumber we hired had located, there were no apologies to us… but he started slowly dealing with the remediation.

Monday, 11/09/2015, when the Mold Professionals that the Property Owner hired finally showed up to start remediating the problem in the Coat Closet, they discovered that the mold was also present, but much worse, covering a 8’ Cement Foundation Wall, which was hidden from view by white plastic coated insulated diapers, covering the walls in our Utility Room where all of our Heat/Air & Ducts are located, directly below the infected Coat Closet. We are now concerned that the Mold is also present in the carpets & pads as well as the AC & Heater ducts/vents throughout the entire house, which consists of over 5,000 square feet and 3 full floors, with the Moldy Coat Closet being located in the middle floor. The Home Owner has refused to clean the Heating/AC Ducts or address the Carpet on the house floors or all of our destroyed clothing from the closet.

OUR CONCERNS – Our daughter, in her mid-30’s, who lives with us under our full-time care, has been battling a number of serious health issues over the past five years, most recently being Heart Valve Replacement surgery, followed then by complete teeth removal and implants, as a measure to prevent additional infections. Since moving into this house, she started experiencing a continual number of setbacks, which just a week before discovery of the Mold Issues, her doctors diagnosed her as having serious deficiencies within her immune system and up unto then, the causes for her symptoms had yet to be determined by her physicians or specialists. Now that her doctors are aware of the Mold issue and due to her medical history, they want her out of this house immediately. My wife and daughter are both extremely allergic to Penicillin, and the Mold Professionals told them that due to those allergies, any mold discovered living in the house containing Penicillin could prove toxic to them. Even our Black Lab has been sick and is under his Vet’s care, at present.

We have lived with and breathed this Mold into our bodies for nearly 6 months. The Infected Closet door is less than 10 feet from our Office area, where my wife and I spend 8 to 12 hours each day. My wife has also been continually sick, in and out of her Dr.’s office over the past several months. On Friday (10/6/2015) she was diagnosed with signs of possible “Lupus” after a number of tests. Over the past 6 weeks, I’ve developed dry, circular, flakey sores (psoriasis) on the calves of both legs and one on my chest, which are continually enlarging. We are very worried that the exposure and damage, which has already been done to our daughter, may be irreversible at this point. On 11/14/2015 she woke up with an extreme case of “Thrush” which she experienced in the past but brought on by excessive intake of antibiotics or penicillin. She has not taken any antibiotics for months and she is highly allergic to penicillin. My wife’s only option was to take her 50 miles away to stay with an acquaintance, to get her out of the house, which is making it near impossible for to handle her other health issues at such a distance. We are all terrified of what this Mold exposure has done to our family and desperately need advise and direction regarding this matter.

Prior to the arrival of the Mold Professionals that the Home Owner hired to remediate the situation, my wife contacted an Industrial Hygienist company to come out and test the home. We just received the results of the tests and they came back POSITIVE, showing Abundant Stachybotrys (Toxic Black Mold). We were told that this problem has been incubating for a very long time and that it didn’t happen over night but most likely for many, many months or more likely, years. The Property Owner told my wife, on Friday, 11/13/2015, that they were in the house for 7 years before moving out and then the house sat empty for at least a year before we moved in. It is apparent that this problem existed long before we took possession of the property and we have been breathing these Toxic Mold Spores, 24/7, over the past 6 months. The same Industrial Hygienist will also be coming back as quickly as the remediation is completed to repeat the same tests, for follow-up results.

Secondly, one of our daughter’s Specialists just referred her to an Allergist for testing, scheduled for late November, regarding to her exposure to this Mold.

The Home Owner’s are unaware of the Testing performed by the Industrial Hygienist, nor our efforts in acquiring legal representation.

To make matters worse, the Home Owners just notified us that they were turning over the Management of our Home over to a local Management Company, informing us that any issues we encounter with the home from now on, are to be addressed directly to said Management Company and not to bother them.

The Home Owners have been playing hardball with this matter since it began. We had over 30 coats including a fur in the infected closet, which are also all ruined. When we confronted the Home Owners, they said that they’ve been dealing with their insurance company and that they won’t pay for any damages that we have incurred, and that we need to file a claim with our Renters Insurance Provider. NO Renter’s Insurance Providers cover any type of Mold Damage, PERIOD.

Our plans were to purchase this home within 3 years and we paid sufficient down payments and deposits to accomplish same, but now, we are terrified of the thought of living in this house anymore. We want out of the Lease and out of this house, as quickly as physically possible and we would like to seek any and all damages allowed by law for the pain, suffering and probable long term and/or continual effects myself, my wife and our daughter have and will experience from our exposure to the mold in this house, over the past five months. We also wish to receive all of down payments/deposits returned to us and to be compensated for all medical costs, moving costs, stress and anxiety that this has caused to our family, but most importantly, our daughter’s health is our main concern. This is very serious matter and we have got to get her out of this house as quickly as possible.

Our health, especially our daughter’s has been severely effected by this mess and we feel that this Home Owner should be financially responsible for our health needs as long as we experience any issues caused by or contributed to the Mold that we lived with, in his house, for the past 6 months.



Kathy mcgowan December 5, 2015 - 9:25 pm

I have lived In a rental apt for two years. The water heater broke upstairs 19 months ago and flooded my apartment. they did not clean the apartment correctly at that time. My water heater broke down stairs 4 months ago And flooded my apartment. I notified the office and they came in and said I don’t have mold. When the carpet cleaning company came to suck up the water both times they didn’t dry it properly. I have had pneumonia for ten months. I have been on antibiotics and steroids 32 times. I t didn’t help I still have it. I finally moved out. I hired a lawyer and have cat scans every month. My doctor sees the the pneumonia sitting in my right lung and thinks cancer is behind it. I don’t know think my doctor is doing a good job cuz he doesn’t know how I got sick. I’m getting a second opinion this week. My body feels like something is eating me from the inside out. I found black mold. When I slept in my bed I threw up every nite, it’s black stuff or red crap. Every night for three month. I started sleeping in living room and the area throwing up stopped. I go to my primary doctor, my neurologist, and a Pulmonologist.

Suzy January 6, 2016 - 7:48 am

A black mold was noticed in the hallway entrance to apartment and the the bedroom closet that abuts that area. Mold was even found on some handbags that were in the closet up against the back of closet. I bagged the stuff up and am unsure how to got about cleaning everything from closet. My landlord sent a handyman out to inspect and he cut out a 2×2 ft sectopn of the contaminated sheetrock from entry way to try to find where leak was coming from. My concern is that he caused the mold to go airborne. The door into apartment was closed at the time but I didn’t know he did this and I opened door to inspect area knowing that they sent someone to evaluate. After tellling landlord that this wasn’t a smart thing to do because of the airborne mold that hasn’t been tested. They sent out a professional. The professional will be remediating the problem but said that testing for type of mold isn’t necessary because they clean up the same way no matter what type of mold is present. My concern is the stuff that’s in my closet and possible airborne also because I had to move stuff out of it so they could evaluate the damage. The professional told me of the product they use: Odoban that is also available at Home Depot for me to use to launder my clothes. But I also had other things in there such as a bedside table, shoes, furry boots, stuffed animals, laptop, etc. those can’t go in the laundry. What will my exposure be if I’m the one removing, touching and inhaling this unknown mold? So my fear is that although they clean the same way no matter what type of mold, I’m sure they are suited up properly and have respirators. I don’t have that equipment. So my cleanup for my personal things isn’t the same as when they are demolishing and rebuilding. They start tomorrow which leaves me with only tonight to empty the entire bedroom of it’s contents. Bed, dressor, etc.
I feel pressured and scared. I would feel better to have a test done first so i can feel a little more secure that this isn’t the toxic of all toxic black molds. But when the professional told my landlord that they do nothing different they chose to not test first. Please your help is needed quickly.
Sincerely,Unsure and Nervous Tenant,

MIKE January 26, 2016 - 3:56 pm


MIKE MATHERNE January 26, 2016 - 3:58 pm


Mar February 11, 2016 - 10:46 pm

I am interest to know my right as a renter with a house taken over by mold. Do they just kick you out. I don’t have a first and last plus down payment. I’ve been here 5 years. A couple thins we have pointed out to owner.

Our bedroom, the wall behind our bed is very cold and gets damp when it rains. I had to replace a lot of really nice furniture because they were on the floor and fell apart or just completely unusable. It was all mold. We have green mold, black mold, and green plants in the wall.

Our bathroom would be completely back if we didn’t clean it with bleach every other day. My husband had to replace the shower floor because it fell apart. In the show, it broke and we fell. Small but just enough to slip and fall. The wall had to be replaced in a spot because it came through it. The flooring is always wet or damp. Some of it is coming up with more mold under.

Family room, I thought it would be safe so I had some nice furniture and didn’t put plastic under it. The wall doesn’t hit an inside wall so I thought I was ok. Nope…..all furniture ruin and replaced, this time with plastic under.

Guest bathroom. Yes discussing also…I’m always bleach bleach bleach. It get so black around edge of room

By family room, there is a skylight. You can actually see plaint bubble because of rain. About half is fallen on us already. We have to put a bucket because it leaks in 4 spots. Right by my couch.

I don’t know much of mold but this entire house could literally fall if there was a really big rain. It’s everywhere.

I have miscarried three times, my daughter has sever asthma, and my husband has a percent cuff but he won’t go to doctor.

I don’t want to be left out in the rain until I save up enough to find another home. I’m on social security so I’m on a very tight budget

Any ideas are welcome.

David Bath April 17, 2016 - 4:20 am

I had a large leak in my basement from a failed water valve about 2 months ago. I tried to dry it out but mold developed in a few days. I removed the wet carpet and called my insurance company who promptly stated ‘your policy has an exclusion on mold’. I checked the policy and sure enough, listed in the exclusions section was mold. The insurance company sent out an appraiser and they said they would cover replacement of the carpet but not the mold remediation. So I attempted to remediate the mold myself. The mold has subsequently spread throughout my house and I am now having problems breathing.

After some investigation online, I found an article that stated that if the original event is covered by insurance, then the related mold is covered by insurance as well and the insurer cannot contract out of the responsibility. I am now wondering if I can go after my insurance company for the mold remediation costs despite the exclusion for mold?

Jackie May 23, 2016 - 9:54 pm

Hi my landlord knew the same week I moved in his mobile home the Celine and window is leaking. Mold inspector came out and said its dangerous and think my family is sick… So much other too much to type.

Susan Huizinga June 13, 2016 - 6:36 pm

I was shopping at Food Basics on Fairview St, and picked up what I thought was a package of Pesto flavored tortillas. As I pulled the package out of the rack I was suddenly breathing in a huge cloud of mould spores. The package wasn’t pesto flavored, it was a bag entirely filled with mould. I have asthma. Mould exposure is especially damaging to asthmatics because the sterioids in our inhalers suppress our immune systems and help mould to thrive. I am absolutely in shock that a product SO mouldy was left on the shelf. The bag had a tear in it, allowing the mould to envelope me in a cloud when I picked it up. I informed the store of what happened, and they stared at me blankly. I warned the store clerk to wear a mask when cleaning up the package. Such a huge amount of mould exposure may cause my body damage which will take months or years to repair. Flour based moulds are known to produce mycotoxins. These can even cause cancer. What can I do? I’m freaking out!

Morgan June 25, 2016 - 11:09 am

Back in Aug 2012 I moved into an apartment with my mom. In Jan the next year my mom got really sick went in to the hospital and it wasn’t looking good. She finally got out but is not the same. She was in there for almost 2 weeks in icu. She had some problems before but she was still able to work. Now she can’t even do the dishes without having taking a lot of breaks. She is having to wear oxygen 24/7. Since then she is in and out of the hospital every like 6 months. Now June 2016 she spent a week in the hospital then was transferred to a nursing home for 20 days and was doing the best she ever has been home for 4 days and she is back to doing really bad. She can’t even talk without losing her breath. I have come to the conclusion that it must be something in the house i’m guessing mold. She was fine July 2012 and has been sick the 4 years she has lived in that apartment

Wendy harry June 28, 2016 - 5:55 am

I have lived here in my rental now for almost 2 months. My 5 year old has been sick with coughing and uri on and off for about 2 weeks and I have had this cough now off and on about a month. I had a friend go into my basement this weekend and he took pics of what he found. He states its black mold and I need to notify my landlord immediately because it can be harmful. If I call the health department too, and they find that it is black mold in my house, can I be evicted without notice

Karen Izzo July 7, 2016 - 5:10 pm

My husband has been coughing for almost two years…he’s been hospitalized for it. I have horrible joint pain, we are both fatigued. This all started when we moved into our condo. I called the realtor and she told me there had been a leak in the condo. They did not disclose this. Last weak a pipe broke in our garage. The restoration workers pulled the ceiling down and found “old black mold” …not caused by the current leak. I’m afraid the mold is in other parts of the condo that we cannot see. We feel compelled to move but how do we fix this mess so no one else has this issue? Can we sue the realtor and previous owner?

Brenda July 21, 2016 - 3:01 pm

Hello Friends, The great man who cures all known diseases, Dr Sebi is a healer, pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist, who immigrated from Honduras and who has committed his life to the service of helping people cure their diseases. In 1988, he took on the Attorney General of New York in a Supreme Court trial where he was being sued for false advertisement and practice without a license after placing ads in a number of newspapers, including the New York Post where he had announced: “Aids has been cured by the Usha Research Institute, and we specialize in cures for Sickle Cell, Lupus, Blindness, Herpes, Cancer, Als and others. Pre-trial, the judge had asked Dr. Sebi provide one witness per disease he had claimed to cure however when 77 in person witnesses joined him in court, the judge had no choice but to proclaim the Doctor NOT GUILTY on all accounts, proving he did in fact have the cure to all the diseases mentioned in the newspapers. Several celebrities have sought out healing through the Doctor including: Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, Eddie Murphy, John Travolta and the deceased Lisa Left Eye Lopes who proclaims in the video: “I know a man who has been curing AIDS since 1987”.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from ALS(MND) by Dr Sebi, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on ALS and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Sebi cured them from ALS, CANCER, HERPES, DIABETES and so on… when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me through courier service that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my ALS result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Sebi. Am fully cured. you can also get your self cured my friends if you really need my doctor help, you can reach him now: (drsebiherbalisthealinghome12@gmail. com) You are indeed a HERO!

Yasuck August 5, 2016 - 9:38 am

Mold has been around a LOOOOOONG time. Actually, before humans. Up until about 10-15 years ago, it was not a big deal and nobody ever got sick until the douchebag lawyers decided to cash in. Rental owners insurance companies then covered it, and the tenant attorney would be able to make easy money by filing claims. Then insurance companies dropped the coverage from General Liability policies so they would have to sue the landlords directly. Guess what? the landlords didn’t pay out as easily, and the greedy douchebags had to actually work for the money. And of course the amount of mold lawsuits went way way down.

Joy Shepard September 4, 2016 - 3:46 pm

Black mold was discovered in my basement on December 24, 2014. It was caused from a plummer not doing his job correctly. I immediately called my Home Owners Insurance. They called a remediation company to come out to get rid of the mold. Now the remediation company is presenting me with a very large bill which I cannot pay. The insurance company is refusing to pay the bill or to cover the cost of replacing the drywall, carpet, or flooring that were damaged by the mold. I was ill for over a year because I had to stay in my home because of financial reasons. My son and daughter-in-law with their 2 sons were living in my basement. My youngest grandson has Downs Syndrome. He also has respiratory problems. He is on oxygen. They moved out almost immediately to a motel. I have hired an attorney, but he is dragging his feet and I am left with an unfinished home. I own my home. What am I to do. I am very frustrated.

Lynda Heeke September 10, 2016 - 4:39 pm

I moved in to my apartment on March 9, 2016. The first week in we had on major flood from the upstairs bathroom in to ours downstairs from their tub. The seal had corroded and gave way. We had 3 inches of water and soap. I called emergency maintenance, they fixed the seal upstairs but did not open the ceiling of our unit to dry it out and fix any mold issues. 2 weeks later the master bath did the same thing, except this time water seeped through the drywall from the tub upstairs, and caused a 4 foot bubble in the latex paint over the master bath. Again, emergency maintenance came out, stuck his finger in the latex paint to drain the water, patched it up and painted. I asked about opening up the ceiling to dry it out and look for water damage/mold. He said it didn’t need to be done. We know first hand how damaging to ones health and personal items mold and pores can be. My son moved out after the 3rd week because he and I were having bad medical symptoms from this. We lived this nightmare 5 years ago in a house. Upon genetic testing then, I passed a gene on to my son and that gene, we cannot live in or around toxic mold. FF to week number 5 in the apartment, the a/c condenser is in the ceiling of the master closet. It started leaking water and a black greasy substance in to the closet on the floor and clothes. Again emergency maintenance came in, said the pan was bent in the ceiling, bent it back and left. That did not work. After 4 months of trying to get maintenance out to fix over 9 hazards in this apartment, it took over 5 months to get anything done. And we still have issues. After 5 months of being sick with migraines, itchy skin, yeast on my tongue, memory loss, blurred vision, stuffy nose, bloody nose, coughing non stop, red, itchy eyes, swollen eyes, and much more, I called in a professional company to test for mold in the air (spores) and physical mold. The management at the apartments (despite my results coming back positive for stachybotrys, aspergillum, penicillan, and 2 other toxic spore and physical samples) the management here is trying to evict us and not fix or remediate the unit. I have to throw away all of my personal belongings, and find a new safe place to live. In one sentence management offered us a new clean updated unit, and then 5 minutes later said they will evict us. I was served an unlawful detainer and filed an answer to go to court. I will not just up and leave this unit because they will just cover it all up and rent to someone who may possibly become even more ill than I am, or maybe a child who has asthma comes in here and dies, i’m sick over this. I have been in contact with an attorney in my area, but have not signed anything, as he is going over everything. I NEED AN ATTORNEY ASAP who will fight for me and my family. This is not right, nothing about this is right.

Sheron Martin September 18, 2016 - 7:19 pm

We had a mold problem in the home we were renting. When I mentioned the concern to our landlord and requested an air quality test, she said the home was tested before we moved in an air test was good? Requested test be completed, company came out and test showed a problem, landlord wouldn’t share results prior to trying to schedule repairs, we paid for a second test which was done within week of 1st test, spore count almost doubled. Company came out to do work while we were living in the home and did not circulate the air out of the home while air movers, dehu’s running, 3rd test completed after mold remediater company completed their repairs, spore count higher on 3rd test than 1st & 2nd test. Landlord finally agreed to let us out of lease. I have full documentation of process, every conversation, communication and test results, pictures, etc. would like representation. University Park, Texas. Landlord is a practicing Doctor. I have twin boys, born premature. 1 of which was born with a compromised immune system and Dr./Landlord fully aware of my sons condition and have documented conversation regarding a specific concern with my sons health.

wendy September 29, 2016 - 8:17 pm

I live in Houston, TX in an apartment. The bathroom ceiling leaked through and the finally repaired oit. They didn’t fix the upstairs leak and after several months it rotted through again. They put a piece of cardboard over the hole in the ceiling, for several month and repaired the upstairs leak. All of the rusted and moldy stuff fell into my tub when they did. Plus they had cut holes in the wall several times due to the toilet clogging. Every place they repaired, plus the ceiling line is totally black. When they “fixed”‘replaced the sheetrock, they just threw it in a garbage can and drug it through my apartment. The used no HAZMAT precautions. Now they say they are coming in the morning to remediate. I sent a sample from the last sheetrock and it came back positive for black mold. My son and I are having multiple symptoms. No one will help me. The City of Houston won’t come check it. Neither will management. The refuse to move me. They refuse to help w/the cost of moving. I live of Social Security. I am 68 years old.

Donsheka November 6, 2016 - 12:11 pm

I live in an apartment complex and have had a mold issue since 2013. My ceiling leaks every so many months where the mold grows. My ceiling had to start falling to the floor. I called the rental office and still had to call and be aggressive with maintenance to get someone to come to my house. They supposedly fixed it but just replaced the Sheetrock or whatever the ceiling is made of. The mold spot was larger in 2013 than this time. One time they came and painted over it. I started having sore throats and coughs. Had to take my son to the doc for nosebleeds then find out he was anemic. He often has stomach aches and nausea and vomiting. My baby girl was having freguent sore throats and headaches. She always was nauseas and throwing up. I’m thinking its a virus but she wasn’t always using the bathroom. My big girl has this rash on her face that won’t go away. It will dry up and when we think its over, bam there it goes again. We stay with cold like symptoms out of nowhere. I thought it was something because I hadn’t suffered from colds and sinus problems since the 90. But after it started to grow again, we have inspections I tells them, no one never came and I had to go to court because a dispute with my rent I took pictures and noticed this mold was growing spores outside of the ceiling. I lost a baby two months ago. My head fills bloated. My skin itches, I still have sore throats out of no where. I was sitting under this stuff not knowing it can kill me. My big girl has been diagnosed with a mental illness, she has frequent headaches and stomach aches and hasn’t had to have the albuterol for years. She’s been put back on it as of July. Just had to take my baby girl to the doc because she was throwing up and her throat was hurting Friday before last. Ive taken my two babies to the doc to have blood test done to see if the allergies they were diagnosed with are related to the mold. My big girl gets tested tomorrow and i will be tested also when i get a chance. When I noticed the mold I started researching it and realized a lot of the things we’ve experienced over the years has been from the mold. The community I live in suppose to be a one that supports the residents. They do anything but that. Its hard to get maintenance in your home. But they want that cash. When I told them I had mold and it can be the reason for my pregnancy loss they hurry up and came out. The property manager and a maintenance guy came out. They didn’t say nothing about removing it, the next thing I know I went the kitchen because I was cooking the guy cut it out my ceiling. When I walked over to ask for a sample of the mold the maintenance guy must had given it to the manager because she was out the door. He told me it turned to dust. Just a flat out lie. The board had a perfectly cut circle in it. They left and came back. He forgot to take a picture of the hole he left in my ceiling. Last week it felt as if I was have a miscarriage all over again. I couldn’t go to the doc because my baby was sick. This has caused and costs me a lot. I need a lawyer asap. They came Thursday 6 days later and put a piece of wood up. They didn’t treat the mold or nothing. I did get a piece of Sheetrock out the ceiling when it was opened. I need help finding an attorney. The doctor gave a pamphlet for their lawyers but its more like legal aide lawyers.

Landlord Mold December 8, 2016 - 4:10 am

Most of the posts here I see involve slum lords who in most cases, knew about the black mold and painted over it.Then when tenant complains they find a way to kick you out–or make you glad you could terminate lease early–leaving all evidence behind for next unsuspecting renter. You can leave IF you even have the ENERGY to leave!!! But PRESERVE evidence before you go. Pay $200 for a professional mold remediation company to come out and do whatever air quality and mold tests you can afford. Call around for a certified person. I was so upset when I figured out I had my thyroid removed over this–I hired TWO companies just to preserve my own proof (any decent lawyer will need) and what they found in my rental was mind blowing. Fiberglass, Cellulose and three forms of toxic mold in the filthiest HVAC system ever on the planet. They were able to take photos and prove my landlord had four previous water damage lines on walls, and AC Duct tape showed the dates!!! They were able to see no one had even cleaned the main AC cage in 4 years, So you must establish yourself because no one will do it for you. If the landlord bothered to get a report they are never going to show it to you anyways, Get your OWN reports and pretend you own home if need be. I found a few mold remediation that did not care I was a renter–some are cheap some outrageous price, same type service so call around. What I was breathing in was unreal and Landlord can be criminally negligent if they knew. When landlord blamed ME I located former tenant who happily supported my claims. Also keep and date any air filters with videos of you installing them and removing them a few days later. This is going to help prove WHAT was in your lungs or nose even after you have left your mold palace. Better if you have a witness stick them in and remove them. Protect them in clear plastic as you see Miami Vice plastic bag stuff. I am able to take these to my Doctors appointments and then they “get it.” What is on the AC filters is in you. You must connect the home to YOU and not easy to do if you are on the street, Connect dirty home to you before you move.

After you know WHAT toxins you are being exposed too–have a Doctor swab your saliva and noses for mycotoxins and whatever else they can do. Keep a diary and EVERY Doctor visit and report in one neat pile and do not loose that pile. I kept the air quality reports, with my Medical Records and pretty much in order, as well as ANY evidence I could take with me-that I made sure was documented by other people willing to help. Also keep any related expenses in same pile. I even went by after I did move and grabbed what garbage she had set out for garbage men, This was all the black mold drywall!!! I took a photo of it sitting there as garbage and free game. My endless prescriptions had been mailed there and she had put them in the garbage…

Number one thing you will be told by EVERYBODY is MOVE. I resented this the most because I was too SICK TO MOVE!!! But I did began feeling 50% better the moment I was out of there. I went to a hotel for a week to SEE if I felt better and I sure did. Prior to that test, I could not even lift my head to get out of bed, eyes were blood shot and blood pressure 200/100 I was a walking stroke ALL YEAR. Only when I began hoteling it did it start to drop. Also any swabs on you or your family have taken BEFORE you move. Once you are away from exposure all the nightmares do begin to end and much is no longer in your system to prove it was ever there,

But bottom line, even with ALL this focused effort…in FLORIDA – Mold is so part of Florida most Lawyers and Doctors know it is too vague. It is in everything we eat. I had to focus on Fiberglass in lungs, cellulose and the odd fact I had a year and a half left on my lease which was of value. So I had to go after odd areas to rail the evil landlord who knew she did not have to call her homeowners, knew they were NEVER going to cover her negligence, such as not water proofing home–knew she did not have to really do much but maybe fix a roof leak (Code Enforcement made her do anything exterior) but anything interior–I really have an uphill battle. You should have had your own contents insurance. But being sick is on the owner if you can prove it. Former tenants can be awesome and your best case.

If there is black mold in your place there is LOTS of other stuff also. Keep careful records, document EVERYTHING you can before you collapse. Because no one is really going to care unless you appear to have DATA in your hand. At minimum I am suing for moving expenses, cleaning expenses, rent differences in this market (my home is $500 more a month to rent now-of I could find a comparable) and I had 18 months left on my lease. There are very few laws that protect the tenant but Florida Statute ALLOWS you to terminate lease if landlord fails to cure water damage so do NOT let Landlord me you think you are being done a favor. 83.63 allows you to go without worry–but have a lawyer send Landlord a letter in writing. A lawyer can begin with a seven day demand letter, demanding they fix the issue (this at least buys you time) but chances are a toxic home will take a lot longer than that. Mentally preparing to MOVE and DOCUMENTING and PRESERVING everything I could in one big pile helped as well as moving although that was the hardest and I had to rehome my dog (who was also sick all year) and so on.

p. locker January 2, 2017 - 3:41 pm

I managed an apartment complex in Albany Oregon in 2015-2016..the property apartments were built in the early 70’s. while there I came across so much mold among other problems that were not taken care of. The management company had just purchased this small complex a year earlier. As the new manager and having a construction background, I let the new owners know that they had some mold problems. Not something they were eager to hear about. I was told the complex had been inspected when sold and it was in good condition, per inspector. I have worked with inspectors in the past and if they don’t like you they red tag you immediately, but if you make it worth their while it will pass. Although some inspectors are just plain stupid to the fact that there are any problems. I heard they paid just shy of One Million dollars.. Well, to make a long story shorter; they just didn’t want to spend the money (they were in partners with the owner that bought it). When I moved a couple in the first thing within the first 2 months, I was told there was mold in the unit. I inspected it and sure enough, black mold. they sprayed bleach on it and painted over it. (BLEACH DOES NOT KILL MOLD)!! LOOK IT UP. Well, from the information of some of the people that still live there and ones I have stayed in contact with; nothing has changed. they raise the rest as people move out and never repair the problems..The Roof..that’s another story!! with mold

racheal roberts March 1, 2017 - 1:20 am

I was sold a mobile home that the owner was paid and ordered to destroy. She sold it to me and said nothing about the mold what can I do to get my money back and make sure she does not do this to anyone else. Was this legal can she get in trouble by the insurance company for selling it instead of destroy it since she was paid to destroy it.

chris March 22, 2017 - 10:22 am

hello everyone i just got my windows replaced last year by my land lord and now ive got black mold growing on the bottom of my windows cuz every day there is condensations dripping from it i live in ontario if i were to sue my land lord cuz of this mold would i win the case? Or is it my fault that the windows everyday drip water? I do live in a basement apartment as well

David Johnson May 22, 2017 - 10:14 am

My wife and I just had a new house built two years ago and we found mold growing on the outside of the house
The company that built it has since went out of business under the name they used when they built our house
I called them,They said they would send someone out to look at it-BUT guess what no one has called or showed up——-WE Need An Attorney like Asap

Olivia September 12, 2017 - 2:58 pm

I have had multiple asthma attack from my house. When I tell my landlord the issues he threatens to through me out once he and his sister/ business partner hit me and threaten my life with a machete. The basement has mild the walls have visible mold. I don’t know what to do cause situations in my life won’t allow me to financially move.

Martha May 29, 2018 - 8:32 pm

We have lived in this trailer, it had leaked prior to us moving. About 2 yrs ago it got worse. Landlord patched it but it started leaking again. 10 months ago my husband had pnemonia, the deadly kind he survived. At this time when it rained it was raining in the house. Our furniture is ruined. My husband has had pnemonia 3 times and bronchitis once in 10 months. We quit paying rent to get his attention. We had caught up, still he says he don’t have money to repair. So we stopped again. Now he is evicting us, and says he is not to blame for my husbands sickness. We have over 25,000 in unpaid medical bills. What can I do.

Melanie Fuller October 21, 2018 - 5:23 pm

My family and I went to stay in a house that was owned by my father’s family. My father and his brothers were listed on a contract as responsible for this property, as my grandmother was too unwell to make decisions regarding its upkeep/management. My father’s brothers tried to make my father responsible for this house, but I do not believe there is any documentation that supports this. In short, my family was exposed to 4.5 years of toxic mold in this house. At the beginning of our stay, I suspected something off about the air quality, so a contractor/air specialist with the company came and checked the air and claimed to find nothing. Another person came back another year (at my request), and with prompting (I felt the smell coming from the kitchen) the guy claimed to find black mold under the sink in the kitchen. After fixing everything up in the kitchen, I still felt that something was off. Finally, this year, I couldn’t take it anymore so I hired someone to come in myself. The guy who came in discovered mold everywhere in the unfinished basement downstairs. He also discovered the fresh air pipe was not connected to the furnace so the mold was literally being pumped throughout the entire house through the furnace, in addition to the stack-effect. The house is really old and did not have any re-direction of the water so the water was always leaking in through the basement, creating the perfect situation for mold. None of this information was disclosed to us when we first entered into staying at the house. I had been living there with 2 very very young children and was pregnant with my second child in that place as well. My family owns and runs a construction business so I find it very odd that they were unaware of the possibility of any mold being present! I wonder if I have a case here… I am feeling very disturbed at the moment.

jlowy October 25, 2018 - 6:50 am

Sorry to hear … any lawyers here that can offer assistance?

Angela Brooks-Gay November 28, 2018 - 11:44 am

Hello. I had been sick for about 3 years after moving into the previous apartment and after multiple trips to the doctor and emergency room they diagnosed me with bronchitis, myalgia, chronic sinuses, severe headaches, severe itching, air flow restriction in my lungs, nausea, borderline diabetes, vertigo and memory loss and the doctor and the hospital didn’t know the source of these until my last visit to the hospital and the doctor asked me did I have mold in my home. So, I went to the rental office several times and asked the property manager would she have my apartment checked for mold 7 times and every time she refused to check for mold which I do have in writing with the property manager’s signature and date. So, I took it upon myself to hire an environmental tester to have my apartment tested and several toxic molds were found airborne including the leakage of septic gas and the level was so high that it was recommended from the tester that we left immediately for health reasons. There has been multiple slab and pipe leaks in my apartment and the rental office has denied this. Why I don’t know because I was living there when it happened and have the invoices of the leaks. I have had thousands of dollars of furnishings destroyed due to the pipe and slab leaks and had to hire a mold cleaner to clean my clothes, personal items and furnishings which cost me thousands of dollars with no restitution from the landlord. They also tried to blackmail me to keep quiet about this with another apartment which I have that letter as well. All and all, they did nothing. Because I wanted to seek legal action to help me in this matter, every apartment I applied for they gave a bad referral so I was forced to sleep in my car during the winter which sadly the heat went out at that time until I found an extended stay hotel to stay in and I’m staying for a year so I don’t have to go to them for a rental referral anymore and after that year I can get an apartment again. I have missed 3 years of work due to the mold exposure and am just able to go back to work but still suffering from the disorders that I will have for the rest of my life. Every medical bill and medication has come out-of-pocket which has been a big strain on me not being able to work. I hired an attorney but the attorney moved away to another state so she wasn’t able to represent me anymore but she did give me all the files, info, etc that she had to past on to another attorney. I live in southern Virginia and I truly need an attorney to help me as soon as possible. During this process I also discovered felony grand larceny they committed by illegally charging the tenants a building maintenance fee which is not in my lease which actually paid for their general liability insurance. Have that proof as well and also padding the water charges. When I discovered that when we moved out they actually had to give a refund for the extra charges. I’m still suffering because I don’t have health insurance so I couldn’t get all the medical attention and medication I need. Truly and desperately in need of an experienced attorney licensed to work in southern virginia. Do you know anyone out there that can help me with an experienced attorney or any other solution. I also have testimony from other tenants in the building which is ready to testify on my behalf of what’s going on and what happened as well. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Andrea Castro Sigler March 26, 2019 - 10:56 pm

Does anyone know a lawyer in Seattle, WA who does toxic mold litigation? I need one and I need one quickly.

thewife April 14, 2019 - 4:41 pm

Hi Andrea,

Here is a list of mold litigation law firms in Seattle, Washington. We look forward to finding out what advice they shared with you.

– MB Staff Writer

tenorzelle sturtevant November 22, 2019 - 7:48 am

Ive been in my apartment for 6months now. When I moved in, all seemed well. Two days after I began smelling that stale pungent smell asscociated with mold. I told the property manager about it. She did nothing. I’ve been telling her that there is a leak in the bathroom wall. The maintenance man came and fixed the leaky faucet but did nothing about the leak in the wall. I then noticed that there was mold on the inside of the cabinet where my air conditioning unit sits. Not only is there mold, but the unit is old and is leaking. The maintenance man was dispatched again and this time, he sprayed the mold with bleach left and came back the next day and sprayed some kind of chemical, painted the wall inside the cabinet and left. Well, no one bothered to check the vents, listen for the leak in the wall. The property manager was suppose to come and inspect the apartment but has not done so. That was three weeks ago. I have done all I can do. Should I now call code enforcement? Please advise. I’ve broken out and now am very tired all of the time and I have this wicked cough with to much mucus in my lungs. I did not go through this much drama when I was in the service

Douglas L Strong Jr December 31, 2019 - 12:11 pm

I need a lawyer and I don’t know how to find one that will help me please someone give me the name and number to one that has a case that they are working on for them please I’m desperate they have taken my son from me and I lost our home over mold please I need help in always sick and I’m living on the street and it’s cold .while my son sits in CPS and I’m losing the fight please I’m begging anyone who can help me get this all straighten out my son and I are all we have in this world that is real.we both are so depressed that when I go for a visit we just sit on one of the couches and we just hold each other for comfort my previous little boy is so sad ,and I don’t have any where for him to go. I need help with housing I don’t have the money for that how do I get the help we deserve to get from the people that didn’t prevent all this where can I get a donation or something that can get us in a home right now so my son can have his life back.please in Jesus name help me with information on all this .thank you people so much for having a blog on this .

uknowho February 25, 2020 - 10:57 pm

i believe there’s a mold issue where i live in a condo. i’m tired all the time, my son now has an ulcer, etc. we moved into a place that was never cleaned and the sink was full of black gunk and still is, i refused to clean it because my landlord should have, i now have to move . am i responsible to clean this junk which i did actually try to do but stopped because i was worried about cleaning black sludge. ive been to my dr with weird rashes, mood swings, asthma/ allergies , etc. my son sleeps a lot and has stomach problems. we need a lawyer just for the emotional distress of living here never mind the mold, etc. i’m mad we even moved into this crappy place and our health is at risk and we have no where to go and no money to move/ my landlord thinks this place is a high end apt!

Blanca Parra February 26, 2020 - 2:38 pm

Please give me attorney’s names and contact information for proven toxic black mold stachybotrys mold poisoning that caused a lot of severe medical & mental issues that resulted in necessary surgeries.

Kristina L Finley August 21, 2020 - 2:39 pm

We have mold bad in our place we rent and we told the landlord so many times his answer was move out but weirdest thing ever just recently started happening maybe a lil over a month ok I thought I was going crazy and I finally thought maybe I am cause I looked up what I was going thro and nothing came up besides a mental illness so I guess I was crazy until something finally poped up on internet there always felt like something was crawling on me but I couldn’t see anything my sheets blankets couch’s pillows would move but didn’t c anything well I’m not cazy come to find out it’s a kind mold with mites now I need to know how to get rid of it

Kurt Lietto September 27, 2020 - 5:26 am

Thanks for sharing!

If black mold is found on the jobsite, what federal guidelines or law pertaining to employees, employers do notice about mold fall under?

Kurt | Mold Inspector

Daniel Mongar September 29, 2020 - 7:46 am

Thanks for sharing. Black mold appeared in our bathroom some time ago. How can I check if it is toxic? My wife is very worried about this.


Carol Vevle October 22, 2020 - 1:47 am

I’m in Pa. I believe, I have a black mold problem all through my apt. I had told the maintenance men several times, but they deny it. There has been over flowing drain clogs, a huge sink hole, about a city block big, that they do nothing about. A major flood in the utility closet that is connected to my apt. We had three floods behind us. My AC was squealing & grinding, most likely from a clog, but nothing was done about it. A year later, it broke loose & thus three floods & a huge sink hole. My drain clogged, so I unclogged it, up came greenish/blackish slimy anchovies looking substance. This black is all through my apt. rug & it’s going under my bed. I have a cough & it’s getting worse, feeling like it’s going into bronchitis. Headaches, exhaustion, my eyes I can’t even explain it. There was cloudy water, there is haze, a fire that made no sense. Cracks in the walls & nothing gets done. The sink hole cracked my entire floor in the kitchen. They refused to fix it, until the whole floor cracked. They lied about that. recently there was arson, illegal entrance, it caused a heart attack & now, there is insurance fraud. This apt. just doesn’t stop. I started feeling quite ill 8 months after I moved in.

JoAnne Kaiman April 20, 2021 - 6:10 pm

I have been trying since 2017 have a lawyer to take my case. I was exposed to mold awhile living in apartment in Florida. My husband and I had to move out of our apartment quickly because my health was going down hill fast. I had two syncope and without speaking voice for one year. Our former blame us for it.


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