Home » What Do I Do If I Have the Symptoms of Mold Exposure?

What Do I Do If I Have the Symptoms of Mold Exposure?

by Joslyn
mold exposure

Symptoms of Mold Exposure

Some possible symptoms of mold exposure include: skin rash, eye irritation, headaches, fatigue, sore throat, respiratory problems, and runny nose or a bleeding nose.

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If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, be sure to read the article Symptoms of Mold Exposure and definitely visit your doctor and explain to him the symptoms you are having.

Mold Removal

The only way to eliminate mold symptoms, however, is to eliminate the mold contamination you have, completely. Mold must be removed and the cause of the mold addressed or it will be a continual problem for your home and health. For more information on how to remove mold from your home these articles – 10 Tips for Removing Mold from Your Home and 3 Tips for Do-It-Yourself Mold Removal may help you deal with the mold in your home.

Other Mold Resources

If you have any further questions, don’t be afraid to ask! Visit our Q&A page or share your mold story.

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heather vargas August 24, 2007 - 11:46 am

i dont know what to do i rent but my central air vents keep leaking from the ceiling all the time i have told the landlord and it is still happening you can see around the central air machine the black stuff but how can i tell it is always wet around it and i have 4 girls with asthma children can mold come from this and what should i do

Charneshera October 10, 2007 - 7:48 pm

I’m in the same predictament i rent an apartment and i have found mold in my vents bathroom and on the ceiling and my landlord seem like they can’t do anything therefore i’m sending them al letter stating my problem and see what they do from there maybe you should try it i hope it work for the both of us.

Most Common Mold Breeds - The Mold Blog November 9, 2007 - 6:02 pm

[…] What Do I Do If I Have the Symptoms of Mold? […]

angelaheeters July 2, 2008 - 5:22 pm

id suggest telling the landord fix the problem or put the rent in esco untill its fixed or move

Mari July 3, 2008 - 12:13 am

I would suggest that if your landlords do not respond in a timely manner ( which would be withing a month) regarding your mold problems. I think I would make a report to your local health dept. so, they can investigate and get the ball rolling.

Janet November 25, 2008 - 8:40 pm

Office worker

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Married with 3 children

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Was very ill for a about a year….had the same symptoms as the flu at first but steadily got worse and started to lose my hair…..had read about mold sickness but my doctor just said I was run down and wouldn’t test for it.

I called Biosign Labs, who test for mold allergens and the results showed extensive mold exposure.

Armed with the lab results, I took it to my doctor who could then prescribe me the proper course of medication to help my recover.

roni rudell January 3, 2009 - 1:00 pm

The apartment I moved into on Nov 15th has 2 types of toxic mold. Aspergillus/Penicillium and Stachybotrys (high levels) I have been very sick and am staying elsewhere.

I would like to know how long it takes to get symptoms from this type of mold exposure and what the recovery time is.

Also how do I find the right attorney to take on the case that will not try to make too much money off of me.


ryan April 25, 2009 - 3:31 pm

I have been living in my current apartment for close to 4 years now, with various health symptoms, from major brain fog (vision problems & constant confusion and fatigue) to body aches, sinusitis (which I just had surgery last fall for. hoping to clear up symptoms).
I was diagnosed by many doctors as having just major general anxiety (& i normally only get anxious when I am sick, which has been the past few years). also stating all my symptoms were due to allergies & my stress levels & axiety. well after 4 years of suffering, I finally decided to test the house for mold (although the house is very clean).
the results came back with 3 times the legal amount of spores from Cladisporium, Aspergillus, Penicillium , and a few others. I just recently moved back home, and am waiting while my place is being professionally cleaned out.
it’s been 2 weeks since I have stayed at my house & non of the side effects have resided. i hoping with being away, a proper diet & a few up coming doctors appointments I will be able to move on from this constant sickness.
good luck to everyone else who is going through similar circumstances.

D Beatty May 3, 2009 - 10:53 pm

my friend moved to a building several months ago and has all the symptoms of mold exposure. He recently got diagnosed for cancer. He is scared he will have to move and is on section 8 with no transportation. He lives in Marlboro Ma. Is there anything he can do prior to his next doctors visit to help his symptoms subside? Is there a doctor specializing in this somewhere near Marlboro.Ma.?

deborah mcguinness September 18, 2009 - 6:19 pm

my husband and i rented this house almost two year ago did”t know the water pipes in the base ment werent hooked up the water has been running to the basement floor for almost two years the landlord has the key to the basement now we can smell the mold when we take showers and when we sleep at night what should we do?

thanks deborah

Shirleyluvmykids February 15, 2012 - 5:14 am

Hi I’m bery concerned. The mold in every room of a two bedroom house it making all four of us very sick like the flu.me and my one yr old is very sick right now.should we go to the e.r. asap.I’m scared this could hurt her bad.iv tried getting rid of this mold but it just keeps coming back :( .someone plz help me.

Kim April 9, 2013 - 7:28 am

I have been exposed to black mold in my rental and for over a year I have have a serious cough that just won’t go away – the owners cleaned out the mold from the bathroom and my cough has cleared up a bit – this was in December – I just moved out of the rental and purchased my own place but my cough is still there – not as bad – I have done inhalers, cough medicine, lung x-rays, antibotics, nasal mist, you name it – I have tried it – I cough so hard at times but nothing seems to come up – I am looking for answers to clear up this cough – do you have any suggestions

MT January 19, 2014 - 7:36 am

Where do I buy a product that test for all types of mold.

Lisa Thomas April 12, 2015 - 5:04 am

I am a traveling nurse and stay with my son when I am in town in Houston we learned that he has a leake in both bed room windows and has couseold notified the manager the came in santized the carpet but didn’t fix the windoe and they been knowing about this for 4 weeks now I am sick with the flu systoms and vomiting. What can we do to make the apt managers move us and make resistution on my pay lost?

jean lintner May 14, 2015 - 5:21 pm

We just found out several weeks ago that the apartment that I am living in cobsistof 3 rooms… 2 windows with2 air condioners in them.. the room where I sleep , was loaded with black stuff.. Iuse a nebulizer as I have a problem from smoking.. They quickly took out the conditioner and put in a new one..They told me it was soot but I think they are lying to me.. any ides..

COLLEEN BENNETT May 19, 2015 - 4:36 pm

Been contaminated 3mths ago now living with living spores that multiple quickly. Need to eliminate them for good. Living in apartment,car,and hair. Please find me some comfort.soooon!!!!!


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