Home » Common Wood Mold Kills Multiple Myeloma (Bone Marrow Cancer)

Common Wood Mold Kills Multiple Myeloma (Bone Marrow Cancer)

by Joslyn

Sound too good to be true?


Well its not!  Mayo Clinic Cancer Center researchers have shown that chaetocin, a by product of common wood mold is carrying possible anti-myeloma agents!

“Dr. Bible’s team has shown for the first time that chaetocin has promising anti-myeloma activity. They found that chaetocin’s promise includes the ability to:

  • Kill myeloma cells harboring a diverse array of genetic abnormalities
  • Cause biological changes and induce oxidative stress in myeloma cells, leading to their death
  • Selectively kill myeloma cells with superior efficacy to commonly-used anti-myeloma drugs including dexamethasone and doxorubicin
  • Reduce myeloma growth in mice
  • Rapidly accumulate in cancer cells

To find out more on this awesome discovery see EurekAlert

– THe Moldblogger Team


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James A. Francis October 12, 2011 - 3:19 pm

This is further evidence to a theory I have that I will share with those interested. I do not have a science degree or background, but I have been studying and theorizing about the causes of the high rate of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, auto-immune ailments, etc, in industrial societies. Such diseases are rare among people who live in primitive conditions. I believe that a natural environment helps to inhibit diseases. Our Paleolithic ancestors evolved wearing skins for clothing, were almost always dirty, ate raw meat, and ate a considerable amount of food that was fermented and moldy. Today people are clean, wear clean clothing, eat mostly pasteurized food, and are in most ways isolated from the microbial world.

I believe that most modern diseases are caused by resident parasitic microbes that inhabit the human body. These microbes do damage in two primary ways, they produce biofilms (atherosclerosis, arthritis), and they cause genetic damage, (cancer, diabetes, autoimmune).These microbes are like weeds on a lawn. Various types of mold and bacteria in a natural environment produce toxins that help to keep the parasitic microbes at bay, much the way weed and feed keeps the weeds at bay on a lawn. Without exposure to natural toxins the microbes proliferate.

In a natural environment the human body absorbs some microbial toxins from the soil and dirty animal hides through the skin. Other microbial toxins are absorbed through ingestion. Of course these toxins are benign to humans, at least in the quantities absorbed or ingested.

The human body has actually evolved small microbial forests, the armpits. The armpits stay moist, sweat fats, and have long stringy hairs all to provide a perfect microbial home. Clearly this has some important purpose in humans. From a zoological standpoint it seems insane that modern humans poison this part of their body on a daily basis. My belief is that the microbes that live in the armpits produce toxins that help to keep the resident microbial parasites at bay.

Seawater teems with microbial life and viruses, yet it is well documented that it clears up infections, though salt added to water does not. Seawater is a forest of microbial life, but it is a hostile environment to infectious organisms. The toxins in sea water have no harmful effect on humans, but they are deadly to infectious organisms. It is well documented that the viruses in sea water kill infectious organisms as well (phage therapy).

There is a lot more to this than I could outline here. The primary reason for the high rate of cancer and other modern diseases in industrial societies is not man-made pollutants and such, it is because we have isolated ourselves from the naturally occurring microbial toxins that once held such diseases at bay.

Denise McDonald September 12, 2016 - 10:50 pm

Fighting multiple myeloma and autoimmune
Please help

Mary Yates September 23, 2018 - 2:37 pm

Where can i find the research on this in the mayo cancer clinic ?


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