Home » Foods to Avoid When You Have Mold or Yeast in Your Body

Foods to Avoid When You Have Mold or Yeast in Your Body

by BrianReeves
foods to avoid mold diet

Molds and yeasts are fungal microorganisms that can not only grow in your home, they can also live in your body.  Most victims of internal mold are already suffering from diseases such as diabetes or immune system weaknesses or deficiencies that allow the fungus a welcoming habitat in which to thrive.  If you have a fungal infection of any kind, it is important that in addition to seeking professional medical help, you also begin battling the fungus by avoiding certain foods and drinks.  If mold or yeast within the body is not fed what it needs to survive, it will stop growing and eventually starve to death  (well, hey, that’s the theory, at least!).

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Experts highly suggest that victims avoid the following at all costs:

Foods to Avoid When You Have Mold or Yeast


Whether it’s white, brown, or a healthier choice, such as coconut sugar, when it comes to mold and yeast, if it’s sweet-tasting at all, it’s sugar and sugar is a fungus’ best friend.  It’s going to be difficult – it may even feel downright impossible – but until the fungus has fungused its last, you need to say goodbye to sugar in all its forms (or strictly monitor your intake of the healthier options):  white sugar, brown sugar, healthy sugar alternatives (coconut flakes, fruit-derived sugars), aspartame and splenda (diet sodas & “sugar-free” foods), maple syrup, molasses, and even honey.  Basically, stay away from fructose, lactose, maltose, glucose, mannitol, and sortbitol.

Processed Foods:

Anything in a can, box, or bottle has been processed and is not considered a “whole food.”  Whole foods are either not processed (changed, altered, added to, or manipulated) or they have only 1 to 2 alterations before reaching the grocery store (such as nuts being shelled, for instance).  Most everything that is pre-packaged will contain sugar or some additive for “freshness” that acts as a sugar in the body and will feed the fungus.

You need to kill the mold before it kills you.  The bad news is that you not only have to give up sugar, you also have to give up those quick-and-easy meals and snacks, as well. The good news?  Well, aside from regaining your health and ridding yourself of merciless, opportunistic fungi, you may even shed a few unwanted pounds and have a reason to go shopping!  Before you get excited, let’s take a look at just some of the processed foods you now need to be avoiding:

Canned foods – Most sauces, baked beans (because of the sugar added during cooking), nearly all soups.

Bottled foods – All soft drinks (even diet), all fruit juices (even homemade), most condiments.

Boxed or Packaged foods – microwaveable or oven-ready meals, nearly all breakfast cereals, all chocolate, all candy, all ice cream, and most frozen foods.

Foods Already Containing Yeast or Mold:

Um.  Fungus gets lonely.  It’s in the mood for like-minded neighbors.  Don’t give it a friend.  Stay away from dairy!  No milk, no sour cream, no buttermilk, no butter, and worst of all?  Cheese.  Don’t eat cheese, but if you must, don’t even think about touching stilton cheese.

Alcoholic Drinks:

Not only is alcohol a literal poison, it’s also one of fungus’ most beloved pals.  No wine, no beer, no cider, no brandy, no whiskey, no gin, no rum.  “But why is all the rum gone?!” you may ask.  The answer is simple: You’re not a pirate, you’re a loved one infected with fungus and someone, somewhere needs you alive and well and waiting at the hospital only to greet newborn grandchildren, not awaiting a death sentence.

Processed and Smoked Meats:

Hot dogs, smoked fish, ham, bacon, sausages, corned beef, pastrami…  Basically, if it doesn’t resemble the original animal, don’t eat it.  Have you tried veganism?  No, that salad suffocated by chicken strips doesn’t count.  Look, nobody’s judging you here, maybe you can’t be a vegan for the love of animals, but you most-certainly could be a vegan because you hate plants!  Give it a try or do a little research on where your meat comes from and how it’s made, for your own sake.

Edible Fungi:

Seriously?  Mold is destroying your body and you want to eat its cousin?!  I already told you – no fungus friends!  No mushrooms, no truffles – don’t even think about it.


Put down the ketchup…  and the mustard, too.  No condiments (or pickled foods) containing sugar or vinegar.  That’s right, get in the habit of saying, “Hold the mayo.”

Malt Products:

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Say goodbye to breakfast cereals, Malt-O-Meal, candies, and that naughty chocolate malt shake you’ve been sneaking on Fridays after work.

Fruit Juices:

It’s no longer a trending rumour on social media sites, every single packaged fruit juice is a potential mold smuggler.  All packaged fruit juices may potentially contain molds. (Fresh fruit juices made in your home are the only ones you’re allowed to sneak, but do so in moderation because of the high sugar content.)

Dried Fruits:

Personally, I’m not at all disappointed by this one, are you?  No more dried raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, dates, etc.  Why?  Sugar, sugar, sugar.

So, you might be looking at this list and wondering just what you can eat.  Unfortunately, I’d have to change the title of this article in order to answer that question so why don’t you go check out Foods To Eat When You Have Mold or Yeast in Your Body.

Further Recommended Reading:


TheWife is the mother and personal chef of two boys, the domestic technician of a three-bedroom desert home, and occasionally, a freelance writer and editor.

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Annie July 15, 2014 - 11:24 am

You forgot gluten, especially bread. And nuts. I get “exposure symptoms” when I eat some bread (or even smell from the bag), few or no symptoms if it’s pretty fresh. Gluten tends to be inflamatory, but most people don’t notice it, so gluten should be avoided for this reason alone. Nuts are hit/miss for me, some are contaminated and I can tell right away, but I stay away from peanuts (aflatoxins). Some say rinsing nuts helps. Cooking doesn’t kill mycotoxins, but temps of 165*F will kill spores (but leaves the toxins if present). Corn tends to harbor mycotoxins, especially if stored badly after harvest. I’ve noticed no symptoms yet with yogurt, kefir, most cheese (haven’t found a bad one yet, but I stay away from the “moldy” kind, like Blue). Root veg (like potatoes & carrots) are supposed to be avoided, but I’ve had no symptoms from them. Potatoes should be avoided because of the sugar surge anyway (they are a simple carb).

Angie July 16, 2014 - 9:57 am

What about canning your own food and meals? I like to can salsa, chicken stock(using organic chicken), meats, beans, fruits and veggies, condiments (I’ve made my own ketchup, bbq sauce, mayo, etc), and dry cans of ready to make meals (which I am switching the pasta noodles to gluten free alternatives).

Annie July 17, 2014 - 9:40 am

I’d like to mention that anything you can do to improve your immune system is beneficial when trying to battle internal yeast or fungus. Obviously antibiotics should not be taken if it’s yeast or fungus, and will only make it worse. Steroids are also very bad. Probiotics will help. The “spit test” you can do at home is a good indicator of candida, and will help you estimate whether or not your regime is helping or hurting. Additionally, an elimination diet to start will help you gauge whether some foods help or hurt.

Annie July 17, 2014 - 10:00 am

Angie: IMO, preparing all food from scratch is ideal, so canning is great! Way to go! I don’t have the energy for that, but I make casseroles to freeze in glass microwavable containers for quick meals when I’m too ill to cook. I also use frozen fruit and veg if I can’t cook/get fresh. My doc told me not to even eat gluten-free flour products (Wah!) because it’s still a simple carb (highly processed).
I’m ill due to exposure to mold for 3.5 years. At first, I thought it was candida, but eventually I was tested for biotoxin illness, and then they found mold growing in the walls and carpets of the water-damaged building I was working in. It overwhelmed my immune system (and poisoned me with mycotoxins!), so while I did have candida, I also had EBV and other problems that were due to my impaired immune system — moreso than anything else I was doing. The candida and elimination diet helped a little, but not enough, so I continued to search for a doctor that could test and diagnose the CAUSE of why I was so ill. Because of the mold, I probably also have a persistent sinus infection, even though it doesn’t seem like I do. I was using sinus sprays every day due to stuffy/runny nose, but a change in diet greatly helped with that. (no milk or gluten especially)

Annie Jannsen January 12, 2015 - 4:36 am

HI. I´m from Denmark and have a lot og difficulties to find material about mold and treatment.I have been on diet for the last week and feel the symtoms even more now. Have any of you observed at the start of your diet, that your symtoms is getting worse
Annie Jannsen

Marilyn Sponheimer October 3, 2015 - 12:22 pm

Dear Everyone,,

Is there anything I can use instead of regular pasta? I have used all kinds as my husband was dxed at borderline diabetic. I have used the kind made of veggie flour I think, Now I have been dxed as having systemic mold or fungus by my naturopathic doc. BTW, I just LOVE Italian for and any kind of pasta – BOO HOO and cheese ):!!

If I cannot use the veggie pasta am I forced to use the zucchini and get that thing that makes the zucchini like spaghetti. I would think it would be OK but far from the same. By the way, if you do the zucchini noodles do you cook them or eat them raw.??

I have so many questions but this is a start I guess. Have to go out to eat tonight and have to eat Mexican so just blow that off as a total cheat. All I can do with that is forgo cheese for sure and try not to eat to many chips.

Would also love any short cuts. I am almost 75 and have also had FM, and little NRG and lots of pain for years. The thought of cooking everything from scratch is not good. Unfortunately I have to cook for my DH. I can do without a lot of stuff, if I have to for the most part. I will also miss my daily wine but have to cheat once in a while.

krystle October 8, 2015 - 4:01 pm

Zucchini noodles are really tasty! I was surprised! I eat them raw. As far as how much to change…I’d start where you can and keep looking for more information and ways to eat healthfully, especially when you are dealing with mold symptoms. Check out the candida diet.

Marilyn Sponheimer October 3, 2015 - 12:34 pm


Also, what do any of you know about sour dough bread?? My naturopathic doc said it was OK to eat some or a little bit of it but not a whole lot..I think it is also OK for those with borderline diabetes like my DH or diabetes.

Thanks to everyone reading in advance !

God bless !

Tammy October 20, 2015 - 8:58 pm

Angie from Denmark, it is common to have a detox period, or healing crisis. The symptoms can elevate as the mold starves in a strong struggle to survive. This should elevate withing 1 to 3 weeks. And then grow exponentially better as time goes on.

Remember that carbohydrates break down into sugars and then, too, feed the fungi.
Keep carbohydrates minimal and complex, like sweet potatoes.

Neem and Vitamin C are great internally and externally.
Cedar Wood Oil is great on rashes, hives, athletes foot, ringworm, ceriosis, excema, etc…

James Flint December 16, 2015 - 9:09 pm

Fruit, veggies, grains, even salad contain sugar to a certain degree. Unless you’re living entirely off animal flesh there are likely to be sugar molecules entering your body.

James Flint December 16, 2015 - 9:14 pm

Broccoli contains 1.6g of simple sugars in 100g, so you must avoid it as it is feeding your candida!

James Flint December 16, 2015 - 9:19 pm

IMO, start by eliminating things that are actually made with molds — cheese, bread, etc — and work from there if you have a problem with this. But maintain a balanced diet that is SUSTAINABLE. Small changes over a long period.

Christer Aastrand February 17, 2016 - 1:07 am

Reading all the things you CAN’T eat makes me really wonder what I actually CAN eat? What do you typically eat for breakfast for instance?

krystle February 18, 2016 - 11:26 am

Hi! There is an article on the foods to eat when you have mold or yeast in your body here>> https://moldblogger.com/foods-to-eat-when-you-have-mold-or-yeast-in-your-body/

Jo-Anne February 19, 2016 - 4:29 am

Mmmm … though I’ve had cronic fatigue symptoms on and off for years… with severe reactions to anti-biotics…overwhelming sense of fungal growth (feeling unsafe and stressed in damp environments- tingly, creeping of fungal growth in ears, foggy confusion, constant chest weekness with in a few minutes of damp /cold air – it seems v stupid on my part that I am only now taking the anti- candida diet seriously …though not finding it straight forward…Mainly because of unexpected thrusts of sugary/fungal temptations constantly offered to me daily in community living. A friend unexpectedly baked me cake today…as a gift…At community lunch all meals had mushrooms and sweet dressing on the salad…To-day out driving – I stopped at a small food mart & bought and ate 1/2 a bag of frozen peas as the best anti candida option I could find for quelling hunger – (great on a hot day) ..now I learn from what i’ve read here – frozen foods aren’t OK…I am getting better at going without … but so far I bust on something most days suddenly out of the blue…like suddenly having a bite out of a peach I am offering family…The yeasty bugs are still screaming “Gimmee that sugar NOW”
Mouthfuls of Tahini paste have been a helpful snack!
I am going to need to extend this 3 week diet to 6 weeks prob..if not forever…(still tired and foggy and sore…though facial blisters are fading and so is tubbyness- legs are slimmer…Hooray – a healthy life change

Jo-Anne February 20, 2016 - 3:35 am

James – if broccoli s simple sugars are food for yeast then are peas and carrots too… they seem sweeter! I’ve been eating more of them lately…(oops)
I thought tomatoes were a no no also …
and onions are very sweet .. they almost fry up into toffee!…
mmm what will i snack on now?… a mouth ful of shredded coconut! And a hot cup of crystal juice (water)…jo – Australia

krystle December 27, 2016 - 3:16 pm

Yum, coconut is so good! I also love walnuts! I would think most veggies would be okay, except perhaps potatoes. Grapefruit and granny smith apples are usually the fruits considered okay on this protocol, but avoidance of many of the other fruits, at least for awhile.

Elizabeth Liesch February 21, 2016 - 3:52 am

I had to live in a home for 3 years that had severe mold and I have gotten very sick. Is there an all-natural way I can get this mold out of my system? I am desperate!

Charleah February 22, 2016 - 11:05 am

i have CIRS what are the best methods of removing mold from your body

Alice February 25, 2016 - 11:31 pm

I have a mold allergies& problems with yeast infection. I need help with theses in understanding right foods to eat.

krystle December 27, 2016 - 3:10 pm Reply
Alice Blaser February 28, 2016 - 8:22 pm

I have mold allergy and I know what foods I can or can’t eat.

Alice Blaser February 28, 2016 - 8:23 pm

I also have yeast infections

krystle December 27, 2016 - 3:11 pm


Have you looked up the anti-candida diet before? It is pretty similar to what this article discusses.

Betty Malcom March 16, 2016 - 2:42 am

What about eggs? I have a bad case of black mold and i feel like its taking the best of me.

krystle December 27, 2016 - 3:13 pm

I think eggs are considered okay. Though, I’d try to get really good quality eggs. Pasture-raised, organic eggs are what I try to find. Home-raised are often the best.

Courtney Stilley March 21, 2016 - 7:32 am

Intramax is a great way to help remove mold from your body.

Caitlin July 7, 2016 - 2:45 pm

I’ve heard its bad to take antibiotics while healing from mold poisoning, but I’m currently on Cipro for the next few months because right before I found out about my mold exposure I was also diagnosed with Lyme Disease and another tick-borne illness. Any suggestions? Should I be taking lots of probiotics or no?

Jacqueline July 18, 2016 - 4:13 pm

Read Dr. Ritchie C; Shoemaker’s books on mold in your body and the diet that works .

Sabrina September 15, 2016 - 5:01 am

That’s a good article. Now I know what foods to avoid. It would be nice to know what actually I can eat to stay healthy and alive.

krystle December 27, 2016 - 3:10 pm Reply
Bertina Harrison September 15, 2016 - 3:13 pm

How do i know if or when i’ve starved the mold out of my body? Will i ever be able to eat Sugar and Wheat again?

Jenny From The Block September 18, 2016 - 10:12 pm

I just got a friggin yeast infection (the lady kind) and was looking to see if I could eat coconut/palm sugar at all (honey made it come back after it was almost gone), and I found your article. A big thank you for posting this :) Will stay away.

Johanna de Jong November 16, 2016 - 5:15 pm

Hi my name is Johanna I have Aspergilloses, not serious at this stage, I am trying the mold free diet but would like to if I can still drink Kefir, thank you Johanna.

krystle November 17, 2016 - 10:10 am

Hi Johanna, it looks like Kefir is allowed on the candida diet. I’m not sure how it applies directly to your case with Aspergillosis. Are you mainly drinking it to balance the gut flora? If you are unsure, I’d look into effective probiotics instead of the Kefir.

Marissa November 29, 2016 - 6:08 pm

Hi Krystle and Brian. Thank you for the information! Very helpful.

I noticed you do not include any information for how long you must follow this diet– or how you might know when you have rid the mold from your body. Can you speak to this?

Thank you!

Dan December 4, 2016 - 6:32 pm

Honestly you should include what one CAN eat because for the exception of vegetables, every other food is listed.

krystle December 5, 2016 - 1:24 pm Reply
Tom December 13, 2016 - 3:10 pm

As far as what to eat and what not to eat, check out the Cable/Satellite TV program called “KNOW THE CAUSE”, with Doug Kaufman. He maintains a website called: knowthecause.com

He’s written quite a few books that are available from Amazon and other online suppliers.

After nearly being killed by too many, Doctor prescribed anti-biotics (Z-pak, leviquin, Cipro, Augmenting, etc.), Doug’s information has been a life saver.

OogaBooga December 23, 2016 - 5:34 pm

Your reasoning here is incredibly stupid, similar to that of a child. You do not use any critical analysis at all. Most of your recommendations do not apply.

Eating healthy fungus will not cause bad fungus to grow. The absurdity of that notion is laughable. You are literally making stuff up that sounds good and people who are emotion-driven eat it up with a spoon.

Hence the reasoning of women is limited to her emotions and similar to that of a child.

Andre February 9, 2017 - 3:47 pm

A lot of the time the food you eat has preservatives in it.. Whats the big deal here you say? well nothing except preservatives tend to kill off your natural flora making space for more candida.
There is always some candida but tipping the balance is easy. The worst preservative is 220 sulphur (dried fruit plus you get the sugars).
my 2 cents provided free!

thewife February 13, 2017 - 1:31 pm

Andre, your comment on preservatives is an excellent addition to this list. Thank you for pointing that out.

Carol March 4, 2017 - 7:50 pm

Hi to all those having to deal with mold, like me. I’ve been lightheaded sometimes more dizzy with sinus, sneezing a billions times, achy muscles, slight breaking out, even shaky and have seen many doctors plus had lots of blood work and an MRI…and, I’m thankfully ALWAYS told I’m ok. Christmas day the lady upstairs came and told me she was upset with the management in our apt complex because her clothes were all moldy and they wouldn’t pay for the cleaning. At that point, even though I suspected MOLD, I got several Mold Armor test kits, and after 4 days sent them in to be tested…and yes, they came back positive for lots of different molds. This past Sunday, I had everything I own put into storage. Monday my over 13 year old carpet was removed and the concrete was treated with KILZ Paint. Tuesday I got new carpet and a gorgeous new floor in my bathroom and kitchen. I stayed in a hotel a few days too…that was a nice extra treat except my little dog wasn’t used to jumping on a bed from a vinyl floor but we managed. Yesterday, I set off 2 MOLD BOMBs from Biocide Labs plus prior to that, I sprayed their Biocide 100 on the walls in my bedroom closet which DID have old all over several areas…I also last week, before all this happened, sprayed Mold Armor’s cleaner and blocker under the sink AT WORK, as I am a floral designer and under the sink was BLACK…it’s not anymore though! I’m off Tuesday and Wednesday, and will be spraying the Biocide 100 into the vents plus, they told me to spray it into the air conditioning unit. I am 75 and have thankfully NEVER been ill before so this had me thinking it was OVER for me…except it isn’t. I’m 5 months from finishing class as a Certified Interior Redesigner and I am determined to eat veggies and garlic and do whatever I have to in order to get this “stuff” out of my body and return to good health…for those curious about the Mold Bomb, go to http://www.biocide.com and then call them and despite it’s expensive, whatever it takes to get better is what we need to do. Some people say you have to throw everything you own away but the Mold Bomb actually kills the mold spores…it does NOT do anything to any fabrics on your furniture…and next week, I’ll begin washing the clothing I have in the storage unit using 2 capsfull of the Biocide 100 liquid which WILL kill whatever mold spores in those items. Hope you all read this and stand strong…maybe we were chosen to have this problem so we could find the answer and help others get well too…sadly, the doctors have NO CLUE although I think when I go to see my doctor when I’m 100% better, she will not be diagnosing sinus until she finds out if that patient has mold in their home!

Dennis Begley March 15, 2017 - 8:15 am

Wow, and I thought I had issues with Mold. Here are my two cents from dealing with this for years. Much of this comes from my MD, Dr. Bernarda Zinker in Burnsville MN.
1) Everyone probably has fungus in their bodies. Your immune system keeps it in check.
2) It is the toxins that mold gives off that affect our body systems. Dr Shoemaker, who has the issue himself, explains that these toxins can have wide ranging impact on your body’s functions. Pretty scary stuff.
3) Some people are more sensitive than others to Mold Toxins. Sensitivity can come from an abundance of mold toxins in your body, genetic predisposition (Celiac Sprue people tend to be more sensitive), poor immune system allowing the mold to prosper, bad diet
4) You have to remove the toxins by detoxing. Zinker told me I would have to do that the rest of my life. Your liver will recycle the toxins every time you eat. She told me to take Chlorella 30 minutes before I eat to adsorb and remove the toxins from my digestive system with the bile that my liver issues to digest food. I also take other products a couple times a day such as Citrus Pectin. Detox your blood and your digestive system.
5) Your immune system is the front line soldier to combatting mold. There are no drugs to kill mold and even if there were they would probably kill you. Studies suggest that many things impact your immunes system. One scary thing I read now is Roundup/Glyphosate was patented as an antibacterial. Despite Monsanto’s claims Glyphosate does NOT breakdown in the environment. You eat foods sprayed with Glyphosate you are killing the bacteria in your digestive system. You have a couple of pounds of bacteria in there. It is necessary for you to digest your food and get nutrition. There is reason to believe that many of the wide spread health problems we are seeing are from weakened immune systems. Thus be aware of how to maintain your immune system and rebuild it. If your immune system is weak mold will prosper in your body, so will cancer and other bad things.
I also take potent multi-vitamins daily to feed my body what is missing from my diet.
Stop eating bad things. Despite my wife saying you should eat what you enjoy I think even a little bit of poison is a bad idea.
6) Zinker told me to do frequent sinus flushes. If you have mold growing in your body, you have it in your sinuses. That is where I had the most serious symptoms. For years I dealt with congestion on the left side. Side effect of all this is I rarely get a cold or flu. You can count on less than one hand the colds I have had the last ten years.
7) Avoid suspected or known areas to have black mold growing. If I get exposed again I basically start over with my detox regime, back to zero. If your home or work place is contaminated, leave. I am so sensitive that I can walk into a place and tell you immediately. My old office was contaminated from water leaks. The owner did not handle it properly and re-exposed me some years ago. If you are going to hire help make sure the help has a clue how to deal with mold. Most vendors don’t. Bleach does not kill mold. Putting fans on the wet, black walls is not a solution either. I quit the job and left. I had to. He even had my office tested and showed me the test results. I could not be in that room. Just walking into my office set off a reaction in me.
8) Work to be healthy. If your body is healthy, the mold will not prosper inside. Avoid bad foods. You have one body and it has to last you a lifetime. What if when you turned 16 your Dad come to you and handed you the keys to a car. And he said it’s all yours but it has to last you the rest of your life. How well would you take care of that car? Would you use the best oil?

Got to go. The best to all of you. Don’t give up. Choose your information wisely.

annie burnside August 14, 2017 - 2:14 pm

Hello my name is Annie, and I have the exact same thing you have. I was wondering in boiled peanut safe to eat with this.

Hubert August 31, 2017 - 12:41 am

So coconut consumption is allowed ait!

Jon March 17, 2019 - 2:36 am

Foods that cause reaction :
Vinegar & citric acid.
Pistachios & cashews.
Any cheese.
In my experience cut these out completely.

You can’t avoid all sugar. If you can fast or exercise this will keep blood sugar lower & will help.
If you want dairy then proper butter, heavy cream & Skyr yoghurt will not cause a reaction. Good quality peanut butter & almond butter also no issue. More oil present in the tub the better.
Yeast free rye bread great to keep regular.
Vegetables, meat, eggs, fish & potatoes or rice should be basis of main meals. Also cook grains, cool & reheat will make resistant starch which fungus cannot feed off.
Remember onions, garlic, cinnamon, coconut oil, olive oil with everything for antifungal properties.
I cannot live without coffee in the morning, but no cheap or instant.


krystle March 25, 2019 - 5:26 pm

Thank you for the info. I have heard that coffee often contains mold. Have you heard about that? There are certain companies that advertise their coffee as mold free however. Something to check into if anyone has reactions to their coffee.

Jasper April 23, 2019 - 7:15 am

Very enlighten
Odd though advertising on this page to Buy Yeast? Must be dynamic.

I’m in a nasty depression today! And then looked at this. I’m beside myself.

MrPage1691 May 30, 2019 - 2:50 pm

Aspartame? Splenda?

I’d rather have athelete’s foot than friggin’ brain cancer.


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