If you have found mold in your home, you are most likely wondering how much you can expect to pay to get rid of it. Mold issues in houses and buildings are a problematic issue for property owners. Of course, mold is a serious condition and must be remedied right away to prevent it from growing into a bigger problem and causing more damage. You’ll want to take immediate steps to identify and remove the mold while also fixing the source of moisture that led to the environment which allowed mold growth. A looming question for homeowners when facing mold is the cost of the mold remediation. In this blog post we will go into the components of mold removal cost and estimate what you might expect to pay.
When you are deciding whether to take care of the mold yourself or call in a professional, consider these questions.
How much mold is in your home?
The more mold you have to deal with, the higher you can expect the price of mold removal to be. How deep has the mold gone? It can be difficult to assess how much the mold has grown beyond what you can see without a proper mold inspection, especially if it is hidden deep into walls or cracks and crevices. Surface mold is much easier to deal with and contain. There are many sprays and soaps that are made to kill and remove mold. Many homeowners may even be proficient enough to replace drywall and insulation on their own. The real problem arises when the mold has gone airborne or has gotten into several structural elements or has spread to multiple rooms or levels of the home. Sometimes it can be difficult to know how far the mold has traveled. The extent of the mold growth will is a big factor in the cost of mold remediation costs.
What caused the mold?
It is greatly beneficial to determine the source of the moisture that caused the mold when determining whether or not you should perform your own mold remediation. Obviously, the source of moisture must be remedied as well as the mold. Knowing the source of moisture may also help you determine how much mold is present, especially if you know how long the moisture has been an issue. For example, you may know that your roof started leaking from a small hole a month ago which may help you determine how much mold is present and how deep it has grown. Perhaps you had a flood or other known source of water into your home.
Where is the mold located?
Accessibility can impact the cost of mold remediation. If the mold is in an area that is easy to reach and clean or remove it will be less expensive than areas very hard to access, such as behind walls, underneath flooring, etc.
What type of mold is it?
Some molds are very toxic, while others are not has harmful. If specialized equipment or precautions are needed, the higher the cost of mold removal. Some mold removal may require special ventilation systems and cleanup. Those also will be a factor.
What type of mold remediation is needed?
There are numerous ways to remediate mold. Who you hire and the method they use will also affect the price of mold removal. In some cases mold may need to be cut out of building materials. Those building materials would need to be replaced. There is also chemical remediation, as well as mold fogging, dry ice blasting, and more. The method needed for your home will depend on the type of mold and where it is located.
Again, the problem arises when there are unknowns. Even if you find the source of the moisture, can you be certain on the length of time exposed and how deep the moisture has traveled? If you are uncertain, it is best to call in the pros.
The health and safety of your family is much more important than the price you’ll have to pay to remove the mold, but this guide will help you if you need to get a bid.
If the area is a small one, you can remove the mold yourself with just a few dollars worth of cleaning supplies. If you’re concerned about breathing the spores, you can get a respirator, which will cost from around $25 for a simple over the mouth and nose version, to around $150 for a full face professional level unit. If you’re unsure if you need a respirator there are 7 ways to know if a mold is dangerous. For large infestations, it’s time to call in the pros.
When The Job Is Too Big
It’s much cheaper if you can deal with the mold yourself, but large areas can’t be handled very easily be a homeowner. One of the things a mold remediation specialist can do is clean areas like the crawlspace under your home and the duct work in the walls and attic. Mold spores that get into your heating and cooling system can get recirculated through your home, continuing to make you sick even if you’ve cleaned up the area where you originally found the mold.
“Alright, so what can it cost?”
The level of infestation will directly affect your mold removal cost. The remediation cost of a crawlspace can really vary. It could be as little as $500 or as much as $4,000 depending on how big it is, and how much mold is present. If the attic and ducts are involved, the cost for those generally ranges from $2,000 to $6,000. If your home has been flooded and the mold is all throughout it, there is much more that has to be done. This could drive your remediation cost up to $10,000 – $30,000, or higher, depending on the size of your home.
On average the cost of mold remediation will be somewhere between $500-$6,000. For more difficult mold removal jobs it can cost over $10,000. The cost you can expect to pay will vary depending on all the factors listed above.
Even though you have an idea of how much mold removal costs, be sure to shop around. The first company you find might not be the best one for your needs. Pricing can vary between companies, but you also have to pay attention to the experience levels and what kind of guarantee they have if the mold comes back.
Remember Insurance Considerations
Most consumers don’t have that kind of money to spend out of pocket, so when you’re considering insurance, make sure you get something that will cover at least part of the remediation cost if you live in a flood zone. If your home has mold, here are some tips to handle water damage claims through your existing insurance. It is important to realize that typically mold remediation is not covered by standard homeowner’s insurance policies. There may be some exceptions, such as water damage from a burst pipe if there was no negligence involved.
Look For Experienced Remediators
You want people who’ve been removing mold (especially black mold) for a while, not new people who aren’t sure about the job. You’ll also want to see if there is some kind of guarantee offered – and there should be. You don’t want to find out that the people didn’t do their jobs properly and the mold has come back, only to be told that there is nothing that can be done until you pay more money.
When you choose to hire a certified, professional mold remediation company, you can rest assured that the job will be done thoroughly and completely. They will send experts to your home that will be able to assess the extent of the damage and inform you of the required remediation and repairs. They will also be able to ensure that the mold doesn’t return after remediation is performed.
Final Thoughts
If you suspect mold in your home, it is important to act immediately to prevent excessive damage from spreading. Mold removal may be expensive, however, the issues to the property damage and health risks make it a worthwhile expense. When you find a company where you feel comfortable with the people, the work ethic, the guarantee, and the remediation cost that fit with your personal finances, you’ll be able to get the mold removed from your home and you and your family can get back to enjoying your lives. You’ll be much healthier, and your home will be a safer place to be.
We recently purchased a house in 2010 and noticed a few months ago while ripping the carpet up from the upstars that there was water damage by the sliding glass door. we then realized that whoever installed it, do so backwards. So the wood floorin under the carpet has to be replaced as well as the wall all along the floor underneath the sliding glass door downstairs and into my childs bed room. it looks as if there is mold growing above the window in his room. im concerned as he has been having nose bleeds about once or twice a month and have had to put him on a z-pack. do you think that this could be due to mold?? please respond!!!
I recently had black mold removed by a mold remediation specialist, cost $11999.00 for an 1100 sq ft condo (mold was only growing in the bathroom) but the air quality test report said the condo was not habital until remediatied. My question is now that the job has been completed, should there be some kind of guarentee? The company will not let me have the follow-up air quality test until I pay him. I would like to see the results, or have some form of guarentee that the mold wont return in the same place, or that I wont have to go through this again for the same reason any time soon. Please tell me if this is standard procedure. Please help me as this leak occurred 1 week after I got out of the hospital for breaking my fenmur in 4 places! I had to move to a hotel and have been here for one month without reimbursement from my insurance company.
Thank you.
From http://www.cdc.gov/mold/stachy.htm
Facts about Stachybotrys chartarum and Other Molds
I heard about “toxic molds” that grow in homes and other buildings. Should I be concerned about a serious health risk to me and my family?
The term “toxic mold” is not accurate. While certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins), the molds themselves are not toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common molds which can grow in your house. There is always a little mold everywhere – in the air and on many surfaces. There are very few reports that toxigenic molds found inside homes can cause unique or rare health conditions such as pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss. These case reports are rare, and a causal link between the presence of the toxigenic mold and these conditions has not been proven.
In 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people; with asthma symptoms in people with asthma; and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in individuals susceptible to that immune-mediated condition. The IOM also found limited or suggestive evidence linking indoor mold exposure and respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children. In 2009, the World Health Organization issued additional guidance, the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and Mould [PDF, 2.52 MB].
A common-sense approach should be used for any mold contamination existing inside buildings and homes. The common health concerns from molds include hay fever-like allergic symptoms. Certain individuals with chronic respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma) may experience difficulty breathing. Individuals with immune suppression may be at increased risk for infection from molds. If you or your family members have these conditions, a qualified medical clinician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment. For the most part, one should take routine measures to prevent mold growth in the home.
Whenever I see someone using terms like ‘black mold’ or ‘dangerous mold’, I recognize these statements as exaggerations or scare statements.
Read the entire CDC document.
I just got a call from my renter that the de-humidifier in the basement stopped collecting water about a month ago (!!!!!!!!). He says now there is mold growing in on the wall/floor trim and the bottom of the doors.
Is it likely it has gone behind the walls? Should I attempt to wipe it clean with Boric Acid?
or should I call a professional? any suggestions out there?
I found my dream home, however I am extremly allergic to mold and this house has quite a bit of mold in its basement. It’s a real deal breaker when I price mold removal. Can I fix it on my own?? Should I pursue an agreement with the seller or request that they fix the problem?
Diane, that dream home, if not properly dealt with, could quickly turn into a nightmare. I would definitely get this entirely and completely dealt with before closing any deal. Be willing to walk away in your negotiations. If they can’t get this completely resolved I wouldn’t sign the deal and, even then, if the damage is severe the hope of a thorough remediation, especially given your allergy, is very small.
I have a easy solution to pretty much all your mold issues and you can choose to hire an inspector such as myself or go to my website and order my book that tells you step by step on how to test, read lab, when to call an inspector or remediate the mold and save the money. Warning! It can be costly if you do it yourself too, but I give you all the different options and there are many. I wrote the book to help people that can’t afford to pay some of the rates that Hygienists/mold inspectors and mold remediation companies charge. My phone number is on the site as well. So you can call me for a free consultation to better know what you may be dealing with. I’m a Certified Environmental Hygienist/Mold Inspector and Certified Environmental Science Technician.
Please tell me who is best for such problems.
In 2005 My wife and I bought our dream home. The house that we would be married in (3 months after closing) and raise our children in (we now have 3 little ones, all under 5…). It was a beautiful 100 year old Victorian in the historic town of Collingswood, NJ which is 10 mintues from Philly. The one thing we didn’t like was the enclosed front porch. We figured we would eventually get to opening it up and creating a large wrap-around porch that was likely what was there when the home was originally built. In 2006 we had a series of really bad rain storms and I noticed that it leaked pretty bad on this porch in a few areas. We only kept some cardboard boxes out there and we made sure they weren’t near the leaky parts so it wasn’t a big deal. I did notice that at the end of 2006 the space smelled really musty and bothered me when I would go in there. I have asthma and am pretty sensitive to certain indoor air issues. One day my wife said she thought there might be mold in there and I needed to check it out since by then we were expecting our first child. I peeled back the carpet and was shocked at what I saw. Pure black mold everywhere. I had done some mold remediations in the course of running my small design-build company, but this was really bad. I began doing research on mold and its affects on people and property and I was stunned at how bad it was. This seemed a little outside of the level of experience I had with mold removal so I called in a few local experts to give me pricing. The first quote was $15,000 and the next one was $18,000 and both involved pretty much ripping the porch off and starting over. I almost fell over. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t have 15,000 dollars and at the same time I didn’t want my pregnant wife, myself or eventual newborn to be exposed to this potentially dangerous material. I finally bit the bullet and borroed the money to have it removed. I was so intrigued by the whole process I decided at the end of the job that I would focus solely on mold testing and mold removal and that’s what I did. I’ve been doing it ever since and I truly enjoy my work and the people I get to help every day. I have a degree in biology so after 10 years of not using it I finally get to say it has paid off in certains respects (microbiology). I encourage all my clients to do research on mold and it’s removal before I give them a price so they can avoid the feeling I had when I first saw my mold remediation price. Please feel free to email me with any questions about mold testing and mold removal. thanks! Tom McGuire Eco Tech Mold
A lot of times you need to ask the mold remediation company what exactly they are charging for as some companies will not do repairs only remediation and will leave your house free of mold but completely upside down.
My name is Joe and I am the owner at Elite Green Air Technology. I’ve been reading these posts and I’m surprised about the lack of actual action to rid and destroy these spores. While it is true that we live with Mold on a daily basis it does not mean that it is healthy. If you are noticing health complications and it can be definitively linked to Mold than get out. Don’t wait for someone to confirm the health risk. This is for the land lord above. I deal with land lords allot and most do exactly what you said. They go in and wipe the surface down with bleach or some other chemical and because they don’t see it they think it’s gone. Truth is all your doing is disturbing the spores and spreading it around the area. If it’s near a HVAC intake unit you risk making it air borne throughout the system and the home affecting a much broader area. Also to all of the homeowners and renters out there, if you can visibly see the Mold on the interior portion of your dwelling 99% of the time it is contaminated behind the wall at a much larger area. That is why remediators always cut 18 inches out from the mold affected area. Keep in mind this is a serious threat to our health. People at one time believed lead paint was safe and look at the after affects of that.
For the person who asked if mold could come back after it has been cleaned, the answer is yes it is possible for mold to grow back once it has been removed and yes it happens quite often, for this recurring problem there is also another service that is guaranteed to prevent mold growth and it is also very expensive to have but definitely cheaper than going through the whole ordeal again.
Im a traveller, diver and mold remediation pro ( in that order)
On one of my recent trips to Orlando, with wife and three daughters,
we had the unpleasant experience of staying in a mold infested hotel room. There were three other rooms available, all mold damaged,
so we picked the least mold contaminated room and injured the night.
Every hotel was booked and we were out of options.
I found it hard to believe in this day we have governing bodies in every facet of our lives why not check the rooms in hotels as part of the inspection the health departments make to these establishments?
Any one with an asthmatic child or immune issue would be very
unhappy in any of the three rooms we were offered.
Thanks for this information. I am a clean freak and the thought of going into a crawlspace just terrifies me. I had no idea mold could be harmful!!! Well, time to do some checking for professional cleaning experts. Thanks guys!
Where can someone go for help with mold in their walls or under the house,to have it removed at a discount price? Some of these people are unable to move but cannot afford such a high cost of mold removal, some can’t afford anything at all, but are getting sick where they live. They aren’t renting from a landlord and can’t afford home insurance either. Their only income is social security or disability benifits.
How would I test my home to fined out if I have a mold problem? I can not see any mold I would like to test for air born mold and if there is a kit I can buy to do it my self. thank you
I’m thinking of purchasing a 2500 sq ft home that has black mold throughout. The listing cost is extremely cheap and the home is beautiful. Any idea on how much I would have to pay to renovate the home? It is a two-story home with 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths and a finished basement.
Molds are types of fungi that can grow on almost any surface as long as there is enough oxygen and moisture present. The cost of mold removal rises depending on the surface area affected, if the mold-ridden area is relatively small, from three to five feet wide. You can remove mold by scrubbing the area with water and detergent.
I have mold in my basement on one wall behind the wall. How much should that cost me and how do I fix it?
To Susan from the owner of a remediation company: Although it may appear that the company that performs the mold remediation service should provide a guarantee that mold will not return, I’d like to offer another perspective:
What causes mold? High humidity, water intrusion, lack of air movement, and darkness. Any 3 of these conditions can cause mold growth. How can the remediation company control these variables? They can’t. This is the job of the property owner and falls under the category of normal maintenance. The reason for the post cleaning verification sample by an independent third party indoor air hygienist or other qualified person is to confirm that the indoor spore counts are ‘less than outdoors’. This is the way the IICRC S520 standard is written and is designed to show that the mold job reduced the indoor counts sufficiently to provide a habitable environment. The cost to remediate Susan’s property sounds excessive however I don’t know all the details surrounding this particular case. If she paid for the air quality test she is entitled to the test results. If not, she isn’t. These tests cost money and it is reasonable to expect to be paid. However, given the high cost to remediate, if Susan paid for that remediation, in this case the company should have provided her with a copy of the air test results.
Remediation companies can offer guarantees however normally the treated area must be sealed with a tinted product designed to ‘run’ if the treated area is affected by water intrusion or high humidity. This way everyone can visually see whether water or moisture returned causing the mold to return. The product can be applied underneath a finish coat of paint. The process works well; the owner knows if there is a problem much sooner, hopefully before mold returns.
I dropped off my car on 11/11/12 for shipment shipped from the mainland to Hawaii. It arrived about a week and a half later than expected due to bad weather conditions. We were able to pick it up on 12/10/12 only to find the interior of the car covered with mold growth. What are your recommendations to rid my car of the mold infestation which includes hard surfaces, upholstery, carpet & reconditioning systems, etc? Thanks, Deb
My daughter is planning to buy a house in Long Valley, NJ. The seller states that he had mold remediation done on the attic crawl space . Is there such a thing as lifetime guarantee against molds coming back given by companies?
After everything I have gone through and still going through, I couldn’t not post everything I have learned on here to help others. First and foremost, if you see mold, you do not need to test. If you just suspect and want air quality tests done etc., DO NOT use a company that offers both testing and remediation. And DO NOT use a company that offers a free test. Think about it….both are ways to bring a whole lot more business to themselves by stating you do have mold. You want a 3rd party to test, and then you want another party who is not affiliated with the testing party to do the remediation. Then you can use the same tester to re-test afterwards.
We are nearing the end of our road with the mold remediation etc. but I would highly warn anyone who is looking at/wanting to buy a home with known mold. Don’t do it! Even if the house has EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted in a home, mold is enough to ruin all of that. After the first round of remediation, I still felt really sick when I go in my home. Turns out we had mold under our fireplace. That will be remediated next week, and then we’ll see how I feel. My husband feels some symptoms as well when he goes in, so our worry is becoming “Can we live in this house again?”
When I started going through this, I joined Angie’s List to find people in my area that came highly rated. Yes, it’s $10 a month, but it’s been so worth it. I have yet to have someone out from that site that I haven’t been happy with. Be smart, read other people’s reviews carefully before calling around. AND, make sure to get more than one estimate.
DO NOT question your symptoms. If you or someone in your home start become sick and are showing symptoms of mold exposure, do a test and go stay elsewhere for a couple of days. If you/them feel better, you will know it is something in your home. We had water pour through our fireplace during Sandy and within a month after, myself and my kids started getting sick. I went and stayed with my brother for a night and felt much better and actually slept (was up all night in panic at my house, didn’t know why). I dealt with horrendous congestion where I was constantly blowing out green stuff from my nose and pulling it up from my throat, was always out of breath (and I work out 6 days a week), tired, had this awful stomach pain and was not eating anything for days at a time, started having some really weird and scary thoughts. All of which have gone away now that we have not been living in our home for 2 months. It took a good month before my congestion went away, that was the one lagging symptom.
Read as much as you can on mold and exposure and how to remediate etc. We have been fighting with our builder (we had our home built 6 years ago, and this has been a recurring leak since we moved in) and there have been several times that my knowledge has actually really helped me. They have tried whatever they can to wear us out and make us give up, but I will not do so until things are 100% taken care of.
Hope this helps someone out there :)
I know I have mold in my basement and have 1 estimate so far. The mold remediation company told me that I will need to throw away just about evrything in the basement. They said that they can “treat” a few things that I really want to keep e.g. a treadmaster machine and select other glass, plastic or metal items (my Kitchenaid mixer and my granddaughter’s Barbie jeep). Everything else has to be trashed– (kitchen gadgets, pots, crock pots, grandchildren’s toys, plastic table & chairs, christmas decorations, serving dishes in cloth carrying cases, luggage etc.
Thanks to all for great info. We are looking to buy a gorgeous home, but it needs a new roof, new ceilings because of water damage, and there is a small area of mold on the corner of one of the 1st floor ceilings. Its about 6 in long and 1 in wide. We love the house, but can’t afford to put more than 20-25 grand into it. Wondering if anyone has any idea what an estimated remediation might look like? I get that if there is visible mold, there’s some bwhind the wall, but a lot? Can we just tear a section of drywall out and replace? Thanks!
Mold remediation services are more important than people typically think. Knowing what causes mold is the first step in combating it. Mold comes from uncontrolled moisture sources, such as poor ventilation, excessive humidity, water vapors from showers; or letting areas stay damp for extended periods of time. Mold from water is a very common occurrence, whether it is a leaky faucet or an unsecured dryer vent hose. It doesn’t take very much moisture for conditions to be right for mold growth. Mold grows from tiny little spores however, making it hard to see by the naked eye until the growth is well and truly established.
Mold remediation in crawl spaces is always the most costly while presenting the most risk that remediation will not be done correctly. It is extremely important to review the qualifications of your contractor before signing on the dotted line.
My parents are redoing their home that they built in 91 and had to start with removing the mold. Their basement was filled with black mold from a leaky hot water heater and an upstairs toilet leaked causing black mold in the kitchen ceiling. 4,000 sq ft home and it’s going to cost $40-50,000 only for the mold removal. They’re paying another company separately to repair everything after everything has been torn out during the mold removal process. If you have a small mold problem handle it NOW! The longer you wait the worse it gets, it does not just go away on its own!
I think It doesn’t take very much moisture for conditions to be right for mold growth
Thanks for you post. I really like the information which you have shared.
It’s very awesome blog to share info about the Cleaning Services
Thank you for this blog, I have gathered a lot of information that I might need in the future, cheers
I need help! We bought the home, and I never realized that this bathroom was never painted! Only textured – and now we have mold. I kept putting it off for “next weekend” and I kept getting busy. The mold was a lot worse towards the far end of the bathroom but I scrubbed it with borax/water solution. I’m afraid that I’ll have to sand the texture off to get the *possible* mold that’s been growing inward. Any suggestions as to professional pricing? Or is this still under my control?
Our house is on the market to sell. After a prospective buyer was concerned about the musky smell in our basement we had a mold inspection. The regular inspector and a local contractor saw no signs of visable mold. The mold person put his flash light on the floor joints in the basement and said what looks like dust is actually mold. He also thought our crawl spaces were the cause they have dirt floors. We have lived here for 10 years and although I agree the basement smells no one in my family seems to be affected. The mold person is suggesting a very expensive remediation. My question is this is clearly not black mold and is surface at best do we need a big remediation. I do think we should do something with the caw spaces, but to clean the whole basement seems overkill.
I have the same question as Giovanina. But the mold inspector did not think there was mold and was surprised when the swab was positive. Now what do we do? We don’t have any crawl spaces.
Have mold in 3 rooms under carpeting. trying to get help in removing & mold, along with cost. Haveto replace carpeting
I am buying a house in Wisconsin and when I went inside the house I smell moldchecked the attic and I notice that insulation was remove and replace with new ones I asked the owner and he said that the mold problems was taking care of but the house still smells like mold should I consider buying it or should he takes care of the problem
Thank you for the much needed information. I actually had mold removal done in my home in Newmarket for a very good price. I had a very good contractor check them out (anacontracting.com), what do you guys think?
Our basement recently flooded and when we pulled up the carpet it was all moldy. I was really worried about the possible cost implications but it turned out to be a minor issue. We replaced all of the drywall, baseboards and carpet pads. It seems like catching the mold problem early can save a lot of money.
I have recently contacted ROC about problems, I’m having with a contractor to take care of shoddy workmanship. When his workman tore out the tile in the shower that was being converted to a handicap shower, he found mold and called my attention to it. I called the contractor and was told “don’t worry, we’ll take care of it. Now that all these other problems with his work have come to light, I’m wondering just what he did to take care of the mold. From what I’ve learned, he did nothing to be sure the mold was actually done away with. In fact some of the tile and board behind it lay in my bathroom overnight and was then put through a window and lay on my patio for 2 or 3 days. I chose this contractor because he is supposed to have a license to remove mold.
I’ve had an independent contractor come in to look at this work and he has found that the new tile on the seat and floor has no backing for water proofing. ROC is due to come for inspection of the work on 01/13/15. Where do I go from here?
Thank You,
Mildred Sims
My property which is rented out and under the care of a management company had a leak problem.My property manager called to say it leakage with Mold infestation.He sent a quote of over $10000 ,I was shocked,suggested to get more quotes and put in insurace claims.But before the insurance company could schedule inspection,and without getting any other quote ,he authorised the first company to start work without my confirmation,now slammed me with the bill of over $$10000 and threatening to put a lien on my property if I don’t pay fast.No proper invoice and warranty had been provided.my family ,we are all depressed.i don’t have that amount of money right now.I feel helpless.please Advice.
My mold problem was in master bedroom, living room, downstairs 1/2 bath-laundry room – not black mold but a penicillin type and clad…. Mold remediation company charged me over 10K for the remediation. Issue was old A/C not properly circulating air and keeping moisture down. they left heap filters and dehumidifiers for 4 days before coming in to wipe walls and surfaces. they left the hepa filters and dehumidifiers day of wipe down (wipe down involving walls, floors, exposed surfaces in rooms affected – @5 hrs work) and day after. So total of 4 days for 5 hepa and 6 dehumidifiers then 2 days for 3 hepa and 2 dehumidifiers. I think I may have been ripped off. was I ripped off?
Mold can be serious business so please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you may have.
My husband and I just put an offer in on a house that has a basement full of water due to the subpump not working because the utilities are off. Due to the house being closed up for a few years and the water sitting for at least 6 months there is mildew all over the house. We’re wanting to take care of this issue before moving in. What’s the best but most cost efficient way to do so?
We are about to close on a home with known toxic SURFACE mold only, caused by three individual water leaks that went undetected by a real estate agent’s assistant, who “checked the home out every week” it was on the market. We will fix the leaks, replace the water heater (that leaked some) and either professionally clean and service the HVAC or replace the unit. We will have the ductwork cleaned and/or sanitized, then the mold remediation company will do the wipe down and air filtration. They will certify the home mold-free. Not including the plumbing and HVAC work, the total cost is under 5K for our 2400 sq ft home. I notice few people have posted their actual costs, and I wanted to chime in. Again, our problem is SURFACE mold ONLY. Thans
We had water damage to our floor while we were away on vacation and mold grew under the floor boards, we had to have fans and dehumidifiers placed. We initally had Paul Davis do the work but they were inflating the cost for insurance and then later found it wasn’t covered and changed the pricing. This left us leary so we used a Company called Advantaclean and they did a great job with the remediation and talked us through the process. They did a before and after mold test as we now had mold growing in the sheetrock and the house was clear after the clean up. I was so relieved. We have since had advantaclean also clean our ducts and I was very pleased with this service as well!
We have white mold in the attic of a small. 750 sq ft house. We want to sell. There are no ducts because no central air and only cadet wall heaters. There is not a basement or crawl space. What should be an approx cost for a small job. I appreciate your help
Great advice to hire a professional. At the very least you should listen to their advice because someone who has knowledge of mold will be able to help you make the right decision. Thanks for posting.
I am concerned about a black mold in the ceiling of the master bedroom’s bathroom. I live in an apartment complex. Management sent a person to spray and paint over it. 2 months after I moved I started to feel some dizziness that went away but now after 10 months leaving here it’s worse. I am dizzy almost all the time, anxious and sometimes I have headaches, allergies and increased blood pressure. Do you think those symptoms can be related to the black mold in the bathroom?
We found a house which we are interested to buy, and noticed that the basement smells very moldy. The house was vacant for a year. Beside many possibly reasons, would be also possible that the only reason the mold is the fact that the house was vacant for a year, therefore not using a dehumidifier.
Thank you,
I have recently purchased a home in a great location. The home is 57 years old I knew that it had crawl space repairs in rotten joist and footers. I decided to purchase the home at 180k first time buyer and very eager to own my first home. I have rolled kilz primer and sealer mildew preventer as well as zinnser mold killer all threw out my basement because I had noticed a musky smell. I had looked up and noticed black spots on the insulation above and have found the same within parts of my attic. The home as problem with water going into the crawl space which I was aware of and I will soon make arrangements to fix. But now I am concerned with life threating mold. I bought a do it yourself mold kit which had shown signs of mold in the petri dish and mailed it off to the lab to be tested. If it is serious what should I do. Fix the mold issue, Rent my home out, Sell it? Im not sure because once again great neighborhood great location nice house. just don’t want to go for broke after owning this house for 2 months with no real budget to back up that work. Should I cut my losses and try and sell?
We have a mold problem due to high humidity. The mold testing showed a spore level of 1,500 outside. Inside our house the level was 22,000 downstairs and about 10,000 upstairs. As part of the remediation, the company will be sealing the walls and floors of the concrete basement (we had an indoor french drain put in years ago and they suspect that moisture is traveling) and we will install an air exchanger. They also want to clean EVERYTHING in the house (walls, floors, ceiling, furniture and all contents) at a cost of $7,000. We are leaning toward everything except contents, but have no idea if this is really necessary – do all, some or nothing? They say that the mold spores must be killed, otherwise just dormant and waiting.
We are thinking about putting a contract on a short sale home in Baltimore, MD. The basement has an obvious mold problem with mold covering 2 doors, some built in shelves, and a small area on the ceiling. There is also evidence of water damage to the hardwood floors on the first level and kitchen. If you get a mold inspection done, do they give you a ” worst case scenario” amount for remediation? We would like to know the most it would cost so we can figure out what our offer price would be. How much can we plan to pay for a mold inspection?
I have some smal puddles and one big one under my house in a crawl space. They are in different areas of the crawl space . There are not leaks. The insulation is not wet . But the is mold on the floor joists. Where is the water coming from? Thank you for your time! Best Regards, don thomas
I live in humid Southwest Florida. I had mostly aspergillus/penicillium mold under my particle board kitchen sink cabinet after a slow water leak that had been going on for over a year undetected. I had the leak fixed and removed most of the cabinet bottom and painted the few remaining areas that didn’t appear to get damp with Zinsser mold proof paint. That didn’t do much good. It still stank. I decided to hire a reputable mold specialist to solve the problem. He removed the whole cabinet and left the counter top. He also removed a foot or so of drywall that was under the cabinet. He charged $2500 for the tests, removal, cleansing, and retesting. I was told that wasn’t too bad a price for the treatment he did with mostly non-toxic chemicals and a HEPA cleanser that he ran for two days in the isolated area of my kitchen. The stink is gone and tests show a much lower mold level indoors than outdoors. I’m not happy about the cost of the 10 hours work done by someone with a good reputation, but I’ve heard I could have gotten charged a lot more by someone who may not have been as thorough or honest as this guy seemed to be. I will have a mold test done by another company if I smell a hint of mold anywhere in the house. So far, so good.
This is something very informative post but i think we can deal with mold by ourself if we try to keep our home clean on daily basis. Humidity is one of the main reason of growing mold. People must know what are the Real Truths of Mold. Dealing with mold is not difficult but maintaining your house on daily basis is a difficult task because nowadays everyone is busy in their own work even i put myself into a big problem when i see mold in my home and really that was a big stress to me. I try to clean it myself but that needs special treatment for which i call professionals.
You stated it terrifically!
July 9, 2012 at 2:02 am
Where can someone go for help with mold in their walls or under the house,to have it removed at a discount price? Some of these people are unable to move but cannot afford such a high cost of mold removal, some can’t afford anything at all, but are getting sick where they live. They aren’t renting from a landlord and can’t afford home insurance either. Their only income is social security or disability benifits.
Hi Cathy…my name is Denise and I saw your post above and wanted you to allow me to contact you as I have, like yourself, just dealt with the same thing and I am also disabled on SSD and own my home and no insurance to fall back on and I am now a self proclaimed Mold expert out of sheer necessity and have become so knowledgeable about mold, illness, treatment, remediation and assistance and grants all on a ‘below poverty level income” that I can help you deal with this if you would like the help? It is such a devastating moment being ill and stuck in your death trap that was once your dream home! I understand…believe me! If you would like to talk with me than send me an email with your phone number and I will give you a call. Be well! Denise…in sunny, humid…and moldy Florida! :) (phantomlady941@gmail.com)
Remember dear readers– treat the source of the moisture before treating the mold or it will just come back. Become educated on the process and don’t fall for these fly by night mold companies that have popped up like crazy to take advantage of the mold fear. Make sure the company you hire is reputable and use a separate company for the testing vs the treatment. Every house has mold…outside has mold. You just want to deal with the mold that is causing problems by a top shelf professional company. Don’t fall for half ass techniques and shoddy work
Here the cost doesn’t matter. What matters for me is that the mold should be removed permanently and would not be harmful for human health. Toxic black mold is one of the dangerous as it takes weeks to grow if the the surface or any roof has water leakage and wet for weeks. There are several symptoms of Toxic black mold which can harm you and also cause skin infection, respiratory and other severe health issues.
I have a question.. please someone help if I feel that the health of children are at risk due to the home full of black MD not sure what type of mold it is . How do I report this to and how can this be a dressed in a proper manner? The area is by London ontario
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable information. We strive to provide our candidates with excellent care and we take your comments to our mind.nice to read again and again because all the words are worth saying words
Thank you ALL for your thoughtful comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just about to buy a condo that I liked/loved in Long Beach, NY (Sandy)
It has mold. I was about to hire someone to do the remediation, testing, etc……………
Because of your experiences, I am going to pass on that “beautiful place.”
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Joslyn
Nice post.
Moisture and water in the crawl space of your home is a source of mold and fungus. Certainly in old houses with a wooden structure as a ground level floor gives a damp crawl space or water under the floor of building physics an increased risk of formation of mold. As well as new homes with a concrete floor is no antifungal warranty. I have a good link http://cleancrawls.com/ It can help for the purpose. The best idea for mold cleaning is to hire an expert who has some work experience in the mold cleaning.
Thanks For Sharing this information.
My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a new home. The home inspector found mold under the floor boards in the basement. The home is a new construction. The inspector said it could just be that the wood was wet when they used it but we should still have it checked out. My question is, if the inspector is right is this mold harmful and will it spread? We are waiting to see what the build is going to do. I’m just look for some unbiased advice. Thank you
This is a lot of information. This can help a lot of homeowners that wants a free quote on a mold removal. Thank you for sharing this great information.
I liked that you said that one reason to consider hiring a professional to remove the mold from your home is that they will be able to identify the entire problem and remove all of it successfully. I have been thinking about trying to remove the mold from my home by myself but I have been worried that I would not be able to do this correctly. I will be sure to consider hiring a professional to remove the mold for me so that I can ensure that it is completely gone.
I like what you said about hiring a mold remediation specialist to clean areas like your crawlspace. My sister has been telling me about some mold that she found in her basement the other day. I’ll share this information with her so that she can look into her options for professionals who can help her with this.
Thanks for explaining how it will be hard to know how much mold has grown without having it inspected first. I hope that my house doesn’t have any mold in it. I’ll call a professional and have them check my house for mold this weekend just in case.
I came across this blog just googling about molds since I am testing for the black mold in my home. I have finalized the remediation co. I shopped around first and got free estimates. You want to make sure you don’t get someone who will cut corners on remediation in your search for a well negotiated deal. First step is to hire a separate mold evaluation co. It can’t be the same as the remediation co. as its a conflict of interest. They can tell you that its more work or more dangerous and costs more than necessary or the other way around and not handle the mold on the toxic list properly. Therefore, two independent paties are used. The cost of an evaluation is around $400 for a few samples taken from the areas in your home. They give a full report and identify the type of mold and its virulence/toxicity level in percentage that the remediation co. is suppose to take into account and then follow the proper protocol to remedy it accordingly. In the meantime, you can get a $10 kit from home depot which comes with a petri dish and agar for an air sample and a swab if you have particles that can be swabbed and placed in the ziplock bag they provide. Read the directions carefully to ensure you don’t waste the kit by not following the procedure correctly. There’s a prepaid shipping label and the cost is $40 to test. I am in the Medical field. There are tons of Functional Integrative Doctors and Naturopaths that can test you and treat you for toxic mold diseases/conditions. A conventional Doctor cannot. The chelation therapy along with a combination of therapies to treat you. It all depends on your individual issues and you must be tested for heavy metals, molds, etc. I read a lot of people suffering in the comments. I can point you to a panel of Doctors who do an informative one week exclusive talks on mold toxicity so you can help yourself and educate yourself by the top Drs in the U.S. seen on all the talk shows, news, etc. It’s called, The Toxic Mold Summit. They were running a free replay, but its a small price to pay for expert advice in everything you need to know to get your life back and remediate your home/office/car even if on a budget. The Air Doctor air purifier is something I got myself. Their sponsors are the best in the business. There’s a man and sponsor speaking on the panel who has a company where you order a kit for $33 & send it to their lab for a detailed report if you don’t want to get a mold evaluation company to do it. The lab company is Mycometrics, google it. I highly suggest you purchase the toxic mold summit and educate your loved ones by way of these well curated and well articulated Doctors explaining the process from early symptoms to chronic conditions and cancer from these environmental toxins. There are remediation experts, lab experts on the panel of talks too. Don’t wait till its too late. You’ll save on your health bills. Good luck and I hope this helps some of you. You are responsible for your health and don’t depend on anyone to save you. Only you can.. knowledge is power. I have provided a valuable resource. Don’t play victim. Mold is a sneaky thing whether you live in a mansion in LA or an Apt in NYC ir low income housing. There are various conditions that cause it and its best that you’re aware of it now, so don’t wait and take immediate action. I urge you, Don’t paint over mold. It continues to release gases and spores. Don’t scrub it, once disturbed its defense mechanism is to get more virulent and release toxins. Identify and use expert advice in handling it with the appropriate protective gear; mask, gloves, eye shield etc. Make sure no one is around, or any exposed items for eating or drinking/water filters, dishes, that can be contaminated and ingested later etc. Or anything that will be handled later. Also, invest in a good Doctor irrespective of them not taking insurance. Unfortunately, conventional medicine is run by big pharma. There are MDs that practice in Functional Medicine to identify the root cause of your illnesss instead of providing a bandaid pill for your sympoms to eventually cause other illnesses and complex issues later. Mold toxicity is reversible. Look into care credit to pay for it. They have zero interest and low interest plans for medical treatments. Blood and other diagnostic work can always go through insurance. Pay for a good Dr and Step 1, buy and watch, The Toxic Mold Summit then reach out for telehealth consults or recommendations for Drs in your area or be willing to drive a few hours or even fly for treatment with the right clinic. Get your Life back and remove yourself from the toxic environment to detoxify if remediation is not worth it and its really bad. Your health must be addressed it will carry on wherever you move or go. All the best
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Mold is caused by moisture. We seem to have more mold today but we have always had moisture and water. Houses have always been built in the rain around Vancouver. Mold Removal Vancouver After all it is raining most of the time in the Lower Mainland.